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Everything posted by lawry

  1. I used InstaPur in the past, before I "upgraded" to Cleansui. It's just faucet attachment at the end of your tap, filtration medium is charcoal.
  2. If you're still facing mold issues. Try using white vinegar spray on the surface and let it dry. It stinks a bit, but it works. I tried that on some furniture in the past.
  3. Try to negotiate with them. Your mum already paid full for the lights, just short of collecting them. It's money paid but goods not collected. Nothing wrong with using the same money to get other goods instead, (provided you can find someone who wants to buy light..)
  4. Since cannot refund, can use the same deposit to buy other lights? If you can find someone else who wants to buy lights over there, get them to buy the credits from you?
  5. Just to reiterate, it's strictly Fart smell and not smell of something else..
  6. I have this nagging problem for a long time. So far, all of us are using the common toilet for big biz while the MBR toilet is only for small biz. For the longest time, there's this smell of poo in my MBR toilet all the time and it's spreading to my walk in wardrobe. I have used remedies like battery operated automatic sprays, air fresheners, one-drop fragrance from Japan kobayashi. But it seems like the problem doesn't come from my own toilet.. I googled for a solution and I found this, a blog which talks about this. http://renovation-greencoal.blogspot.com/2...-bowl_5977.html Any of you facing the same problem??
  7. Can you put a photo? It's hard to picture what it's like based on your description. Some of which might be some industry norm and some simply bad workmanship (which you should really pursue)
  8. Agree with wallpaper or even tiles. I'm regretting my carpentry. It's non functional and the price is a ripoff.
  9. It's been a while since I last visited renotalk. My solution, I scrap out all the silicon on the top part of the sink, the original seal was very badly done. After cleaning up the surface with alcohol, I applied a new layer of silicon, wait 24hrs for it to dry and cure. Then apply another layer over it. The solution worked for a while, then the silicon started peeling again ........
  10. I'm currently thinking of getting a steam cleaner for kitchen, toilet and (maybe floor) use. Anyone using a Karcher? Would like to get your feedback on it. Something like this.
  11. I'm using Dyson, very powerful suction. But do take note of the "functional timing", the battery will only last you for 6 mins. It's suitable only for specific job/dedicated spots.
  12. Get those detergent that says ANTI BACTERIA and INDOOR DRYING. For Top and Dynamo, I used the yellow bottle, both works fine for indoor drying, no smell.
  13. Thanks yoongf and Warrior88. I was looking at scrimping issues when it comes to carpentry standards. These crucial few centimeters lacking in depth can be a pain. I just bought a new luggage and it's sticking out by 2cm... sigh. It would fit just nice in a standard Ikea PAX.
  14. I would like to check with you guys, if you happened to be free to do this now. Could you measure your existing wardrobe's (preferably custom carpentry made) internal depth? ie. how deep is your wardrobe. TIA~
  15. I second Dyson too, very powerful suction.
  16. No need, it's just sitting on the hole, don't really need to seal it with silicon.
  17. Ooops, you were right. For the limescale Alkaline solution - Baking soda + water to make a paste or Acidic solution - Vinegar or Lemon juice Baking soda + vinegar is for clearing clogged drainage. When you add the 2 one after another followed by hot water, you get some nice bubbly chemical reaction, good for clearing pipes. Hi, I said that based on what I see in your photo. The limescale seems to be nicely formed just along the edges. If it were from the sides of the shower screen, you would have limescale on your kerb as well. But strangely, it's just along the edge. No worry, this is still quite easy to remove with some non toxic household ingredients.
  18. I was gonna suggest making a paste by mixing baking soda with white vinegar, smear it on the area. Let the solution penetrate the harden mineral deposits overnight to soften it, then scrap it off with some tool or metal gauze next day. Seems like you got rid of it with just baking soda. It's hardwater deposits aka lime scale if I'm not wrong. But it seem to be seeping out from the bottom of the kerb rather than from the sides of the screen.
  19. This is the exterior of the shower screen? Why does it look like there's water seeping out from beneath the kerb? Does it feel rough and hard.
  20. New regret.. TOWER FANS Resist getting tower fans no matter how stylish they look compared to conventional, tested and proven KDK Fans! (Specifically this brand, they last me for years. I can't vouch for other brands). My 2 miserable tower fans (costs $150+ each) were producing a recurrent noise in the motor whenever I on them, not to mention the pathetic wind. I finally wheeled them out today and bought 2 conventional KDK fans ($100+) as replacements..
  21. lawry

    Mgl Curtain

    My curtains are from them, service is quite good.
  22. BOC, just a cash holding account, no interest ..
  23. LG Front load, 3 years and still going strong.
  24. I'm not sure what's the actual dirt behind all these. Regardless whether there's elderly, younglings or pets at home to consider. Sharps corners, slippery floors, dangerous placements and unsafe parts should all be no no ... Unless she left everything to her ID's discretion and the ID chose the "slipperiest" tile, else very hard for her to have any case. Any type of tile, whether smooth surface or textured. Once there's water on it, will be slippery?
  25. The news just got updated on the website. http://news.omy.sg/News/Local%2BNews/Story...440-139159.html Brief summary, straight to the point. Mdm Yang is in her 40s, stays in Clementi, just gave birth to her 3rd child 5 months ago. She renovated her place in end 2009, done by this renovation company in Hougang. Fearing for the safety of her children after she realised that the kitchen flooring might be too slippery. She called up the renovation firm for a solution, they came down thrice but couldn't offer any improvements. The case began to drag, and she decided to kneel in front of their shop to get them to resolve the issue, thus getting the attention of the press and bystanders.