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Everything posted by xlan

  1. hv any1 tried pull out the laundry bar in kitchen to see the height? i tried last sunday.. probably only shortie like me n mama would appreciate it.. hahaha.. is really within our reach leh.. but any taller would right onto it..
  2. mm.. tink gov trying all means to encourage Green Lifestyle.. gd for env.. but bad for us low income bunch.. sigh..
  3. h4happy, thanks for the offer, but mama n myself went up to the blk25A once already, n is enough.. cos my nose n skin v sensitive to the dust.. i had bad "flu" n whole body itching after tat.. even bathed liao also not much help.. sigh.. mama said once is enough already.. dare not go up another time.. unless it is our own keys that we hv to go in (no choice).. as for hunting ur ID.. apart from the workmanship, i feel wat is even more impt is whether u can click with them n to get your point across.. are u comfortable with talking to them.. different ppl feel differently towards the same team of ppl.. for my case.. i can click with my designer so well that we talked on the phone in office.. he even sings in the phone leh!! hahaha.. he sings not bad wor.. hahaha.. we even said may b can go K with him some time... hahahaa.. if u can click n talk well with 1.. try talking to others compare see who's most comfortable with.. then jus go with ur heart! Hi dorcas, i hv already fixed my eyes on rinnai chimney hood n inner flame hob... look thru the bundle promo n select the models.. then show them to your ID.. ask if he can get u any cheaper than the bundle promo price.. my designer said he can get better price for me.. likewise for my kitchen sink n tap.. i hv fixed my eyes on Teka one already.. no matter which brand.. for stainless steel rem to look for 18/10 grade(18% chromium / 10% nickel).. some will tell u 304 (which can be 18/8 or 18/10)... do ask if the nickel content is 8% or 10%... cos higher nickel% increase corrosion resistance.. so always get 18/10 grade and tis explains y a sink with the same look but price diff a great deal.. another factor in the s/s sink prices would b the thickness loh.. gd ones can range frm 9-12mm (if i rem correctly.. hee..)..
  4. hee.. nope.. i living on the horrible hill top.. bet u r frm blk29
  5. ya agree tat we SERS bunch no privilege to get keys any faster leh.. really depends on the flat progress v much indeed.. sigh.. but i also enjoying the progress of renovation already.. in the sense that.. keep digging info abt materials.. layouts.. designs.. etc.. then bug my designer for drawings to play with.. haha.. shopping for furnishing stuffs (oh window shopping i mean).. take note the trends, the prices, etc.. notice wat the shop's interiors.. it is already a habit in me.. i'm not even looking at the clothes or shoes or bags.. but rather keep staring n touching their shelves, laminate floors, glass doors, mirrors, color combi.. etc.. hahahahaa..
  6. wa... v scary sia.. like always hear the same thing on the news.. tiles r too dry? then wat? use moisturiser to mop the floor mah? haha.. funny reason leh.. sg such a high humidity place.. still too dry?
  7. oh thanks! so i can look for as cheap as $3... i'm thinking to ask my dad to bring it over.. shld b much cheaper to get in china.. but if as cheap as $3-5... then i'd jus buy it here.. save his trouble.. hee.. thanks!
  8. huh? wat do u mean by full stretch until the window? i tink not enough space inside the common toilet.. it is real small.. will jus obstruct the toilet entrance.. if put jus outside the toilet also not much space.. the kitchen is quite small.. if u put the w/m outside the toilet.. the space v cramp.. besides.. there's this U-shaped pipe for the heater.. so imagine.. there're heater, and w/m right in front of the kitchen entrance.. looks v v v crowded n uninviting.. could b dangerous when u taking out ur dishes if the kitchen entrance is too cramp.. for the windows.. my ID told me HDB has tis new rule that it is not allow to do any alteration to the windows.. cannot take away the vertical grills.. cannot change from sliding to casement (for some other estates where they hv sliding windows only, not for us thou).. so don mention abt making the bottom windows to be able to open.. tats even much more dangerous than removing the verticle grills.. confirmed a ya i tink the rod v expensive hor.. luckily i said it aloud here.. then super-saver like u will enlighten me! haha.. thanks! so where to get cheapest curtain rod? haha..
  9. huh? dogs n horses? how can horses come into the house leh? hahaha.. but dogs leh? cannot bring dogs to housewarming de mah? erm.. i really dunno much in FS la.. hehehe.. jus curious.. cos i hv a dog.. then wat.. cannot bring him to new house meh?
  10. mm.. dunno if i rem wrongly or not.. i tot i saw the floors all v rough surface.. shld need to apply n ask HDB to do the screeding.. but heard is tat HDB do v slow n will always says u r not the only one in the queue.. something like tat.. thou free.. but gotta wait n wait n wait.. how true..
  11. for wat i rem is no leh.. no smell wor.. unless is when is v new.. like those in shops... always hv a v "concentrated" smell.. hee.. or is it due to it's finishing? .. i rem my aunt's ratten set hv some kind of treated surface.. like a thin coating on each "thread"..
  12. agree it is deceptive.. i did tot it can be click n hv a look at the things.. replicas can b done more easier to see the actual thing in shop not frm the website bah.. i tot can click thru n at least see a small pic.. thus i tink it could be still "under construction".. meaning.. it is functioning properly.. but jus lack of some nice pictures.. therefore no click-through.. perhaps in future they'd hv somemore pics coming up.. anyway.. i went to the new branch in Great World.. WOW! love many of their things leh.. but price wise .. the price is more prettier than the thing itself.. hahaha..
  13. mm... found the website for the Natural Living.. u looking something like these..? ratten is 藤 .. right? the concern i can tink of would be trap dust.. gotta vacuum everyday.. my aunt is a big fan for that.. but she's a housewife.. always at home vacuum here n there.. unless u can afford the time n efforts.. if not.. quite a nightmare in the long run.. to me(lazy bum) at least..
  14. ... then i tink is better to get id's ppl to do it for us? to ensure dun spoil their own workmanship?
  15. oh yah! i remember le.. yes.. it is inside the "WHITE" (something like tat).. jus next to the molecule on the level 2..
  16. erm.. i tink shld b "Edit Avatar Settings" under the "personal profile" on the left menu.. not signature..
  17. hahaa.. no secretive la.. jus tat the namecard she gave me was her colleague's namecard.. daniel (i forgot surname liao).. hee..
  18. ah.. i dunno the lady's name.. hahaa.. din ask cos she said was not her site.. was her colleague's site.. hahaha.. but the renov co. name is h_m_maker.. it's a v tall n v thin lady.. was it the same lady? hahahaa..
  19. hi nemofc.. wat's ur budget? in great world there's a new shop jus opened.. named "iwannagohome" the things are sooooooo beautiful! got a few designs of rattan sofa.. so very nice.. but the price also jus now in the late afternoon.. went up to 2 units offered by a lady contractor.. 1 5rm unit n 1 4rm unit.. quite worry for the 5rm takers.. the 2 common rooms r really **** small n impractical layout.. y HDB hv such bad layout.. sigh.. in contrast.. the 4rm takers r more blessed.. the 2 common rooms feeling more spacious n practical.. thou living rm n kitchen r much smaller.. but overall i feel more satisfied with the 4rm.. hehehee.. may b jus tat i'm too obssessed with my choice! haha.. n hor.. seeing the actual tiles in kitchen n toilets.. n the window grills.. ok la... not s bad s i tot initially.. is really v contented with them leh!! hahaa.. i tink i'm absolutely total obssessed with our new home!
  20. hehee.. only tot to get 1 to put abv the basin.. so getting simple n small 1.. hee..
  21. hahaha.. dunno if the owner was notified by his contractor..inside the lift wrote on all sides "showroom : unit-number" ... n they put a big yellow & red banner at the window.. wrote "欢迎光临"! is very prominent once look up frm the street.. hahahaa...
  22. ya.. agree.. shld b no direct sunlight to 晒衣服.. i did consider getting the citygas dryer too.. but 2nd tot.. let's move in n see how 1st.. may not b s bad s we tot..
  23. give me 5! hahaha.. i'm also not doing both bathrooms.. n everything inside hv to b budget items.. haha..
  24. thinking of budget items for both bathrooms:
  25. ya.. i like tis lamp.. v fun.. 是个不倒翁