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Everything posted by discman

  1. take a look at those wireless kits from x10.com
  2. if u using your pc on it.. then u may need a mouse pad cos the glass may have issues with optical and laser mice...
  3. Hi.. nice place u got there.. can check with u how must u got the coffee table at? TIA!
  4. another place to try is comfort furniture.. their pricing quite competitive..
  5. i got mine at XZQT at Kaki Bukit Showroom. Think the model is called Planet. cant locate the model on their website. if u wanna pic just drop me an email n i'll send it to u..
  6. yah.. tomolo morning going to meet him at my place.. feeling **** sian.. the designer is ok but the staff that is running the reno for him seems quite slipshot.. end up today i called my ID n told him off.. tomolo going to show him bit by bit see wat he say.. anyway.. my reno suppose to handover tomolo.. wondering if wanna ask him to compensate for the delay or not..
  7. Hi Jamez, for your new dark color cabinets n feature walls.. do u notice that get scratched easily? i notice my new one got some fine lines.. thinking of telling my ID to redo them when we meet up tomolo.. !!
  8. Got anyone try www.gawa.com b4? They say can even come n do the measurements prior to order..
  9. Yah.. that's the one.. but i should be going for the black color @4ft instead cos my dinning area too small for a 4.5ft. i spoke with the guy sales instead.. he only willing to give me at 2650 for a 4ft one with 4 chairs.. It's the price that turned me off. Otherwise would have paid the deposite on the spot liao. looks like yours is a better bargain than wat i have though it is not an apple to apple comparision. hmm.. maybe i try quoting your case n push them for a better discount.. Thanxs!
  10. Hi, think u went to the same shop in Furniture Mall as me... Was thinking of getting the round table just next to the rectangle one u buy but price wise a bit ex.. can share u got it at and how much discount he gave to u? TIA!