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Everything posted by hojichalatte

  1. I'm using LINE camera app. Hmm... you repainted it after 4 mths? that's pretty soon, u wanted a change of colour, or..? anyways, I only emailed Dulux Customer Service just to hear from them, not so sure about Nippon... Haha!! I didn't expect too~ but it's alright! hehehee..
  2. Sorry, no updates today, but I was too bored, so I had some fun on the iPhone... hee hee...
  3. Hey! I emailed Dulux Customer Service to check about the issue about touching up any Wash-and-Wear paint... This was their reply: "For your information Dulux Wash & Wear is a low sheen finish paint and Dulux Pentalite is a matt finish paint. The difference in touching up with a low sheen finish and matt finish paint - you will notice the touch up patches when using a higher sheen finish paint to touch up as compared to when using a matt finish paint. This is due to the soft glossy sheen level." I believe we have come to a conclusion, we are going to just select Dulux Pentalite!!
  4. Maybe I should pay a visit to the resellers to check them out. hee hee.. thanks again!
  5. Thanks koori, I like Sail White too, but too bad Pentalite doesn't have this colour.. I also dun have kids problem, but I was just wondering maybe if I very clumsy dirtied the walls myself, at least can wash? kekeke... I only have the choice of Pentailte and Wash-and-Wear, however, K is telling me Wash-and-wear paint cannot be touched up... say will have two tones, and especially during renovation, it's bound to bump and knock into walls, so he suggest we just go for Pentalite instead. Had a look at Pentalite 2013 catalogue last night, it doesn't have the samples for White / Brilliant White, the "whites" are mostly tinted with other colours.... since you mentioned brilliant white... any pictures of walls painted in White / Brilliant White? Can share pictures with me to see how the colour looks like after painted on the walls? Even Google Images doesn't have answer for me......
  6. I see, thanks both for your valuable feedback! Before this, we were looking at Sail White and Chalk White in Nippon Odourless EasyWash colours, but have not really studied Dulux colour palettes yet.... hehehe.. we were just thinking, no no no, no more top up any more liao... will just go with Pentalite White with water sealer. (seriously hope there is a nice white for me to choose from!! will go home and look at the book again... sigh!)
  7. Thanks, greglhc. We are thinking of picking the same White for the whole unit, so there won't be any colours..... Sigh! This picking of paint is seriously another deep topic. Now then I understand the quotation only offers ICI Dulux/Nippon paint with water sealer, and the type of paint we can pick is Pentalite/Wash and wear.. any Odourless/Easy Wash/Oil Sealer paint will need to top up $$$$... :angry2:
  8. By the way, some wordy updates here. We were told to choose the colours for painting. Nippon or Dulux, are they the same good? Or is there good & bad between the two brands? We are looking at White for the whole unit from Nippon Easy Wash Vs Dulux Wash-and-Wear.. K said he will not let Evorich people in till later stage.. till before Carpentry. hahaha.. I guess he's really buay gum with this company!! So my flooring will only be done much later then....
  9. Have spoken to K to top up $888 to quartstone countertops, instead of laminate worktops initially in our initial quotation.. sigh.. see money fliesssss again!! Didn't heard of Bamboo kitchen countertops before this, thanks for sharing, guys!! The Hojichas love the idea of how bamboo is green for the environment!! As for IKEA, i loved how it looks totally, just like the picture I shared earlier, but.. but.. I don't dare to take the risk as Kitchen (cabinets/worktops) is a place where we won't wanna change in 5-10years, better go the safe way!! ;p
  10. I don't really know how many tilers cos we weren't around when work was done.. and I didn't ask too.. as long as the work is done lah... =D
  11. Hi hellonub, Yes, they are in its original state! And yes, we have decided not to paint white over it already!!
  12. Thanks fellow renotalkers for the replies!! Ok! Set! I will not paint it then! @alfredt u got a point too, can paint it down the road few years later if it gets dirty! Heehehhe... enigma, mine is also almost a month already mah.. haha...
  13. Update: Day 37 Wow, it's been almost a month... still nothing much to update!! On the bright side, I really really love my dream walls~~~~ brick wall and 3D subway tiles~~ Wheeee....... I've a question here: should I paint the craftbricks white? Cement works are now completed, next up, ceiling works (i.e. box up).... painting, carpentry, flooring all pending in the queue....
  14. Yeah, my bedroom in my parents' house is my storeroom now... whatever we have bought are chucked there like a warehouse!! That's why I'm not buying anymore until I move in.. kekekke.. no storage space liao.. the more we buy now, the more things to move later~~~
  15. I also doing these mirrors in my bathrooms!! Thank you for the previews~ hahaha...
  16. Very beautiful revamp and awesome transformation from the old resale flat!!
  17. Wow, C+E sounds really good huh, with @leonjennawon and your recommendations, I guess they are going to be the next big thing in Renotalk.. Keke... Seems like The80sStudio is trying to promote themselves on Facebook, but yet, not providing the most important good service!! Hmmm... anyway, glad we all find out early, and didn't sign with them!! All the best for your reno!!
  18. thanks plainsharon, yan01 and Songz! Mr Hojicha was telling me we can paint them either black or similar grey tone too... kekeke.. duno which is better leh.. placing some plants is a super gd idea, thank you renotalk folks for the wonderful suggestion... too bad it isn't even lower, else I might as well use it as shampoo/shower gel rack... haha... I am going to start sourcing for plants on tb!!
  19. Congrats on starting your t-blog, I love how taiwanese design their flats too! And your wife speaks the same as Mr Hojicha, he also say why build false ceiling, they are homes for lizards and other pests.. haha! And I gotta agree with your comments on HDB tiles, that's why we opted out too, and chose to overlay bathrooms as well! If only we can opt out kitchen and bathroom tiles.. hehehee... Just a note about The80'sStudio if anyone is interested, I don't think he doesn't like you la, but he is like that to any customer? Ha.. we went to their office twice to discuss the designs we wanted, but being an interior designer, he wasn't too receptive on our ideas, and insisted on his designs. On our second meet-up where he gave us his quotation, it was quite acceptable tho, but then I noticed this senior designer kept pushing us to sign on the spot, which we didn't want to, because I still needed further clarifications on his quotation, I emailed him to ask him some questions on how the cost was calculated and how are certain things going to be done, he did not reply me at all. I thought probably he is busy and never check email frequently, so I specially text him to ask him check email, he said he will check and reply me. But no replies at all.. until MONTHS later, where I already started my renovation with K, I received a missed call from this senior designer from The80'sStudio. ~_~ Speechless.
  20. Yeah loh yeah loh... thanks for the suggestion! can't wait for the reno to progress more, then i can start shopping for little decorations on tb! there are bound to be some areas in the house after renovation where we will see, and sigh! but can live with it as time goes by la... hahaha.. be positive be postive!
  21. Hmmm... is concealed electric works considered special wiring works? The aircon trunking is high in your opinion ahhh? I was thinking why don't they do it even higher leh! Then can stick to ceiling, at least less obvious than sticking out of nowhere in the wall now....
  22. Thanks all for your kind and comforting comments, Songz, enigma, enadee and plainsharon. I guess.. what's done cannot be undone, will just see how we can make things move better forward ba!! Hai! Update: Day 28-33 As you can see, my reno process is going at a really slow speed.... almost a month, and it's still cement works. Mainly because there are just many issues with here and there.. now the flooring is not even between Bedroom 3 and Living Room, we are still talking and talking to the HDB contractor who did the cement screed. Here's another pointer for all those who intend to hack your walls... please do not rush into applying for cement screed before you hack your walls or do any electric works.... now we have this big problem, after hacking, it's obvious that the floors are not even, and the Evorich people cannot start their flooring works unless we make the floors even... Anyway, meantime, Mr K and Mr A sent me some pictures via Whatsapp... they have made good the hacked areas and started with cement works... I've created some collages for easier viewing.. What got me really excited is... how my bathrooms looked! Whheeeeee... *whistles* The wall tiles should be grey in colour, but lighting made it look different. but whenever I see the hideous aircon trunking then i wanna sigh again.. so ugly! but cover that part don't see, i love how everything look together, especially the wood tiles ~~ hehehehee And does this justify the grey tiles slightly more? For a second, I panicked... everything in the bathroom was removed, no toilet-bowls no wash basins no shower-heads... where are they??? Did they throw them away? Oh no! No no no no... they are quietly seated in the bomb shelter la! hahaha.. Ok, that's all for the moment. Will wait for more updates from K.. hoping to see the subway tiles and white bricks up this week! *pray*
  23. Yes, in fact both K and his assistant were around with us that day, they did discuss for awhile on the best trunking route, I also saw K directed the aircon people on how to pull trunking from MBR to the bathroom, if not for him, I think the MBR confirm turns out more disastrous lor... as for how the trunking should run inside the bathroom, we weren't too sure what they are talking about at all, cos we really have zero knowledge on aircon trunkings totally laa.. so whatever they discussed, we just went "ok ok.." with it... and this is the outcome lor.. K also told me he nv seen such huge trunkings before.. duno why ours turned out like that! I'm asking him what can be done.. he was the one who suggested to me to paint the trunking later stage lo... sigh.. these aircon guys, they really don't think for us, owners de lahhh... they just want the easiest way out...
  24. Nah.. didn't talk to the aircon ppl leh, cos K and his workers are overlaying wall and floor tiles in bathrooms already... probably just paint over the trunkings at later stage.... anyway, I am just thinking... water has to flow from high to low, and the lesser turns the trunking make, the faster the aircon gets cold, so I don't think they can/should pull the trunkings upwards? it just has to be lower than where it's flowing from? Hmmm not sure too.. hehehehe... That's probably the problem when you are on your own, nobody to consult for advice lorr... didn't know it needs specific planning for aircon trunking! sigh! lesson learnt!
  25. Yeah loh... very upset about the trunking done in aircon... but I am just wondering is it because most people have false ceiling/the lighting box-up, but I don't have, that's why they can hide their aircon trunking, and mine are all exposed? Hmmm.. my bathroom wall tiles are grey in colour, maybe I paint the trunking grey too... or black...