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Everything posted by xlan

  1. hehe.. hi all dear frens.. happily announcing.. my place finally starting on the renov works.. hahaha.. so happy.. but at the same time v stress.. n v regret to say 25th can't attend the great gathering le.. cos will b busy doing our last minute shopping for all those accessories that need our ID to help us install.. n i hvn't get my kitchen tap yet.. argh.. so hard to source for the mr right tap.. sigh.. wish me luck! n wish you guys hv a great day, yeah! ^.^
  2. yesterday Lance told me no work done, only get the materials delivered up to my unit.. today i called him up again, he said is doing tiling works.. but in case if i c any objects placed on top of the tiles.. please do not step on those tiles as i will spoil the leveling or lining of the whole alignment.. hee.. so.. when i went up today at 5.30pm.. tot the contractor might have done it and left my place already.. but i was wrong.. they were still doing the tiling.. haha.. i didn't even dare to step inside my own unit.. afraid would hv spoil their works.. n stupid me.. my camera batt flat.. i hv to rely on my lousy phone to take this lousy pic.. sigh..
  3. wow.. monkeybone got a great deal! hehe.. tis weekend is the IFC grand opening.. hopefully is more fully renovated liao.. jazznpop.. thanks for sharing ur experience! i'll strike off the place frm my itinerary
  4. oh! the IFC is opening this weekend.. hv free shuttle service frm yew tee mrt!!
  5. oh ya.. sungei kadut.. is it the International Furniture Center ah? always wanted to check out that place.. but cos real FAR n uh-loo... mm.. till now still hvn't go there yet.. but i found the site for the IFC.. oh wah.. this weekend jus nice they're grand opening leh! haha.. http://www.ifcsingapore.com/images/ad.jpg gadgetgal.. is the same thing same shop.. there are many bad reviews on them.. jus do a search in forum (either in renotalk or sgbrides) and u'd find quite a few threads giving bad reviews on them
  6. monkeybone, for the cement screeding.. officer usually says wait for 2-3weeks.. but for mine.. if i'm not wrong i applied on the 17Oct.. n waited till 10Nov then they did it.. very fast job la.. jus 1 day thing.. but my waiting time was almost a month! bee joy.. check out the newspaper advertisements.. there are a few super cheap promo.. but quality wise.. go to the respective warehouses/showrooms and judge for yourself.. i'll be busy gg ard to see them too.. hee.. i'm still looking for my bedframe as well! haa! i tink i'll be gg to the Bighton(Toa Payoh), Green(Leng Kee), King Furnishing(Jln Pemimpin).. etc.. i tink can also rackie along joo seng road.. many other brands...
  7. hee! will peanut live in JM as well? haha.. next time can go walk walk with our BABY Sparey, if u worried.. may be u can ask ID for a official schedule sheet.. see mine.. then at least u hv a better picture and know roughly when to get your purchases ready for installation
  8. oh.. is ok.. no cold water.. i guess is cos monopolised by 1 guy.. also no choice right.. i mean.. where else to buy sand?
  9. nemofc, sorry if i confused u.. wat i meant was.. i'm doing laminate flooring for the 3 rooms n therefore need the cement screed (FOC by HDB).. the $600 is for the sand that need to use for laying tiles.. n as for the difference in pricing.. because all my 3 bedrooms not laying tiles n so don need the sand so much cheaper.. n that is why for those laying tiles for whole house will need more sand n therefore more $..
  10. gadgetgal, ur schedule seems like mine.. but my ID has scheduled to start work next week wor.. sand n tiles will be delivered up to my place on next mon.. probably next tue can start the tilings le.. for the entire schedule can refer to my t-blog.. as for the sand fee.. my ID managed to help me get $600 only.. he said usual price for that amt should be $700.. since my 3 bedrooms already cement screeded FOC by HDB.. n for those tat doing entire house by tiles should be paying $1000 as usual price.. but he helped my friend get $900..
  11. yeah.. the schedule was planned by ID and was according to their company's service policy.. Photos taken last saturday afternoon, when they were doing the cement screeding.. my hse was so dirty & messy everywhere.. can't be help.. jus wish they did a good job.. but FOC frm HDB.. wat more i can ask for.. in the living room : in the kitchen : along the passaway to bedrooms : and work in progress in bedrooms : (My) Master Bedroom : Parent's Bedroom (already completed when we arrived) : Entertainment Room :
  12. reno schedule: Week 1, 19-23 Nov • Haulage • Wet works • Plumbing works Week 2, 26-30 Nov • Wet works • Electrical works • A/C piping installation ( 26/11 Monday ) • Cornices works • Accessory delivery ( 30/11 Friday ) Week 3, 03-07 Dec • Painting works • A/C fan point installation • Lighting installation • Carpentry works measurement • Chemical wash • Carpentry works in process Week 4, 10-14 Dec • Laminated flooring installation • Carpentry works in process Week 5, 17-21 Dec • Carpentry installation • Solid top measurement Week 6, 24-28 Dec • Solid top installation • Plumbing works touch up • Painting works touch up !! should be alright hor...?
  13. hee.. ya exactly squashy.. i also cannot rem wat i did on the collection day.. wat ever or whoever officer asked me to pay or sign.. jus do or give blindly.. n in my heart was like.. faster.. give me the keys.. faster.. give me back the old house's money.. hahaha.. hmm.. n nw u mentioned it.. i tink i did paid for some town council fees for a few months too..
  14. hi squashy, my ID brought his aircon contractor to my house to see n suggested the "blue way" as indicated in your diagram.. didn't heard him saying any problem with the gradient wor.. the only issue.. was the concealed water pipes in the mbr toilet wall.. cos the red n blue tapes are not 100% accurate on the actual pippings.. (or was that the electrical cables?)... n so they may need to trial & error carefully.. which may in turn cause more than 1 drill holes.. but ID will be taking care of that.. if we are lucky enough.. 1 hole will b done.. hee..
  15. last sat, early morning received a "scary" call.. caller : hello! r u the owner of jln membina blk 27A #*exact-unit no.*? can u give me ur contractor's contact number? me : huh? .... (silence, thinking hard, who the h3ll is on the line who know exactly my addr?) : er.. who are u ah? caller : oh.. u need to do the cement screed for 3 rooms right? i need to confirm some details with your contractor.. me: ...... (still dunno who's tat.. jus assume is either the china contructions co, or town council) : orh.. my ID name is Lance, contact is .... afternoon went up our unit, and they were doing the cement screeding.. my parent's room was done already. this morning received call frm ID, say will start reno next week, money hv to prepare, would b like $600 for the sand materials, n gotta go down town council pay dunno wat fee, then gotta prepare the 2nd payment (10%) already..
  16. i using MCO + washing powder for washing too.. love them! then i using cleartune set.. incl lotion, moisture gel, acne essence, n oil control powder.. plus the t-zone essence as well.. tis 5 tings make wonders n complement each other so well.. it keeps my face MATT frm 8am - 5pm! no need to blot anymore.. love them!
  17. dorcas, tink i ans'ed ur qn.. yes i hv a stopper for the main door.. according to ID seafaith, thanks! my fridge will b somewhere on the left of the picture..
  18. mm.. wanted to.. love it leh.. but now hv v tight budget constraint.. dunno still can make it or not.. so now still kiv tis item..
  19. SITEX 2007 Public - Free Admission Singapore Expo Hall 5 & 6 29-Nov-07 to 02-Dec-07 11:00 - 21:00 http://www.sitex.com.sg/
  20. erm.. i tot of bringing ice-cream.. other ideas.. cocktails or mocktails ingredients? hee..
  21. how r u nemofc? me too.. jus back frm HK (last thurs nite).. the air was very bad over there.. !!
  22. mm.. my kitchen sliding door on foyer side:
  23. hee... me check with my "master" 1st.. confirm again hor... paiseh..
  24. dorcas, bring ur ID to select for you.. cos frm my very pleasent experience with my ID, i brought him to do our final selection.. he helped us with the measurements, colors, fabrics, even cushion combinations, everything! really really helpful with ID around.. that time when we selected our L-shaped sofa n coffee table.. he did the measurements carefully to ensure can fit in n still hv enough room to walk.. s for the kitchen door, ours will b sliding door at the foyer side..
  25. hi dorcas! i selected and confirmed with my choices already.. 2mths? tat long meh? i tot i heard 2 weeks but anyway.. in fact.. not all the sofas can be tailored to fit into our apartment.. gotta b really careful.. cos the set i chosen.. actually wanted to request the legging to be a little more inwards so that is not so protruding n not so easily to kick onto it.. but the boss (lxxlie) said that particular model are made in china n due to long distance communication over IDD.. china side may not get the instructions clearly n make correctly.. so may not really can "hide" the legging inward.. true or not.. sigh.. anyway.. if they tell u 2mths.. then take it as 2 mths loh.. u paid deposit already or hvn't? cos if paid liao then i guess better decide fast la.. if not later they put the blame on u n deliver late.. sigh.. wahahahahaha.. me too waiting for the sitex to buy LCD.. haha..