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Everything posted by midasls
I think to be fair, all of us learner will somehow try what we learn at home or.......(i do not advise that) try on relatives or friends home. As in why theory is also important in FS or anything in life, cos first we must understand the logic behind what we study (先明道理),then try go for practical or rather experiment with ourselves first (后实践), if we do not understand the logic behind then we are actually blindly following (盲从). Then back to studies and back to practical again, until we get it right and sustain from there, thru out we filter and correct and practice. Its an ongoing cycle (周而复始),even we get it right, we still have to improvise, to keep what we learnt alive and kicking. Study must also read the right books, if we read all the wrong books, we will be screwed, but somehow in life we have a chance to read the right books, like 周易, or meet the right people, meeting the right people doesn't mean he or she will guide us thru out, the person merely just give us a right direction, the rest is up to us. I go thru 八宅明镜, I think most FS learner will come across that too. About choosing the right time, I think most of us learner know that picking the right dates for important stuff, like reno, moving in, putting bed, putting oven, sign contract, wedding, of cos we talk about big event that can affect our lives, only one thing in this world we do not need to pick dates, thats doing good deeds (行善). Changing for the better, how ? Ask ourselves whats left behind ? To fully change we cannot leave whats left behind, meaning letting it go, only letting go then we can gain, like what KC said, "cannot let go pride ?", he is infact right, that I have to agree. The more we can let it go the more we are changing the scenario until its fully complete ! 虚心, means pour out everything in the heart. Lets take a 10 years period for example, in this current 10 years whats new ? whats old from the previous 10 years ? Are we going to bring those left behind stuff from the previous decade to this current decade ? Everybody wants a new life, a new start , It can be as simple as changing a lighting fixture .
Hey Hapigal, I also thinking where to store my luggage, 1 big 1 small. I thought of storing it in a wardrobe since I'm planning to installed new wardrobe. There are some good idea in youtube.
Stop and go (行与止) Stop and go is a very important knowledge in FS, basically I personally think that its pretty much about FS already,other then form school (形学)in landscape study (地理篇). Stop is yin , Go is yang, From point to point we stop and we go, when we stop we gather, when we go we disperse, 聚与散. Between these point to point concept there lies a complimentary relationship, 生生关系,in FS we try to achieve such relationship. We gather and disperse, we disperse and gather again, like breathing. Sometimes go doesn't mean just movement only, when a car go into a turn, it will slow down also, so even walk path there is stop and go relationship, or rather fast and slow, its not just subjected to Sofa, Bed or Oven. When we go to bed we stop at bed, when we get out of bed we go out from bed, so a bed is Yin got Yang, Yang got Yin relationship,阴中有阳,阳中有阴, simple concept but easy to forget, but very important in FS.
先天为体 看风水当然少不了宅形,毕竟这就是先天,先天有些缺陷可以补救,有些缺陷没得补救,一般宅形以方为上,长方为次,忌不规则形,例如钻石形,这不规则形属于兑卦象,在八运已经是退气,兑卦象不利于小孩读书,人性格任性,容易犯口舌。宅形影响聚气,一般来说聚气方在宅后方为善美,前方为客厅为动,后方为睡房为静,要明白一宅有左右方,有些宅形聚气偏左偏右。客厅为公,睡房为私。漏胎会影响宅的聚气方,成为“无气到”或“气薄”之局面。气散变成灾!动静之用,也要观察理气,例如大局,有旺水星挨到,可以用“动”,反之有旺山星挨到,用来做睡房为佳。 浅见。
怨侣山 是一种不利姻缘之宅形,由于大厅把睡房两旁分割,有分割两地之意,难催桃花。如果单身人事居住,难维持好姻缘。如果宅形犯破边,为漏胎之宅形,就是大门直对落地玻璃窗为漏胎,简单来说为气散,因卦象风势强,在八运来说这种宅形不适宜用。怨侣山宅形比较适合短期居留人士,移民人士等等。 漏胎可以用间隔来化解,怨侣山没法化解。
I think.........its 怨侣山.
Yes i only know until his era......its sad but is true.
Example if your neighbour all use dark colour door you used bright colour one. Observe the environment first, but beware being outstanding also meaning all sorts of nonsense can come to you, do good, good come to you, do bad, bad come to you. The whole idea is to attract attention. BEWARE ! Make sure interior all settle, then attract attention. Example, I write here will attract certain people......so observe what i writing, and think why people make certain comment. Ultimately you will get the answer. Like when I say Bazi got nothing to do with FS, immediately you will see reaction, cos it attracted attention, meaning what I say might be affecting some people. If the person keep quiet meaning he or she uses HIDE 隐蔽, if he or she starts to react meaning the other party uses Open 开阳。Knowing when to use HIDE and when to use OPEN is a good skill, it all goes back to 鬼谷子。 Cheers !
Hey Kali ! Hows everything going ! We can trace the date thou, although in practice, the date can cause certain issues. Thats also part of the reason why same flats maybe we have same direction but outcome so different. Cheers !
I think first we must tell ourselves why we have a need to see FS. 1) Any of our family member fall sick suddenly ? Not due to bad living habit ? 2) Same issues occur in the house for more then 3 times ? Like same nature of law suite ? 3) Family member too busy at work or not sociable therefore its hard to get lifetime partner ? Sometimes for nothing we don't really need to see FS, or else we might end up with “自己拿来衰" situation. All i can say is, when a person luck is down, automatically you can see his or her environment will follow too, things will appear untidy, useless stuff anyhow stack, house like junkyard. I call it ”乱象" , sometimes we pull ourselves together and pack the house all will be fine again, 乱后重新整理之象, its just like getting a new hair cut. FS usage is not to let sudden occurrence or repeated occurrence happening offset our usual life path. So we must be strict to prevent it, prevention is better then cure, 防患于未然. Alot of happening is due to on land there are signs, just waiting for time to trigger it to happen only. 天能生,地形待候. Cheers !
Five Element 五行 Five element alot of people think that is five separate item, infact its one element changes into different element, thats why its call 五行, 行 is the meaning of movement. There are of cos more complex element like 2 element happens to appear in an item, then we must see if both element compliment or against each other (五行生克关系 ). Five element not only have different appearance but it also have different taste and even sounding, 五色,五味,五音,五脏......all these are different representation of five element, 金,水,木,火,土. Thats why five element is not a dead object, it changes thru times, from smell to taste, to fading colours, etc.
坤卦is the answer to all your question.
which luck you want me to state ? 二黑大运?
阴阳概念重点在创造。。。。农业未成时,打猎后果就是一切动物会被人类需要被毁灭。除了能自生才能不息,为生生不息。取用容易,创造难。周易,是一本周天(360度为一周)一循环转变的经文,问题就是因为社会面貌不同,呈现不同,但是万事不离其宗。明白了阴阳的功能,后有子孙八卦,当观察八卦,除了八卦代表什么之外,当然重点在卦爻,阴卦阳爻多,阳卦阴爻多,物以稀为贵,事为难能可贵。但是行事一定从容易学起,这是不变的定律,先学后术。 周易可以用来报告天气,中医,术数。。。。。但是先要明白周易。先要明白一切事物有生死,何为生死,生死有形体可见,气色可查,例如亮丽为生,暗淡为死,这不是发生在二物,生死发生在一物,为物物一太极,一个人有生死,一物由新变旧,这也是不变的定律。所以阴变阳,阳变阴,例如一个柜,旧了颜色退了,可是我们可以为它粉刷,那个柜又活了,这就是简单的换象例子。坏了修理好了又从死变活了。这一切都在人类手里,是人类创造的。生死也是阴阳代名词而已。 当我们明白怎么辨别阴阳,下一步就是用了,用阴用阳,先观察本身处在何处,什么情况,所以观察为先,后用形态施展阴或阳,开或合。用阳有阴育,用阴有阳生,用错则成生出育出为退败,或成孤阴独阳之象。阳一定有阴跟随,阴一定有阳会合,这是描述物与物的关系,就是如果用阳而当令,就会一定有一大堆阴来跟随,育当令之阳爻,反之,如果阴爻当令,就会有一大堆阳爻来生。这些就是调和作用了。 一切事物有变数,在于自己手中。
If you think i dunno i ma dunno, since 5cs ask u explain u can carry on from there, but pls do not make it more complicated by expanding to 虚实, 动静, using all the other names of yin yang to hide yin yang itself. Thats the problem with 玄机赋 but then writer also want ppl go explore it themselves and not get spoon feed. 智慧是要经过一番努力和实践的经验累积而得,这就是坤坎两卦的关系,劳和积,先后天合一之象。人要发挥此精神才能得到先后天之智慧,才是真智慧。
不要看人底,落在众高,底为贵。。。。 Do not make things so complicated until ppl are so scare of FS, it will only make ppl get con easily. You already know here got many newbie, or looking for freebie. As I say I state what i think, if ppl think keeping doorway clutter or untidy pls go ahead, I will keep my doorway unclutter and tidy. I will not enforce FS on other ppl. Answer my 酸梅汤 pls. Unless you want me to post 五行归类标.