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Everything posted by xlan

  1. yes, totally agree!! there's nothing can pls everybody.. s long s everyone living in it feels comfortable n pleasent.. good enuff.. but m really envy singhao couple.. so loving.. practically really "building up" their lovenest together... i hv to do or think.. all on my own.. i ask for opinions.. they said.. "chin chye la.. up to u loh.. anyway u hv better taste in design.. u know more than us.. u decide loh.. " i was like..
  2. hee thanks.. ya i know.. not getting it now.. as in.. am eyeing tis model.. but nvr use hitachi fridge b4.. not sure if it is good.. but the price is real good for a nett capacity of 550L, with water dispenser n auto-icemaker..
  3. yes, i always wanted modern contemporary look.. sleek n cleancut.. i talked to barang barang b4.. the designer always refer my idea as Manhattan style.. which i dun mind as well.. hee.. anyway.. tings i wanted is all simple clean look.. easy to maintain.. tats all.. but i like clever designs/mechanism... best if can achieve outside look simple.. yet 内有乾坤.. hahaa.. bf cannot tahan me.. he always said i'm v demanding n dunno wat i want.. actually.. he is the one don't understand wat i want.. actually was initially attracted by 1 of HG's portfolio 3D drawing.. (see my archived entry)
  4. bean, found tat pic i posted quite long ago.. see that "baseball cap" of ur window?
  5. mm.. really.. thanks.. i hope i can still fork out for the tiles.. will def check with ID again how much to top up..
  6. hey bean.. no worries la.. i'm sure all blocks n units getting the same dark tinted windows.. but inside hv the grills installed.. which is a real spoiler.. i tink i mentioned b4 in tis thread.. the west facing units hv a more protruding "shelter" abv ur windows.. i supposed that works like the way of a baseball cap... ya i know.. i read ur blog.. the fact tat u actually already bought ur lights.. to me already very 夸张 .. cos seriously i cannot b sure how big exactly our units gonna be.. floor plan usually tends to be "off" a lil here n there.. and really hv to view the unit to see where n how much of the natural lights coming in.. then can decide where n how many lights are needed... so i was quite amazed u actually bought so many lights already.. for the sink tat u mention.. i was initially LOVE the square ones with sharp 90deg corners.. looks super sleek n contemporary.. but after much consideration.. my concern is that.. when we tried to simulate the usual way we work in the kitchen.. actions like washing the sinks n stuffs.. we realised the 90deg corners is very hard to clean.. n sure tend to leave residues n marks as time goes on.. esp we cook often.. n so realised the rounded corners r invented for a reason.. smart design i gotta admit.. the needs & wants really not hard to differentiate n list out la.. jus a matter of principle n ur real spending power tat determine if u can follow strictly.. for me.. i struggle quite some time to differentiate n list them out.. thou i hv not much principle.. hahahaa.. i hv real tight financial budget tat refrain me frm over-spending..
  7. yes of cos, dorcas! haha.. u know i was attracted by HG's showroom as well as the portfolio on their webby.. also wat i wanted loh.. n there're quite a few others posted their 3D drawings somewhere... frm HG designers too.. quite nice.. jus tis morning i saw 1 in sgbrides.. not bad as well.. scroll down n look for the a nick "Sunshine".. n erm.. yes.. i did regret for once.. but since i paid deposit.. will not tink too much abt it liao.. but i always check out their designs in the showroom at IMM.. n to make sure the shop still ard.. hahaa.. actually tat time when i decide.. part of the reason cos i called 1 of my gf n found out her sofa set was frm them too.. n quality n comfort level everything is to my satisfactory level... in fact i quite like my gf's set ma.. n asked her abt the boss (the same guy tat attended us) service n delivery wise.. she was satisfied too.. so tat time v confidently signed with them loh.. hahaa.. nvm la.. s long s i know wat i want.. shld b ok la.. haha.. redbottle.. sorry if i confused u with my needs & wants list... those r tings in my mind only.. hvn't make the purchase yet.. i only bought the big items.. total amt >3k i shld say ard 4k la actually.. cos only those will hv more impact on the 2% GST tat i wanted to avoid.. tings <3k anything much less than tat... the 2% i m willing to let go.. cos not worth the risk in getting the wrong item.. ... yes.. nic.. i bet any1 will behave like me after living in a 疯人院 env for more than 10yrs.. yeah man.. i'm also waiting to shop with my ID.. hahaha..
  8. oic.. so i c a money smart u ah.. mm.. i got BLK27A.. i love the view.. a lil sea view frm the PSA.. lots of green frm the sentosa n mt faber.. most impt is sure no blockage in front cos the wide road in front (total of 8 lanes ) and all windows facing south & south-east.. super duper windy..
  9. Nic, haahaa.. i was so eager to place deposits for big items so in order to "lock" the price b4 GST hike.. was like a crazy woman running everywhere to shop since 2007 starts.. i bought the living & dining set from Furniture Club b4 i confirmed my ID.. tat boss let me hv 1 chance to change model or color before the delivery.. n he said he will go down to my unit (after got the keys) to measure the place.. if can't fit in he'll customise the size for me w/o additional charge.. so can bring Lance to their warehouse and view the model i selected.. if need be.. will ask him for better recomm at the warehouse loh.. for the mattresses.. can't b wrong la.. i'm not getting king size.. definitely can fit in the rooms.. but prob now is .. need to consider if we want bedframe or divan.. most probably i see myself getting bedframes la..
  10. oh.. she signed with Lance too? haha.. good good.. can ask Lance if we can share haulage fee... hahahaa.. i still hvn't give up on tis idea.. mom n me purposely walked there too.. ard 7pm.. but we no courage to go up.. looks like we can't anyhow go up and view the units le.. hv to 乖乖地 wait for our own keys le.. or we can those gotten keys to bring us up? !! ya.. carpentry is really sure more x than buying ready-made in shops.. cos everything custom-made fit in swee swee into ur house.. when u 1 2 sell ur unit.. valuation price also fetch a better figure.. so tats y carpentry can b v x..
  11. hi!!! i read ur blog b4.. but how come u moving to woodland? kim tian fetching a gd price? for me.. i really too used to tis area.. can't imagine myself living in the extreme edges of sg.. cos the tot of traffic jams.. i headache n stress liao.. haha.. right now.. everywhere i go.. usually is the opps direction of the "majority"... so most of the time.. travelling time is v predictable n precise.. i tink unless i super lucky to get another south-facing high floor unit w/o blockage in the same area.. if not i'd NOT 1 2 move again.. i'm totally obssessed with my upcoming unit.. !!
  12. ya.. need to check for defects n submit the list within 7days.. then better let HDB rectify everything b4 starting ur renov.. to avoid any party pushing blames if anything goes wrong..
  13. hee.. i intend to install ceiling fan in living room only.. only feel weird if in bedrooms.. haha.. anyway.. am v eager to see ur photos.. *waiting* mm.. laminates.. not last hor.. then may b really change to homo le..
  14. congrats!! sooooooooooooo GOOD! can get keys le!!!! bring a bottle of ur fav n bring up on the 9Aug to celebrate national day .. haha.. totally envying u.. can we go up 25A to look at the units?
  15. thinking of getting tis fridge (Hatchi R-W690FMSX) for my new place.. any comments?
  16. wah.... 超喜欢的耶! may b get PVC materials bulk purchase frm art shops.. n DIY..
  17. mm.. i see y ur quotation so much more than mine le.. cos u hv so many changes n hackings n carpentry works... moreover.. i'm not doing both toilets.. n i dun hv much built in carpentry.. kitchen smaller as well.. n my electrical pts n sand not incl in quotation yet cos hvn't get the keys to my unit yet.. ID can't quote me w/o actual inspection of the unit.. 1 of colleague was frm the renov industry b4.. he recomm LG solid top as well.. he using it in his new home too.. for the past 1yr+ they cook as well n it still looks s brand new.. highly recomm by him.. he told me dupont corian is v expensive for the similar quality as LG ones.. if get the cheaper range frm corian.. the quality sucks a big time s compare to LG.. so for the similar quality level.. LG is still much cheaper than dupont corian.. but Lance quoted me w/ a local brand "Bellus"... my colleague ask me to change to LG.. bargain with Lance.. try to get LG.. see how much i need to top up..
  18. not intend to get ceiling fan in rooms.. looks way too weird to me.. but hor.. if i hv laminates now.. n say down the road.. 5yrs later.. then change to homo tiles.. is quite a waste of money hor? mmmmm.......... hope 5Aug come faster.. then i get to see my drawings n discuss with ID.. still hv no news on the HDB side too.. sianz.. looks like keys really coming in earliest in nov.... sigh.... still a loooooooooooong way to go..
  19. nice idea.... but probably my BABY will pee on the rug as well.. cos now she's paper trained.. so if she sees or feels something thin enough she'd tot it is for her to pee... yup.. went to the opps block many times... the place is very windy.. tats y i'm v concern for rainny days.. mm.. guess will hv to wait after collected my keys n decide again le... btw.. if i'm not wrong.. windows r casement kind already.. can jus leave the top part open n close the bottom part.. but my sinus will feel stuffy n blocked nose.. quite sensitive.. sigh.. 52k? how come so EXPENSIVE?!?!? for me.. i only do simple renov.. no hacking.. n told him my tight budget of 20k b4 he quote me anything.. n he was honest enough to tell me.. 20k quite impossible for the materials i chose.. but he'd try his best to keep ard there.. n he did keep his promise.. my final quotation was a total 23k+... partly cos i intro quite a few houses and eventually signed with him too.. tats y his boss gave discounts to me.. not sure how true on the discounts part.. but to me.. 23k+ and the comfort level of talking to him.. quite ok to me la..
  20. hee.. applefreak.. mine a new flat.. so bare floor.. but my quotation was based on 3 rooms w/ laminates.. n ID mentioned b4 changing to homo needs to top up... but i hvn't ask him how much to top up niah.. zirhk3355, so expensive.. >1k... can i steal frm west/east coast? hahaaa... jus JOKING.. lifestyle, ya.. i like the warm feeling too.. plus it is something new to me la.. haha.. so tats y selected laminates during the quotation time.. but now after many many weeks of cool down period.. esp recently keep raining.. tat make me think twice..
  21. bored to death liao.. been waiting n waiting.. waiting for the house to build up since 2003.. now almost done.. n i still hv to wait for the design from my ID (Lance from Home Guide).. while i'm waiting for my dream to come true.. let's start chatting.. anyone? so here's my floor plan will b meeting Lance to view my 3D drawings.. hee.. but now am contemplating.. to change the room's laminates to homogeneous tiles.. heard that homo tiles will b more expensive.. ... but both bf n myself sleep like pigzzzzzzzzzzz... if sudden rain attacks.. no1 to close the windows.. laminates will b gone.. .. but budget wise... n the sand is so expensive now..
  22. !! .. did the officer refer to urour block only or did the officer refer to the whole estate? oh.. jus check back the previous thread.. u n i .. on the same block.. so 27A getting keys on 30nov?
  23. OH the crystal light so very lovely!!!! but the price even more lovelier..!! yeah man!!! hermes my fav brand!!! but is like nvr can afford one leh..
  24. 27B also painted.. in fact.. 27B is even more completed than 27A.. tat fruit stall is v famous for freshness n cheap prices.. it was formerly the fruit stall at the redhill mrt there.. after that few blocks enbloc.. they moved to where it is now.. we hv been their "loyal customer" since they were at the redhill there liao.. hehee..