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Everything posted by xlan

  1. ya.. i tink so too.. but it's now already 6 working days liao...
  2. xlan


    ya.. the layout u hv to tink how u normally cook loh.. eg.. the 1 burner on the right/left is it the biggest burner meant for the wok? or which is the biggest.. usually will meant for the wok loh.. the other 2 usually of same size or medium n smallest size.. so like for pot (usually pot is "straight cut" 1 mah) n small pan la.. personally i prefer to hv 1 biggest burner for wok.. the other 2 same size (if not similiar size.. not too much diff).. a bit kiasu kind.. haha.. n hv set my eyes on rinnai.. cos papa n colleague (over 20yrs+ experience) both highly recomm rinnai.. so i take the 老人言就不会吃亏啦
  3. i'm not sure on the Arlington model.. cos specific models only carried by the respective merchants.. but i see it as not the model that matters.. for mattress.. it boils down to the comfort level tat satisfied u.. so it is very personal.. best to try out more n compare.. if both of u tried n love certain brand/model.. n within ur budget.. jus go for it loh.. regardless which brand/model.. for the water heater.. i tink redbottle has evaluate on this too even with some calculation on the monthly consumption.. for me.. it is jus simply cos it's FREE! haha.. i'm not a frequent user.. so not very impt to me.. tis is only for the guests n my bf's usage loh.. so i'm not that particular la.. i prefer cold shower! hee.. but wat do u mean by lock-in period? as far as i understand.. there's no contract or plan 1 leh.. simply activate the gas supply frm citygas n they will give u tis heater FREE.. u can go down to the citygas showroom to find out more bah.. me too will go down on 1 of the weekends.. to see the demo.. cos wanna listen how loud is the "pomp" sound when turn on the hot water tap.. on 7sept lunch time i sent out to HK via registered mail by air.. it reached my dad on the following tues(11sep) 11am... he signed the form at the post office n send back immediately via registered mail by air as well.. n till now.. already 6 working days (or more than a week if incl weekend).. i still hv not received it yet.. aiyah.. 急死人啦
  4. wa.. those uncles very smart hor.. got insider info is it??? majiam they knew tat 27A getting keys way b4 we (the owner) know it leh.. kao! hate them loh.. like ghost tailing behind n keep asking u.. last weekend went up to my fren's unit on 27B.. there was tis grp of contractors wanted to ask me.. frm a distance away already aiming at us as we getting nearer to the lobby.. before they can speak i give them the sign "talk to my hand" and told them i had engaged a designer already.. then they were so 不要脸 loh.. 1 uncle said "hey gal, tis guy also a designer leh!" ...
  5. xlan


    yes, agree.. for where it was made.. i see it as it was made for what cuisine cooking style.. like rinnai as a japanese brand it is tailored for asian cooking.. therefore we find tat the fire is strong enough n pretty good.. likewise for those european style hob.. they catered more to western cooking thus always find their designs require a flat base pan or pot.. or u hv to top up with a convertor kind of thing to use the round base chinese wok.. as for the number of burners.. do take note the distance in between each burner.. eg if we put a big wok on 1 burner.. might eat into the burner next to it.. so tats y u see rinnai's hob r v well planned in this area to cater to chinese wok.. where as tings like teka hob.. all the 4 burners r of equal distance n quite near to each other.. get wat i mean?
  6. jialak.. my status also showing the same ting loh.. but my dad's signature hvn't reach us yet... still somewhere out there... dunno is problem with HK post or our SingPost.. **** it **** it!!! --------------------- for Simmons mattress.. there are many models out there.. and is like certain places can only carry certain model.. eg. you cannot find tribute in robinson cos it is the model for showroom only.. but robinson will hv their range of model.. etc.. so pricing v hard to compare.. n for mine the tribute.. was got frm the showroom n price at $1.8k+ .. which is the best price in yr2006 but they relaunch tis price in mar or apr early this yr... my colleague told me of this promo n i brought my mama to showroom test out.. n finally got it at tat fantastic price.. n 3mths later the same model was already shoot back to a 2.2k+ promo price.. usual price w/o promotion would cost a 3k+ ------------------------------------------------------- for the kitchen... ours r really too small to tink of anything too fancy.. no space for island.. no place for bf counter (jus now for a moment i tot i read as "boyfriend counter" ) but a boyfriend counter sounds good to me leh! wahahahahaa... -------------------------------------------------------- so many to catch up.. did i missed out anything? hee...
  7. wah!! so nice of greycat! THANK YOU!
  8. xlan

    Shoe Cabinet

    Happy, if u hv went up to the "showrooms"... u'd know the corridor to the rooms r very very narrow.. jus nice for 1 person to walk.. if 2 person to walk.. might hv to slent ur body to give way a little.. plus i'm doing a feature wall to cover the bomb shelter door.. tat makes the corridor even narrower.. i'm now considering to remove the feature wall n only play with paints or murals on tat bomb shelter side.. will discuss further with designer when he's back.. (cos now he's in hometown for his sis's wedding)
  9. haha.. paiseh.. hdb hvn't gib me the keys yet.. hopefully can get in nov then hopefully can settled in b4 cny..
  10. hahahahaa... HAPPY.. i hvn't even submit my loan form leh.. haha.. not yet my turn to get keys leh.. sigh..
  11. thanks for the info! sigh.. i feel a bit too rush leh.. gotta wait HDB rectify defects (dunno how long they take) n the cement screed frm HDB also taking ages too i heard.. then renovation take another 1.5-2mths.. how to make it like tat... =(
  12. huh? how to higher than doorway? mean full height shoe cabinet no good ma?
  13. xlan

    Shoe Cabinet

    haha.. headache.. jus realised my future neighbours also hving tis problem.. cos our unit really very restricted..
  14. wa.. congrats redbottle (for ur keys.. of cos not the defects.. haha) mm.. did HDB say how long u hv to shift over n return ur old flat?
  15. WOW!! SO NICE!! aiyah.. very envy.. n very worried for my place.. dunno what it will look like.. sigh.. i wish time can fly even faster..
  16. xlan

    Shoe Cabinet

    hehehe.. ya quite true.. but then i only scare i keep bumping onto the corners.. i super clumpsy gal leh.. esp when taking out my dishes n soups frm kitchen.. sure will always 1 leh.. quite narrow for my big butt.. aiyoo...
  17. mm.. did u gals jus read frm the shoe cabinet thread? i jus did.. n same here loh.. where got place for shoes leh.. applefreak suggested in that thread to put beside the door.. i tot is quite cramp.. s i visualise it tis way: but i hvn't ask Lance yet.. will see if he can accomodate it loh.. but then will b like slapping my own mouth.. cos i told him 我们没有看风水的.. hahaha..
  18. xlan

    Shoe Cabinet

    mmm... applefreak... beside the door means like tis mah? may b can tell my designer try to accomodate it..
  19. xlan

    Shoe Cabinet

    then will b v cramp.. last sat afternoon went up the unit (my fren's 1 la.. mine hvn't get keys yet).. the place is much smaller n narrower than wat it seem on the floor plan..
  20. xlan

    Shoe Cabinet

    i hv no choice.. the only place for my shoe cabinate is only facing the main door.. can't think of any other places liao.. see my floor plan.. so i will make it like a normal cabinate with proper casement door.. no smell to come out.. no sight of shoes.. shld b ok rite.. anyway.. 信则有.. 不信则无..
  21. me too.. thou paid deposit for my ID liao.. still flipping thru all sorts of materials.. mags.. www.. etc.. nw i'm v hooked with gg library borrow interiors designs mags frm HK & Taiwan... for the HK 1 can pick up quite a lot of space constraints ideas.. Taiwan 1 got nice n pretty stuffs frm Japan which sg Mags nvr show.. probably cos can't get it in sg la.. but to get the Jap idea is v gd.. v clever design.. oh.. names of tis 2 mags r: HK mag = MH (Modern Home) Taiwan mag = 室内
  22. erm.. IMHO.. asking hubby's help to do house chores is always the HARDEST.. may b jus i'm the unlucky 1.. i'd rather do everything on my own or pay to get help.. so much easier..
  23. hi mist! i saw the demo in tangs.. the robot not v reliable leh.. i was standing there.. saw it keep gg round n round on the same imaginery track.. always missed out the same few areas.. thus dust over these missed out spots will nvr get pick up.. tis is how i feel la..
  24. ya! gd idea to go as renotalk membina grp.. haha.. blk27A.. my loan form rightfully shld need to reach HDB by today.. but i called in to defer my submission.. cos i need to sent back to HK for my dad to sign n sent it back to me.. luckily i made the call n successfully defered my submission to end of this month.. cos we haven't receive the signed doc back.. hopefully will get it in these few days.. if loan application to be submitted promptly by today.. i guess the key collection date will b in end oct or early nov.. *stay tuned*
  25. oic... wa.. then i rather to hv VC le.. cos new place v windy.. broom will make dust fly up like nvr ending.. seems like jamez enjoying his VC v much.. kekeke... aiyoo.. my shopping list getting longer n longer le..