Hi Mr Chong, I read that by placing a family of ducks(ornaments ) in the house signifies family togetherness. does it have to be mandarin ducks or will the normal ducks do? Pls advise. Rgds Acnicole
Hi, Read somewhere that by putting a family of ducks(ornaments) in your house means that the family will be close knitted. Does anyone know whether can it be normal looking ducks or must be mandarin ducks? I know a pair of mandarin ducks is for couplehood. Rgds Cindy
hi, i got mine from ebay. price is reasonable compared to the many that i've seen in spore. modern carp paintings. got it via registered article from the states, i think(hubby bought it)
Can someone direct me to some pictures/website on modern resort? what type of sofa or dining is considered modern resort and how does it look like? really appreciate...
Hi, Can anyone advise on Atlantis aquarium and their ID? Met Mr Tan last evening. he seems quite nice but not sure if the workmanship n follow up. Pls advise. i need feedback urgently . !! ACNICOLE