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About Cnocturnum

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  1. Hi, spencer281, Can pm me your electrician's contact? The rates are pretty good! Thanks.
  2. Hi, Talon. Your rates are pretty good. Can pm me your electrician's contact? Thanks.
  3. Do bear in mind though that you will certainly get oil onto those cabinet door surfaces and no amount of wiping will clear away those swirly traces of all your wiping and wiping!
  4. It is not about comparing pte condo living against HDB living. It is about finding a fair way to deal with a problem that deserves airing in the local newspapers. Just living in a pte condo does not mean one is so rich that one has to give in to unreasonable conditions that are unfair. To go along with such unfair means for such a reason is unbelievable! Of course, every pte condo unit owner must pay for ALL the communal facilities. He is well aware and doubly informed that he is required to pay his share, whatever his situation. He knows full well he has to pay his fair share so as to maintain the premises and facilities in order to maintain the value of the condo. So of course he pays for kids' playground even if he is a bachelor; for swimming pool even if he is handicapped and unable to swim; for gym even if he ... you get the idea. There should be fairness in the "more than usual" use of the communal facilities. Which is what this thread is intended to encourage discussion. For example, residents (in pte condo) can use tennis court FOC during day times, but need to pay for night time use as it involves use of high cost lighting. If it is very crowded and popular, perhaps use of the tennis courts even during day time may need to be charge a minimal sum; or a limit set on users like once a week etc. The use of BBQ facilities always involves proper cleaning up which the resident always never able to do well enough, so it is only fair that a fee be imposed. So, certain facilities may need additional cost implication. In the case of car ownership, it is quite clear that there are 500 parking lots for 500 units, which is very clear that one unit owner has the use of only one parking lot. Whether he has a car or not is immaterial. Of course owners without a car also has to pay a bit towards the maintenance of the car park as it is communal facility. So therein lies the matter to be discussed. Just talking only. Let's not sweep problems under the rug.
  5. Car park spaces are slowly being reduced in ECs and pte condos. Nowadays it's one lot for one unit, and a few extra for visitors, disabled, etc. I am wondering what are the current management practices and what SHOULD be THE fairest practice? In many cases, owners pay their mnthly Conservancy Fees and an extra amount for each additional car. I feel that this is unfair to owners without a car as they are "paying" for a lot that is compulsorily allowed to them to use, BUT IT'S THEIR OWN FAULT AND LOSS IF THEY DO NOT HAVE A CAR! I believe are there are fairer ways, eg : 1. Only those owners with cars are required to pay for use of parking lots. This is the HDB practice. 2. Every owner is given the right to a lot and if he does not own a car, he has the right to lend it or rent it to another owner who requires an additional lot. What are your views and suggestion? ps: I live in HDB, own a car and pay for a season lot.
  6. Soosah lah! Correction one more time. Delete the steps 9 and 10 in my post #8 above. Replace with these steps - 9a. Choose and copy the Image Link code. 10a. Go to your posting window and select the Image icon (above the box where you write your stuff), and then Paste the code into the little box that appears. Hope havent left out stuff, step(s) etc; or got them wrongly sequenced. That's why I had to post these instructions here.
  7. This is a common floor layout in many apartment designs. I want to remove the glass window coloured red and the kitchen door coloured green in the plan. Does anyone know if this is permitted (will seek approval of course)? Has anyone done it before? Hope to see favourable responses! Thanks.
  8. Ooops! Missed a step. Between 8 and 9 in my last post, 8a. Click on Share Links Hope I remember this step
  9. OK, I must remember to do it this way : 1. Sign in 2. Go to Gallery (if unsure, go to T-blogs and go via Pinned How to post photos post 3. When in gallery, choose category on RHS 4. At bottom, can see "Choose photo" or something like that. Click it, will take you to your PC, choose yr photo folder 5. Select yr photo. It uploads. Done. 6. To load that photo into a post in an existing or new thread, click to open new post window 7. Go via another window (that's how I do it) to the gallery category where I uploaded that photo, select that photo 8. Click on Options (it's a black box) on RHS 9. Choose the BB code, click in narrow window and copy the lot of code 10. Go back to you posting window and right-click and paste the BB code. Your photo appears! I post this here for reference cause I always forget how to do it.
  10. test again bb code html <a href='http://www.renotalk.com/forum/gallery/image/270-floor-plan/'><img src='http://renotalk.com/forum/uploads/gallery_54162_4_36937.jpg' alt='floor plan' /></a> image link http://renotalk.com/forum/uploads/gallery_54162_4_36937.jpg page link http://www.renotalk.com/forum/gallery/image/270-floor-plan/
  11. Glass window between kitchen and dining
  12. Cnocturnum

    floor plan

    Common floor plan
  13. Clarification; I referred to EC situation. Regulations with other HDB properties could be less stringent.
  14. Maybe can try checking with some CC? Or Town COuncil? They have community garden, so perhaps can have community workshop ! Having a shared workshop is difficult though because the best thing about your own is leaving stuff around till the next time youre free to carry on with it! So with a shared workshop, everyone must take away all his project stuff after each visit so as to free up worktops and floor space for the others. That's very troublesome, man. The other most important bit is that of Insurance. Just in case someone decides to sue another or the rest if he has an accident. And dont forget to include utilities. Must have WC, most important. Include coffee machine and fridge. What comes out need to re-fill. I had loads eqpt and projects done in my garage and backyard whilst overseas. Miss picking up discards too. Perhaps those living in condos can start a workshop in their condo! But MUST restrict "working hours". Can double up for mahjongg after dark though. Keep thread going!
  15. Easier to mark off one side of the kid's door. Can take it with you, though a might heavy. IKEA may have some pine planks long enough for your purpose. If too short, just install it higher off the floor. Their wood pieces are usually well finished. Otherwise, paint it.