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Everything posted by alberttcs

  1. kayser, so far any feedback of your TO?
  2. I didn't call the TO but my ID wanted to, because he wanted to check something with them. Town council? You mean the Sembawang HDB office isit? It didn't close that, but they are renovating that place to accomdate a 2 level NTUC inside the office Our is a vacant unit for a few years, so for this exercise, HDB offered to rehack and relay all tiles for us, touch up the paint job, change the toilet bowls etc for us.
  3. have you guys tried calling up your technical officer before? To check on the status of your unit? These technical officers are those on the ground ones which handles those contractors and defects/etc. Those officer we had are purely from the HDB head office which have no ground ideas on how much rectification job have been done
  4. i think the notice only refers to the tiling work, because the hacking, etc will disturb the neighbours. But it doesn't cover the touch up work, such as painting, chemical washing, changing doors...etc Won't be going there today because my ID went down and look yesterday le, he told me they are painting the walls of my unit.
  5. but most of the time(if not all the time) i went there, my unit is always open Maybe because have started my rectification/touch up job thus they don't lock ba.. Candyprincess, have your unit started the rectification job yet?
  6. I last saw over the weekend, HDB contractor painting up the external fascade of Blk 357B. Hope they can expediate everything. The wait to collect keys is toturting...LOL
  7. thanks selenal!! oh by the way, i do have a JRT too, LOL
  8. hi mind pm me the address of the shop please. thanks!!
  9. hi sporty, how old is your prince? I've a baby son too, 10months plus old. !!
  10. Just check on the HDB website, my block's units all taken up. !! Anyone here booked Blk 357
  11. Angelwrath, you can refer here for to see the proposed sports complex site http://www.ura.gov.sg/ppd/mp2003/index.jsp...mp;region=north
  12. went down to my unit to take a look. Condition were just as what i've seen more than a week ago. Basically the rectification works have not progressed after my tiles were laid. Sigh. Wonder what's taking them so long....
  13. but i wonder isit going to be a purely stadium only? Or a stadium cum swimming pool? URA just denote it as a sports complex, but no description what does it consists of. Hopefully it's with swimming pool
  14. there's a coffeeshop near your place, i quite like the food there, wanton mee and chicken rice not bad. Coffee also nice. Would often bring my wife and son there for our weekend breakfast or lunch. LOL
  15. chanced upon this when i was reading the Draft Master Plan 2003 For North Region. It mentioned a Sport Complex to be completed in 2008 (which is 1yr away from now) . But wonder would it still be carrying out? Don't see any construction going on for it: New Sembawang Sports Complex This new sports complex will provide another recreational avenue for Sembawang residents when completed in 2008. http://www.ura.gov.sg/pr/text/pr03-12.html
  16. Welcome Welcome! Another sembawang homers
  17. hahaa! maybe maybe, we could try. Basically i like this block because of the somehow unblocked view. During my time, there was higher level to chose from but i hesistated, so in the end, only managed to get the 7th floor de.
  18. thanks for sharing!! Really helpful information So you're given a week to check for defects. am i right?
  19. your wall paper i went through your photobucket pictures too, saw your tv console with different lightings on, looks really nice! Always admire how Kelvin manage to play with different lightings to give different feels
  20. congratS!! mind sharing the details, what are those things need to paid etc..? LOL
  21. managed to take a photo of the view from my balcony
  22. ya, maybe mystique_j can update us on the insurance, hps etc too. hehe
  23. any one considering the VW Jetta 1.6? Looks quite good.
  24. true lo. LOL channel your energy to something which is within your control de. Wedding lots of prep, very very tiring. Hope everything going smooth for all the newly-weds to be.