Hi, I got my keys in Jan 2013. Due to lack of funds, couldn't start reno yet. Have met many IDs/contractors but didn't feel assured, so I have not engaged one yet. Mine is a tiny 2-room bought from sale of balance flat. Very expensive. CPF is empty now. In the meantime, seriously considering accepting the FOC cement screeding by HDB for the living room and bedroom that are currently rough concrete.. But when I asked the HDB Technical Officer and his term contractor about the cement finishing, they both said the cement finish will be ROUGH and DUSTY and not suitable to step on and will be worse than the corridor cement walkway built by the construction company. Then the HDB term contractor offered to lay the rough kitchen ceramic tiles (1 ft x 1 ft type, light yellow colour) in the living room and bedroom if I pay him $1000. The floor area involved is about 23 sqm / 248 sqft. But he does not want to sign any contract and HDB said any such personal arrangement is not their responsibility. I am having big headache trying to decide. Workmanship issues, reliability issues, value for money issues, etc. Bery confusing right now. Grateful for any advice. Thanks all!