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Everything posted by oda

  1. If that's the case, then I guess I will have to dismantal the whole gate and send for galvanize or powder coating after grinding or filing....haha... Well, maybe I shall keep the lock so that after a few years when I earned enough $$$, I can change the whole gate, the design will be customised for the lock size.
  2. Argh... In that case, then I will use the FREE (lucky got free) Duro Art 320 (sorry, not 228), the hanging-type one with the chain. But I will still try out the fixed type Art 338, if cannot, I will try to troubleshoot, I think I should able to file or grind the gate 1mm off in order to fit! Haha...quite impossible unless contractor can help me.
  3. Jule, I've measured the size of gate is 6.0x3.3cm, but my Duro lock is 5.9x3.2cm, all short of 1mm, so just buy and try lor since Duro lock are designed for HDB and HDB should design their gate for Duro as well...I hope. Anyway, I've bought the Duro Art 338 (fixed-type) + FREE Art 228 (hanging-type), total for S$148, will try it out one of these days. If the fixed one cannot fit, then I will use the hanging one and auction out the fixed one. I intend to use the hanging one with a chain, fixed one need a holder? Pls advise... Rgds, Motorman
  4. I've locked all my stuffs in the MBR instead of Household Shelter just in case... Also bought the Duro Lock for after handover...
  5. Thanks to those who came to my home today, hope that I can visit yours when I'm free
  6. Dear all, One of the forumer's items were stolen during renovation. He's making a police report, I think he's from Block 91, unit #300. Pls read on http://www.singaporebrides.com/forumboard/...409/440564.html
  7. Hi i am Motorman from SIngapore Bride Forum. I am from Unit 316 Let's make a list of those who will be at Commonwealth View this Sat (21/7): 1. jule (1-2pm) 2. djulyn (after lunch) 3. zirhk3355 (after 2pm) 4. Desmond Leong (After 2pm) 5. Motorman (2pm) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  8. Neighbours Update from SBF & RTF (Correct me if there's any error) Blk 89 #346 Prata Sakae Sushi #356 Khriztopher Phay (zirhk3355) ------------------------------------------------- Blk 90 #328 JOMA ------------------------------------------------- Blk 91 #300 Jule ech Raman #302 Adrian JC sillydude Tan SH (forestdew) Kristle so_blur (divine_genie) wongfam Edwin (ek, enalyze) #304 Neo (vineyard) Celine Soba KC Coco musicsoulz ed (eppy) Garry Tan Annie Tan Desmond Cheong #306 Dominic PRGR Grace Nya Joycelin Pskin01 #308 Win Alex Jean Ong Sherry Tham #312 Amy Wong (Honeybeezzz) XHZ Raymond Heng (Ashtray) pinki_gal Kif & Nik kittylover Wee & Lynn sunnygal Desmond Leong Jason Cheong #314 DeSign Bentley #316 Motorman (Chek) Chris (chrislee) Kelvin TYM djulyn & obsidian
  9. Anyone bought IKEA lights? I've thought of buying LILLHO LMEN Ceiling Lamp from IKEA for my bathrooms and Household Shelter, S$15 each. But afraid it'll be too deem and also whether the fittings can install onto the tanglin halt ceiling
  10. I'm living at very low floor, that's why choose 316 because no blockage except for the future school. Wait till my reno finished then I shall inform you which floor I'm living so that anyone can come and visit my humble home.
  11. Hi, I'm motorman from Singaporebrides.com, reporting in... I will be at block 91 unit 316, getting keys this monday 11th June 2007. Nice to meet you all. Regards,
  12. Check out more pics back at SB forum page... http://www.singaporebrides.com/forumboard/...html?1167275229 or join Yahoo group created by Neo http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tanglin88-91/ Check them out...