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Everything posted by jnashville

  1. can you pass me the link of your track lights? Inspired by your reno and wanna do something like yours =p. post here or pm me =)
  2. Beautiful! Mind sharing your contractor to me? Do pm me here or email me at jnashville@live.com appreciate it! i love your living room. seems fresh and elegant due to the cove lights.
  3. hi do send me your quote and contact also at jnashville@live.com
  4. nice! i am aso gonna be renovating a new premium 3 room BTO. can i have your ID, Daniel's contact? thanks!
  5. Hi where do you get your mirror from? from taobao? can share the link. will be happy if you can PM me. Thanks!
  6. oh one seater at 999 yuan? that is around $213sgd without adding delivery charges. Sg seahorse sells the 3 seater half leather at $560+ i think. So i think sg is cheaper?
  7. hmmm i notice the seahorse sofas like more expensive than in sg.. even havent add shipping. or did i see wrongly.. hmm anyway the link states the product has been off the shelf
  8. okay. all the best to your reno. do post up more updates and pictures. =)
  9. okay thanks for the research. will contact them when my hse is ready. actually very hard to find black or grey colour aircons....i want the LG ones becuz of the color and theme actually.
  10. oh thanks alot. so u did compare the prices of electrical shops like best denki, courts, gaincity etc? Anyway what was the model you were looking at? Mitsubishi starmex? haha.. I am looking at the LG Artcool platinum aircon, the black in colour mirror series.
  11. does cool force have a catalog of aircon brands and models to choose from? cheaper den gain city?
  12. cool force? is there any contact or web link to find them? do paste here or pm thanks!
  13. hihi do you have the link of tat seahorse chair? Thanks in advance!
  14. Yes please shame them. No point sharing but never warn others about the exact firm and ID in charge.
  15. I saw this line, " Supply labour and material to install 14 lighting points @ living room - $420" This supply labour and MATERIAL does the material refers to the lights/downlights? Meaning it is inclusive of the downlights? Or you purchase the lights on your own and the contractor just provide labour to install it?
  16. Hi do you have the TB links for the blue crystal chandelier?
  17. Oh and Greglhc, mind pming me your contractor contact details? Really enjoyed your renovation process. =)
  18. hi, a question, do you guys know that some rainshowers are the concealed type.. meaning there isnt a phsyical rod connecting the rainshower tap to the rainshower head. Can that be installed in our HDB toilets?
  19. hihi can i get the contact of your contractor A? guess u did not see my post above. =x THanks!
  20. Hi there! I will be renovating end of the year. Can you also PM me Contractor A's details as i am also looking for a contractor instead of an ID. Thanks in advance!
  21. Hi, can you pm your ID/contractor details? Seems like u got a good ID with good pricing.
  22. very nice. By the way you shifted the TV area to the middle part of the room, so you have another TV point installed?