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Everything posted by xlan

  1. hey freakyapple ALL THE BEST!
  2. wa.. consider v good bargain.. the last time i went.. over a floor lamp.. but tat alone costing a 2K already.. hehe.. but i initially wanted the highest floor on 27th.. but during my turn to select it was taken.. but ok la.. very very contented already.. but still a v long way to go.. keys only coming in earliest nov i guess.. sigh..
  3. hahahaa.. no worries crazycar.. won't u... jus tat i tink even the contractor might mix up 27 A & B.. bcos' yest nite i jus passed by 27A n inspections still going on.. i saw lights on in the unit 05-140 n there were 3 men inside working.. 2 at the windows "brushing" (dunno brushing wat la.. looks like dusting off like tat).. 1 flashing torch light every corners.. and there were 2 other units (which i can't count.. green light on n need to drive off liao) lights on too..
  4. this is v surprising for me if its truely in tis order.. cos 27B completed way before 27A.. my fren got his unit on 27B got their letter regarding the loan in July.. while i just received a letter regarding returning my mum's CPF to her acct.. in last week (btw, i'll b in 27A).. hvn't even talk abt anything on the loan matter leh.. my progress still way behind my fren.. doesn't seems right in any way leh..
  5. wah greycat.. ur place gonna be so handsome! aiyoo.. envy envy.. i love the space stuffs so much.. but no $ for them.. u so lucky.. ur globe globe also v NICE loh.. aiyoo.. i wish my place gonna b nice too leh.. but $ constraint.. dunno will do up s half nice s urs or not..
  6. marksng12 & binzz, yupz! i like the kitchen too.. but gonna change layout liao.. cos me NOT tearing down the retractable laundry rack.. both mom n myself only 154cm n the rack is jus nice for our heights to use it conveniently.. she loves it loh.. so i hv discussed with Lance to keep the rack.. we giving up the top cabinet on that side.. n asked him to "push forward" the L-shape, on the basin side will be making some sort like partition.. we're thinking abt glass la.. to match the backsplash at the stove side.. but now he's enjoying holiday.. back on 1sept.. so wat it look like then.. will wait for him patiently.. n so far i only like the living room v3 and the kitchen.. others.. ask him think of some more designs for me loh.. dun like.. but ok la.. no rush yet.. 时间还多呢.. HDB still no news for me.. so ok la.. slowly..
  7. hahaha.. mace said it so well.. very true leh.. really depends v much on wat u love.. for me.. i love every tone in between black n white.. frm solid black to all tones of grey to solid white.. tats y i'm v fickle minded on my cabinet color.. 1 moment want all black.. 1 moment want all white.. hahahahahahahaa..
  8. wa.. me v envy applefreak.. place almost done le.. can't wait to see the completed works.. there was a time i wanted all glossy black (or dark grey) kitchen cabinet.. but now as i look at it.. black not really tat 耐看.. esp after designer showed me the 3D in all white white de.. the kitchen majiam bright up so much..
  9. ya.. i got my furniture set liao.. but hvn't finalised design cos hv 1 chance to change model n color before delivery.. sink/tap/hob/hood.. all set my eyes already.. hee.. n also told ID the price n ask if he can get cheaper.. if he cannot get any cheaper (like the hitachi fridge he has no lobang for me) he told me i can go ahead with my findings.. but others like the sink/tap/hob/hood he has better deals for me.. now i'm looking for budget but muz b nice bedframe.. haha.. hello greycat! squeeze w/m into toilet.. not me la.. haha.. was h4happy's mama idea..
  10. happy, so wat're the reply u got frm contractors? yes? !! mace, i also wish to be a swee char bor leh.. sigh.. but u r rite i long time no update liao hor.. hahaa.. nothing much i can do now so nothing much to update here.. i got some 3d illustions frm designer, but really not much.. n incomplete.. also hv to change layout again.. the laundry space really headache.. sigh.. n the wardrobe designs didn't impress me much.. don't really like it... esp mama's wardrobe.. anyway.. wat i hv is time.. let him slowly amend la.. he's on vacation next week.. hopefully after he came back frm holiday.. hv a much fresher mind n ideas.. hee..
  11. oh like tat.. wonder if buy 5 doors how much more cheaper.. hahahahahaha... my rooms hv no doors.. i opted out for HDB ones..
  12. wa.. ribenaberry v resourceful.. heehee.. thanks for the info.. i'm still discussing with mama.. my current place is using the same kind as well.. but everything was DIY by papa.. hence not sure where he got his metals frm.. the boards were frm old wardrobe ppl disposed off at our area.. now not sure to buy new ones.. or use back the metals n jus replace the boards w/ our own wardrobe (recycle the current one)..
  13. $270 each is base on materials u choose or a flat rate? s i c their site can personalise to choose materials n colors, design to ur own creativity.. mm.. n the frames of the 2 panels r also stainless steel? the idea is quite smart la.. but the frames of the panels.. make a "center partition" on it.. if there're ways to make it the same color of the panel.. will look nicer..
  14. mm... i dun see anything wrong la.. for all these years my home in HK r using sliding door in bedroom cos no space for casement or bifold.. it is slide between a thin partition n the double decker of my parents & brother.. nothing wrong all these years leh..
  15. i was at 118D (was it D or A? can't rem.. haha) looking over to our BLK27A loh..
  16. ya.. i'm hoping to receive letter in 3rd or 4th week of sept... tat day (1 of the evening after work) i went to opps our block.. n saw someone holding a touch lite seems like inspecting the place very carefully on every corner.. tat was in the 5/F unit.. hopefully by sept.. will finish inspection.. haha!!
  17. hi crazycar.. thanks for your offer but not me la.. i dun like those wooden doors.. i'll be getting glass ones..
  18. we hv the option cos then the flats were not built yet.. all sers applications hv this option.. but not for the balloting grp i tink..
  19. i opted out the doors too but not regret.. hehehe.. cos like glass doors.. personally dun like the doors given.. but i hv yet to choose doors frm my designer.. hopefully has wat i like.. besglas movi door is good.. http://www.besglas.com/products-movidoor.html
  20. omg.. jus scanned through the tanglin hault thread.. abt the break-ins n vandalism of their roof garden at MSC.. hope our place will not hv these kind of tings..
  21. ya me too not doing base for w/m n fridge.. was it a south-east-asia style to wash the kitchen tat way? cos even during my grandparent's era they didn't do tat too.. cos using too much water n it is a waste.. they jus diligently wipe with a damp cloth at most if too oily add a little detergent to the water.. now of cos "upgrade" to using a mop la.. no more kneeling n wipe with the cloth.. hahaa.. but reason y i dun want the base is cos i tink very difficult to move out the w/m or fridge if in case spoil liao need to change.. got to watch tat step.. aiyah.. but i nvr think much abt the floor skirting leh.. indeed a good point to note leh.. thank u mace..
  22. huh.. so bad.. at least trade off with some other fixings to "offset" their lost la.. ur neighbour shld hv bargain with them n tell them if they do biz like tat will gonna "make themselves smelly" only.. that words of mouth spread very fast de! mind to share which the renov co name? or hint hint la.. many of our neighbours here still looking for reliable ones leh..
  23. oh.. so ur neighbours already started renovations n got notice of letter saying we only 4mths to move over ah.. aiyoh.. v rush leh.. anyway.. my bf already 看扁我巴不得一个月就给他搬过去! hahaha.. quite true.. he knows me better than i do.. haha...
  24. woo.. so much to catch up tonight.. day time was at war zone in office.. sigh.. do u guys think that we can move the retractable hanging bars from the wall to the ceiling? meaning.. instead of pulling OUT will be pulling DOWN.. idea?? my bf suggested this.. dunno workable or not.. dorcas, the models i'm eyeing are (model no in my signature): oh n me too.. thot of buying those portable/foldable laundry stand.. cos most prob my place not much sun shining in.. so will need something mobile enough to follow the little sunshine.. haha.. but i tink will be getting more sturdy ones.. ikea ones too flimpsy n can't take too much weight.. no gd leh.. msbean, i tink if ur bedsheets are queen sizes shld still fit onto the rods.. but if kings.. then can't perfectly fit (can't b "flat" on the rods).. for those moldy smell u r concerned.. u can buy those 洗衣粉 specifically for indoor drying kind.. n add a small cap of dettol to ur 2nd rinse cycle n then follow by a final(3rd) rinse.. mama n me do our laundry this way n even on rainny day there r no moldy smell at all.. n i dun tink we can make any hole outside for safety reasons.. n i notice for the outer hanger.. the "shelter" is quite big that it actually covers all the hanging rods outside the window.. see below pic tat i took frm the staircase.. linggie, u bet it.. all my colleagues were strongly adviced me not to get washing-cum-drying machine.. cos if either function spoilt.. the whole machine stop working.. so better to buy it separately.. h4happy, is it confirmed that SERS ppl hv only 4mths to move to new place? i heard frm frens (who had fren enbloc before) they had 6mths to move over leh.. so was it 4 or 6 mths? for nemofc n others who got the unit frm the balloting exercise.. dun think they hv any restrictions on the moving into the new units.. cos they do not hv to return any old house to HDB.. so in a way they are practically own time own target..