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Starrain last won the day on March 9 2017

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About Starrain

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    Silver Member

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  1. Was ask to take away the post. He may be angry without even feeling sorry. I didn't even spell Mr E company name in full. Is that wrong?
  2. Haha I stop being lazy and read your blog page by page and found the paint code and feel that my house should marry your house. They are quite soul mate u know. Are those paint easy wash or???
  3. Hi Latte! Matcha! I wonder if you still remember me!? Missing for a lonnnng time! And Only come to check on you. OMG. Your house is GLAM and tasteful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I also ask your Grey Paint color code? LOL because i'm gonna repaint my house. Currently also using grey but is it Dulux, maybe changing to Nippon easy wash. Just wondering what is yours. Miss u much!!
  4. Hope you had successfully moved your bed to your new home against all odds! My carpentry will be up tomorrow! But everything else will be after CNY. Oh! Can I know when was the acid done? After painting and carpentry? Or after everything?
  5. So cute, u call them bed buddies. Haha. I think E when to your place first before heading down to my place. Coz he told me he was at SengKang around 12noon. XD The other time I asked you regarding changing of the bathrooms window right, I can't change it. Coz both bathrooms comes with 2 pcs of window. It would be costly to change =( So have to deal with the default not so nice window. Your place looks so cozy!! Unfortunately the bed can't be moved? Wonder what is the story...
  6. Sorry for confusion. By 'change' I mean change in my own head. lol. Because I think very hard and decided to get white instead of black initially. So bought only 2 pcs of the light to 'test'. Seeing it was so 'unwhite' changed my mind and ordered the black ones, safer like that. Thanks for sharing with me the link. NOW, feels like getting white again. LOL About the different account, I also don't know, just got sick of the Starrain name.
  7. Hello!!! I finally took some time to read your updates! Been busy with my reno too! I had created a T-blog too (under different account =/) But no time to update yet!! Happy to see that your reno is almost done! What else still pending? I bought track lights from Taobao too.. but the white turned out to be beige.. very ugly! Changed to black after that. Is yours from Taobao too? Can share link? I thought of changing my toilet's window too, but I'm not using the ventilation fan, is it expensive to change the window?
  8. Long time no see!!! Happy that u are back!! May I ask is the gas heater really good? As in the pressure, does it decrease or anything? Coz I have not decided on what water heater I should be using.
  9. Hi Kara Kara.. Can I check with you where did you get your bathtub? I tried, but couldn't find in this blog, maybe too many pages liao~ I love the video that Renotalk is posting My idol house! XD
  10. Hmm... Nvm then.. Still, thanks for your updates =)
  11. Hi Gumbokins!! Got question for you! Why.. why.. my contractor only got 1 shade of blue for the ABS trimming. Don't seems to match the TAK's laminate, whether in Blueberry or other shade of blue. Seems like your's quite matching matching~ Can trouble you to check for me the ABS company??