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Everything posted by xlan

  1. common toilet frankly speaking.. thou it is slighly better than some other HDB units.. some as ugly as green+peach combi or even more obiang flowery peach tiles majiam living in the 60s.. BUT.. y always hv to insist on using tis peach color in the common toilet leh??? sigh.. if both toilets can use the same color as the MBR toilet.. how nice leh.. mbr toilet at least the MBR toilet is mainly white.. with more universal colors combi (tones of blue).. so much more acceptable to the majority.. y can't HDB jus keep tis consistant? oh ya hor.. r they concealing the water pipe for us? see the box up in the upper right hand corner? tis is nice.. save money.. no need to ask ID do for me le.. kitchen y HDB put tat metal rod there? i guess is for hanging clothes la.. but now even more difficult to hide the laundries leh.. such an eyesore now.. n y peach AGAIN?!?!?! y can't jus all white tiles?!?!?!?!?! living room mm.. living room.. they hvn't put up the grills at the lower part of the windows yet.. i WISH they jus keep it w/o the grills.. it looks so much better w/o the grills now.. but the size to me is consider big liao.. hehee.. frm a 29sqm moving into a 85sqm.. the living room is already almost my current floor area liao.. hahaha.. n a v BIG THANKS to jasch for sharing the pics with us.. may i know how much did u paid for that?
  2. overlay is to lay another layer of new tiles on top of the existing ones w/o any hacking.. so u can hv ur choice of tiles while not against any HDB rules loh..
  3. yes... i tink so too.. i'll see what my designer can think for me.. if all options anyhow will blow my budget.. then probably will still need to live with it..
  4. option for doors only.. not the tiles.. tiles cannot opt out nor hack in the 1st 3 yrs... applied to all of us.. u can read the specs that i scanned n posted here:
  5. oh.. the time when we select our unit.. we have the option to get w/o the internal doors.. meaning the room doors.. not sure if the terms "internal" incl the toilet doors or not.. but being to opt out the internal doors.. there was a discount of (i forgot how much) to the purchase price.. so our unit will only have the main door n bomb shelter metal door..
  6. jasch, u can go to http://imageshack.us/ and click "Browse" to upload ur picture then the site will gives u quite a few links to the image.. u can choose 1 and copy & paste the link here.. anyway.. will go to the site u posted for the pics la.. thanks! but i opted out for internal doors.. more interested to know the colors of kitchen n toilets.. thanks thanks!!
  7. huh... how come can go up liao?? jasch.. quick..post up ur pics leh.. i'm ur next door unit.. same floor area.. wanna know how exactly it looks like too... but how come so fast can view the unit? u sneak up or pay up security too?
  8. haha...can't compare my purchase price la... mine under SERS...
  9. hee.. my new place at jln membina.. tiong bahru there.. been living in the area for past 17yrs liao.. hee.. keep the foto coming pls.. no worry on skills.. me too v super pte ltd.. haha.. jus share share..
  10. oh ya hor.. quite true leh.. thanks! pts noted..
  11. wa..... 仙境一样的美... 是世外桃园吗?
  12. hahahaa... pretty u.. got a nice dimple.. yeah.. if i hv a big house... i like big dogs too.. more obedient n easy to train.. better temper.. jus hard to .. hahaha.. my mini already a heII time for me to groom her during the weekends..
  13. haha.. applefreak... r u sure u want a GIANT? is real gigantic de leh.. may even bigger size than u.. hug it.. majiam hugging onto a BEAR! haha.. but laggi sweet loh.. i like big dogs too.. but no money get big house.. hahaha.. hv to resort to small dogs..
  14. laoda looks real fierce wor!!
  15. ya me too.. my fren got 27B (frm enbloc too).. HDB jus send the loan form to him leh.. i hvnt get it yet.. i was thinking.. we enbloc majiam process slower than balloting.. is it we give less $? haha..
  16. hahaha.. jus a wild guess.. frm the completion date of the constructions... 27B & 25A is the 1st batch to complete.. not sure will HDB release keys by batch or wait till whole estate completed n release all together..
  17. hey better DON'T leh.. v fishy.. wait go in kana rob by them.. n in the 1st place.. it is really not safe n not supposed to be let any1 go in.. don b too rush.. 27B & 25A will b collecting keys soon.. guess shld b ard aug or sep.. till then go in is much safer.. at least they hv keys.. meaning HDB is ready to let ppl in n already ensure the safety liao.. let's b more patient.. 我们要理智一点..
  18. wa.. ur gal eyes v beautiful.. fat boy really fat.. hahaa.. is it fur too fluffy or really fat.. haha..
  19. ic.. quite true hor.. they r meant to b on ground.. mm.. 1 of my colleague always comment 狗比人好命 whenever he sees me splurging on BABY's shampoo, treat treats, toys, clothes, etc... but i still tink they r poor enough not able to do watever as they wish.. not like humans.. so i tend to spoil them.. haha.. actually not "them" la.. as in my BABY.. hahaha..
  20. hee.. thank u!! we all love her so much.. 还宠坏了呢! oh.. she's a mini schnauzer frm Oz.. but doesn't look mini at all.. may b cos she's "ang mo"... haha.. cat cat 那么没有危机感喔..
  21. hee.. didn't realise i can "show off" my BABY here.. 我们家的美女... 林宝贝.. aka BABY Lim.. 她胸口上有个超大的心型.. 不是剪或修的喔... 她小时候就有的...
  22. wah.. v NICE leh.. i love ur kitchen! how much to do that?
  23. sigh.. y i hvn't receive any letter frm HDB?
  24. Hi Mr Chong, Would like to know which layout is better in your opinion? Plan A or Plan B Thank!