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Everything posted by rix

  1. Rewiring definitely can be done.. my contractor did it with no prob.. if you ask me, Mint, your electrician trying to bluff his way thru...
  2. Haha.. my contractor also suggest a booster pump but did tell me it's not legal and that it might cause my neighbour to have problems.. !!
  3. My contractor changed the piping also.. i still believe it's HDB and town council's job.. cos even my taps.. the pressure is like weak..
  4. Honestly.. town council ain't doing much.. i ask them this question; "does that means that i am paying the same conservatory charges and water bill as everyone else but i am getting short changed with regards to my water pressure?" they just give me some stupid replies. Drizzle shower i think waste alot of water..
  5. Wifey called the shop that sells the shower head.. they say they'll come and change a smaller one.. hopefully can solve prob..
  6. Problem is i already installed the rain shower.. is the shower head interchangeable?
  7. Thanks alot MaCe! Will check on that.. i think mine should be the thick shower head.. If change shower head can solve prob.. i don't mind. I've turn the tap meter to full already.. Hmm.. i did not use instant heater. I got those tank kinda thing..
  8. Super sad, just got my newly renovated house.. and found out that both the rain showers that my wife and myself chose is wasted. It's not the rain shower that is faulty.. but rather the water pressure. The water pressure is really low to the extent that it become a drizzle shower. One word "PATHETIC" and after wifey called the Town Council.. they give her some **** excuse that the higher storey we are, the water pressure will be lower, if we are on the lower floors, water pressure will be higher... i live on the 10th floor, in Yishun. That like telling me that i am paying conservatory charges and water bills every month only to get short cutted on my water pressure. Anyone got the same problem as i am?