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About ganglong

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    Bronze Member

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  • Renovator Engaged
    Boon Huat Interior Design
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  1. Hi, sorry to hear that. yes the cement screed need a thin layer of epoxy over it to prevent from cracking and smooth finishing. But my advise is not to do it over the floor. it is for wall.
  2. Hi sillbeers, of course you will need an architect & PE first before the ID can come in and do the interior works.
  3. You will need to paint the surface with a layer of oil or water base sealer (prefer Nippon) come in white colour.
  4. L stand for live wire. which is either brown or white colour. N stand for neutral. which is either in black or blue. earth is in green mix with yellow colour. None of them should connect together. You better get a licen electrician to do it. by law
  5. Hi selcaQ, you may want to purchase your flat floor plan from the HDB internet at $5.00 coz all begin from there. you just need 3 reno. company to compare not more that as it will confuse yourself. A professional interior design consultation process. 1) understanding of your requirement, life style, budget. 2) Discussion on space and layout planning, design concept, provisional quotation. 3) presentation of 3D drawing, materials selection, colours selection, lighting placement, contract agreement. 4)project schedule, confirmation of details. My 2 house renovation was done up in this process with no worry no hassle peace of mind.....
  6. Hi Berrycherry, sorry to hear that. sorry to tell you, you need to replace all the cabinet doors. est. $120-$150 per pcs Best rdgs
  7. Hi, you may want to try Boon Huat interior Design. Fast, realiable & good price.
  8. you may want to try in lightcraft at M.sultan
  9. not only pop up, the noise while walking. that is why the cost. try using vinly tiles. best rdgs
  10. Hi Jackky, their water proofing did in the kitchen or toilet might be leaking. or the main sewage elbow piping are leaking. you may want to check from your kitchen access false ceiling panel.
  11. Hi cjack, you may need to go down to any ID/contractor show room, they have alot from difference company supplier to show you like Edi, formica, lam chun, TDk or white horse. Another type of materials you can use is arylic, popular in white finish. but price will be slightly higher. Best rdgs ganglong
  12. Hi Aash, what type of property...?
  13. Hi BB, if your craftstone feature wall come with light or water fixture it will look even better. You may contact: Mr Soh @96739051