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Everything posted by xlan

  1. ya welcome simpleboi... all of us here r v excited too!
  2. hahahaa.. thanks redbottle.. but i tot so funny... suddenly a little off centre there're 2 plugs there n somemore not side by side.. got a rather big gap in between.. so funny.. ... nvm.. get the Eubiq system will look nice le..
  3. hi redbottle, jus curious, do u rem what's that 2 dots on the wall? is tat some kind of weird "design" by HDB (color-blind-cum-design-blind again)?
  4. hahaha.. yeah thanks redbottle for the updates! so that was really the retractable hangers.. hahaha.. gd la.. easier to hang clothes.. thou quite an eyesore.. will seek my designer's view.. see wat best to make my kitchen look a lil nicer..
  5. peeps! today's sunset was so beautiful n romantic! too bad my hp camera lousy quality..
  6. mm.. 最重要的是, 不要为了一时之气, 要好好商量, 也许他也是为了你们的将来打算, may not really that he choose money over u.. yet.. i still disagree tat 5yrs later sure 100% earn loh.. there r jus too many other factors on the property markets liao..
  7. i may skip the exhibitions for now le.. been to quite a number of shows in the 1st half of 2007.. n agree with linggie.. many hardsellers.. n some of them will show u a black face once u look uninterested in their tings.. not many service-oriented there.. but for those just started looking ard for reno stuffs.. is gd to visit these exhibitions for a few more times.. keep talking to them.. n ignore their attitudes.. for me.. i'll see how in the yr end.. looking forward to any yr-end sales or christmas sales.. etc..
  8. hee... yes.. been here since 1992.. .. usually no 1 can tell i'm frm HK cos i speak like local already.. hahaha.. my hse cooking not really local HK taste as well.. we cook our own way rather.. aka anyhow cook.. hahahahaa... for soup.. yes! we like to drink as most HK families.. last time when i was young my granny cook different soup everyday.. so every meal we hv nice soup to go with our dishes.. n most of the soup we drink are those seldom cook or seen here in sg.. not even any foodcourts or tzi cha.. like 南北杏瘦肉菜乾汤, 腐竹汤, but now she's not here anymore n all of us working.. can only boil the soup on weekends.. my mom will sometimes boil the 黑豆生鱼骨汤.. yum yum.. but difficult n tedious.. i hvn't master the art of boiling soup yet.. hahahahaa.. i can only anyhow cook some simple dishes.. am waiting for my new kitchen to be up.. hahahaa.. n me too can't travel.. can't spend unnecessarily.. cos of the new house.. 我一年多没回老家了
  9. yes, i agree with rommie & nemofc.. esp when u 2 already come to the stage of marriage.. there's nothing u 2 cannot discuss liao.. even small small diny matters or no matter how sensitive the issues are.. esp both side's family issues.. everything.. must talk n discuss loh.. i can't comment much thou.. my personal stuffs r too messy to give good comments.. but really hope u n ur bf can come to compromise n HDB is kind enough to help u through.. i feel is really heartpain to let go both $ n location.. jj2, haahaa.. my cooking not fantastic leh.. no good cook.. sometimes frens commented that i cook a lil too salty for singaporean's taste.. hahaa.. but bf said ok.. cos both of us 重口味啦.. hee
  10. dun wan la.. i like cooking n entertaining during weekends.. cannot stand tabao food everyday incl weekends.. cannot imagine i keep eating in those unhealthy oil n msg.. if there's a choice.. my ambition is b a full time housewife.. hahahaha.. to cook healthy food n manage my home.. i know sound v 小女人.. mm... now modern trend is to do without top cabinate.. n bottom will b suspended cabinate.. w/o top cabinate will not only look modern n sleek.. also create an illusion of a bigger kitchen.. but i still go for top cabinates... hee.. in case we need storage... at least to hide away those blenders n seldom use gadgets.. light weight ones of cos.. heavy tings still hv to put at the bottom cabinates.. tis sunday will get to see some drawings.. hope is something ----------------------------------------------------------------- oh... & here's some of the sites i went to.. quite informative.. hope they help.. 1) http://www.kitchenbathdesign.com/ 2) http://kitchens.com/ 3) http://www.renovatorsplace.com/ 4) http://trendsideas.com/ 5) http://www.onlinetips.org/kitchen 6) http://www.homeatyellow.com.au/yph/page/home
  11. huh? small mah? i tot is almost as big as the bedroom 3 leh.. hahahaa.. or is it me too used to small house.. so anything a lil bigger to me is already BIG le.. .. 5 cabinet doors.. ok ma.. small meh?
  12. heee!!! i LIKE tis one!! where can i get it? haha.. muz deathcoth.. keep pushing ppl to buy buy buy...
  13. ya.. can try to talk with hdb officer.. see wat best solution they can offer..
  14. moonbell, u r welcome! squashy, i also dunno much abt it yet.. i'm meeting Lance this sunday afternoon.. will check with him again.. will then update here again..
  15. hee.. ya quite true.. n i dun tink any1 would complaint my ventilation fan rite.. unless our cake aroma too ... hahahaa.. dun tink i'd sell my place man.. hahahaa.. i tink i'll stay till old.. m now wondering if this 2 tings r the same? (installed in new place by HDB) (laundry sys frm tis thread) argh.. how i wish i hv keys now to see the real ting.. wat is tat metal rods installed by HDB..
  16. Hi Belle, i'm interested to know more on your individual controlled pole system too! can share more info on that? like brands, where to get it, how much u got it? thanks! !! xlan
  17. sorry i know abv pic posted some time back.. but i wonder could HDB so good to give us tis? as i tot tis ting look like tis pic below (pics frm tis thread) thou is jus a $100 ting.. not something super x la... but if really is tat ting for laundry.. then i'd love to keep it but will try to squeeze my ID's brain for better ideas to make it looks good.. !!
  18. hahahaa... same as my bro's 旺宝... very naughty rite?
  19. ah.. not really tat stress as imagine la.. he's not those banker.. so no good money.. hee..
  20. hee.. he was previously in payer labar then went to bukit timah.. may b u 2 knew each other b4.. .. hehee.. anyway.. he now no more regular le.. tat was very very long ago liao.. now in banking..
  21. huh green.. i'm feel for u.. really hope tat tings will turn better n goes smoothly for u.. somehow i understand wat u fear.. i hv relative like tat as well.. oh.. ur bf is a regular mah? then i understand le.. last time my bf was regular too.. deal with ammo.. at times when he needs to go in the ammo dump cannot carry hp in cos some ammo will sensitive enuff to explode with the slightest electronic signal.. tat time i also quite worry.. somemore cannot contact him.. hee... wah.. love to see the progress.. hee.. i bet tis muz b at the 25A...
  22. the last time we saw the palladine at carefour.. not really satisfactory.. but the Chimei looks much more satisfactory.. my taiwan fren told me that Chimei is good.. actually i dun quite understand wat he meant la.. but something like it is the OEM for quite a number of well known brands.. how true.. but the price really good budget for us.. we're tinking of getting it if neither samsung or sharp no offer/promo.. ideally of cos love the samsung looks loh.. but .. Chimei still better choice for us.. hahaa..
  23. wow.. thank u for the info.. v interesting!
  24. yup.. sure exhibitions help u browse thru various IDs n get clearer pics of wat u want.. n how much is the "market rate"... etc.. but frm wat i noticed.. usually the more reputated IDs dun participate in these exhibitions.. n dunno y for those tat participated.. usually are those same few ones.. always kana bad mouthed in threads from diff forums.. some ppl said cos they grab too much deals (more than they can handle) that usually they dun deliver good works or cork up ur renov progress.. i ... may b jus competitors bad mouthing each other also possible.. for myself.. i did went ard sit in almost all exhibitors to get quotations.. usually spent the whole day there.. but nvr commit anything to anyone.. but they r sure aggressive enuff in their followup.. keep calling or sms me.. so hv to prepare urself mentally.. happy shopping!