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About AlezDrake75

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    Bronze Member

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  • Renovator Engaged
    KIAN HOE SENG Renovation Construction
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  1. Hi Guys, got my dream home (a Maisonette in the West) in July 2013 & engaged Desmond Tay from MDS (A.K.A. KHS). The quotation given was reasonably acceptable given the materials chosen & intensive works to be done. Gave him a rough idea of what i wanna achieve in rebuilding the house & immediately he came up with several options of designs that left me in awe. After finalising the blue-print, demolition works were conducted the very next day & materials were brought in thereafter. Met up with Desmond on a regular basis for discussions, new ideas & modifications throughout the entire process of reno. The array of reno was frequently updated by Desmond as well, which is (IMO) an assurance that this guy is fully committed in his business. Fully satisfied with the work done so far & looking forward to shifting in next week. Thank you Desmond & all the guys who have given their time & expertise in creating an exquisite palace from a ramshackled shanty! I would rate them as 5 thumbs up for the great workmanship & positive attitude in delivering my dreams... I have uploaded the entire evolutionary journey from dilapidated ruins to an embellished residence in my link below. Feel free to have a look & stay tuned for more updates! Cheers
  2. Hi MHB, Glad to know i'm not the only guy here... LOL And hey, congrats on your reno completion. I reckon you must be eager to shift in right after the Chinese 7th month which ends 5th of September... I gotta wait for another 3 weeks plus for the house to be ready, then the delivery of furnitures , discuss & decide on the date for house warming, organising the party & last (but never the least ) CLEAN UP THE MESS Waiting anxiously for that day
  3. Hi Vanessa, Yes! I got my TV already. Was accompanying my cousin to shop for a TV console at IMM but we ended up in Best Denki instead where he showed me the Sony 4K TV which he just bought & coerced me into buying Sharp's 70" Quattron (wanted to get Samsung's 55" Series 8 LED TV). Bought Samsung's home theatre HT-F9750W together with the Sharp's TV & walk outta BD with an invoice of $5000+ ... Why did you ask?
  4. Finally all electrical appliances bought! — feeling accomplished
  5. Hi Danny! Nice to hear from you again ! Saw the pics of your house which was nicely done especially the wallpaper (on your chillout area?) ... I'm fine with the progress of my reno (so long as it's nice!) & the superb workmanship (& professionalism attitude) of the mosaic 头手! The floors on level 1 should complete either today or tomorrow as told & plastering on the wall behind my sofa (for wall print) will commence tomorrow. Everyday me & my contractor (bro-in-law) will meet up there to discuss the progress of the reno etc... So far so good, can't wait to see the finished project of my own designs... LOL
  6. Hi boonster! Thanks for the welcome... Feel free to have a look at the progress of my humble abode at the link below! Cheers
  7. I was lucky i bought it at a reasonable price, though the COV's $50k... The nearest EM near MRT (Jurong Area we've viewed) were asking for $70k-$120k The deal wasn't that smooth as initially they were asking for at least $70k & my first offer of $40k (which was rejected flatly) After months of fruitless searching & viewing, i was desperate (my previous house was sold & gotta move out by July) enough to offer them $45k but again i was rejected. After a week or so, i went back with my last offer of $50k & thank God! They finally agreed & i got a place to create my dream home! Friends were dissuading me (Xiao Ar! **** EX lor! COV $50k! House so jialat!) from it as you can see from the pics i've uploaded in Flickr (the house was in a dilapidated condition) but i'm glad that i'm blessed & steadfast with my decision to go ahead with the deal. Hopefully it'll manifest itself into a precious gem from a rock. Only time will tell... Count me in if you guys are setting up WMC ...
  8. Hi HappyAng, Thanks for welcoming me. Yes it's @JW9XX...How did you know? You saw my Flickr pics via my link or you actually know the place? One more month to go...
  9. Hi guys, Thinking of getting either a Hitachi or Samsung's fridge. Would you get Hitachi's R-S700P2MS or...Samsung's RSH5SUSL??? Any comments?
  10. Hey guys, Thanks for the advices ! That's what most (if not all) my relatives & friends are saying... Dun rush!! I was told that it's actually quite fast (considering the workload) as i had virtually tear down the whole house & re-built it according to my designs...(all but left with 3 BR doors which are Nyatoh and in good conditions) I had to defer the deliveries of my furnitures twice due to unforeseen circumstances... Thought we could celebrate my sis birthday early Sept but now gotta pray earnestly to host my house-warming party end of Sept or (the worst scenario)...a "Halloween theme" house-warming in October! Not so bad afterall... LOL One thing i totally agree with you guys when comes to tilings you have to take it :jawdrop:slow... My mosaic specialists are all perfectionist who would inspect every tile they've layered to ensure uniformity & a smooth surface I'm fully satisfied with the job done so far Do stay tuned for more updates... Cheers !
  11. Thanks Mark ! Always glad to know someone from the west. Actually have been staying in the west since 1980s, shifted a few times & now just a few blocks away (a carpark away lol ) from my old place... Just can't see myself leaving Westside with all those shopping malls sprouting up in Jurong... hahaha.... Stay tuned for more updates... Cheers buddy !
  12. Do renos for maisonettes need 2 months to complete ??? Sigh
  13. Hi Alpc, Dun quite understand what you meant but thanks anyway for your wishes!
  14. Thanks for the advice eddy My wife do clean the house every week but like i mention in my previous posts, i dun cook that often (& deep frying's prohibited in the house) so grease & grimes won't cause much problem. I dun remember having grease or grime in my old house w/o a hood but it's for the benefit of my god-ma who'll occasionally drop by to cook for us...(outside food are not good, blah blah blah... ). Not to forget they're 2 air-cons on the same level so having a hood's more of a preventive measure for us to keep out any odour (if any)... hehehe Ventilation should be good as there're no walls from front door to courtyard (2 entrance to courtyard). I dun have an ID, just a contractor to execute my ideas. Not too sure how it'll turn out but definitely a pleasant experiment worth trying!! Stay tuned for more updates