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Everything posted by Danmify

  1. Alamak.. I no longer have the original link. The dims should be standard but getting the longer one is always better since it can be cut. Otherwise, it will mean a lower basin counter. It is usually S shaped, think it is something to do with pressure too, haha.. my physics borderline kind.. I liked white countertop too! But with 4 naughty cats wanting to show off their paw print artwork daily can be a challenge haha.. important that it fits your theme and is practical and functional too. We are light cooker so it fits us well. Quartz is after all man made and can't compare to actual stone but I still think it is less porous than granite. I haven't had the yellow pale stain so far.. but I heard it can turn yellow. So better to get warranty from your supplier or contractor.
  2. Hey, the earlier link is no longer available. You can find something similar through these key words. 全铜/不锈钢小便斗下水器S弯下水管小便器排水管小便池弯管配件 But note that the height of the pipe need to compensate for the pvc piping from the ground. (Look closely to mine.) Unless your plumber willing to do it all the way for you. But there's always Rustoleum spray paint Nope. It is different from Lian Hin's. iQuartz iPure almost have no visible stone within. But I think the Lian Hin series looks just fine CiF is effective when it comes to cleaning against curry, metal rust, kimchi, etc
  3. Apologies. I went to check and confirm that it is $549 for both my W/Cs, including GST and delivery and excluding the geberit flush system. You can opt for that later if you find the flush is not powerful enough. I bought the s-necks as my distance was 5 inches and need to offset for these 6 inches W/Cs. I recommend GR Link Marketing along Jalan Besar. The cow stool is from Taobao. We use it as the bedside table to go with the barn theme. Type【有所·哞哞坐墩】设计师可爱趣味极美家具|小牛造型脚凳换鞋凳
  4. iQuartz White Pure (need to top up a bit, i think about $50 more pfr for vendor pricing) Can't rem the brand of the W/C. But you can find at Jalan Besar that stretch. About $260 for one and $280 for the other. It will be good if you are able to measure the distance between the wall to the center of the w/c piping. For bto, usually need to buy the "s-neck". I didn't add $50 to $80 more for the gerbil flush upgrade. So far, the flushing still Ok for me.
  5. For our flat location and lifestyle, the floor gets dirty and sticky about 7 to 9 days later after a thorough clean sweep and wet mop and we are only weekend beginner cooks BTW. Hoping to upgrade to steam mop soon! So far no problem. But note that the service yard portion is not covered under vinyl flooring warranty. Luckily for us, rain do not splash in.
  6. That's great! Just nice Selffix having promotion. Can get $10 off from the newspaper cut out. Thanks for recommendation!
  7. That's stainless steel water pipe from Taobao. Too bad my contractor's plumber cannot remove the bottom pvc pipe from hdb completely. Some regulation requirement to leave a certain height from the ground. Still thinking whether to paint over or attach some metal rings ard it.
  8. Brick wall made of clay and from Craftstone under their Craft bricks series. Got it through my contractor but if you got personal transport, can try buying from Malaysia branch and transport over yourself. Much cheaper. Never experience the powdery problem. We kept it dry and the usual feather duster cleaning is ok for us. Floor tile is vinyl flooring, directly bought and installed by Evorich.
  9. Your kitchen looks awesome! Especially the island! Really very hotel lux!
  10. My contractor is Andy from K2LD Builders. I had full reins on the design aspect and his team will support on the technical portion. Reasonably priced but slightly on the high side among contractors' rates but good value for the workmanship though. No official warranty for his services other than those offered directly from the respective vendors.
  11. Bean Bag set is from Taobao. Type lazylife纯色懒人豆袋沙发 懒人沙 I like the rugged feel.
  12. Cushions are from Taobao too. Type 宫崎骏龙猫系列周边 日式榻榻米 办公室靠枕沙发抱枕套棉麻靠垫. So far so good for the counter. Most of the time, it stays dry but we use Chengal wood for better protection.
  13. It's from Taobao. Type "溢莱实木餐桌椅组合4人北欧小户型咖啡桌椅". 8 lights @ 6w each is enough to illuminate the wall and the dining table. Not enough for the whole area.