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Everything posted by matchalatte

  1. hello! its just some pictures that you like, such as those that inspire you or give you ideas. theres no particular way to do it, just upload some pics and thats it
  2. hello, fellow 3 roomer! like you im planning to do lots of hacking as well. your kitchen is way bigger than mine, envy!
  3. hello! im an avid baker/cook as well would love to see how your well equipped kitchen would turn out. cant wait! any mood pics to share? congrats on your upcoming key collection, will be looking out for your updates. i think 27K is totally reasonable, i had a 50K quote for my 3 room BTO
  4. honestly guys, for baking, marble is the best. i mean for pastry like rolling out tart or croissant dough as well as for chocolate tempering. if working with whipped cream then marble + powerful aircon is the best! if you're working with lots of food coloring for piping buttercream on cupcakes or making korean buttercream flowers then i think most surfaces will stain one lor. then that one is better to place newspaper or parchment paper on the worktop then place yr piping bags on a steel tray, like the kind used in medical/dental surgery lol. @BudgetLP oh yay, nice to see someone with similar concept as i do! ya i think hacking & sliding door/glass stuff probably makes up the bulk of my reno. yours as well? yes please do share how much you're being quoted! i still dont have enough quotes to compare, and i did ask besglas, all i can say its mind boggling with the different names of glass. and not cheap also. @GallopingPuffin oh turmeric wont stain? then its good! because im quite worried as even though i dont work with turmeric i use lots of powdered food coloring, matcha powder, black cocoa powder etc. i dunno leh ultimately i do have a budget that is considered small so if possible it will have to be for hacking, sliding doors etc. countertop wise i might just use marble lookalike laminate for wet kitchen and real marble for my island.
  5. oh wow that is so beautiful! i actually dont like the thin profile of kompacplus too, i prefer things with substance lol. is it expensive to do it like that? like is it within the price range of laminate, quartz or?
  6. question of the day guys! what do you think of fake grout tiles? i was surprised to see them on taobao (im a noob when it comes to tiles) and from user reviews it looks pretty seamless when installed. i mean i think the idea is ingenious, wont drive the tiler crazy with doing individual tiles and no more having to clean the grouts, yes? lol
  7. thanks for letting me know! do you have a pic of how a solid wood wrapped with kompacplus might look? i have a prob visualizing. do you have it on your blog?
  8. yup thats it! the HDB one is very oval so its actually pretty uncomfy, its oval, and also very thin so you kinda feel you wanna fall in lol. and then the bottom part is too curved in so hard to clean. so this time round i want to buy a blocky one. fingers crossed it will be ok. oh the shelves, i do realize its kinda ex and review not so good. if you just search for 六边形书架置物架 there will be other options as well. most likely i will go for the cheaper one lol. never knew you could wrap plywood with kompacplus. i always seen kompacplus tops being so thin. most likely i would go for a laminate but i don't like how the edges are so obvious when joined. i want a square edge one unlike those rounded ones in 1990s.
  9. OMG i actually LOL-ed when i read your comment. maybe its just me but i cannot imagine going to a sanitaryware showroom and then sit on a toilet bowl to see how it feels. i suppose this should be the way but to me, comfort ranks 0 on my list, how it looks and ease of cleaning rank first. afterall you dont spend hours sitting on it (but who knows when constipation strikes lol), also the default one HDB gives most people would use happy also. in fact now that you mentioned, i do feel that the HDB one which i've been living with for the past 17 years isnt very comfy haha. yup yup, heres the link to the shelves : 创意书架书柜客厅展示架陈列架六边形个性书柜落地组合儿童置物架),快来和我一起瓜分红包】http://c.b1wt.com/h.3MIy6c?cv=k0odmVlzSE&sm=24482c i think i need to include links with all my purchases nx time. just didnt bother doing as i didnt think people would be interested in what i bought haha.
  10. thanks for the tips! definitely bringing samples of my cabinet if im shopping for a counter top. the tricky thing now is if i go with a butcher block my cabinets would have to be white, or grey. im not really looking to do white/grey cabinets. my initial plan was actually a marble print top with walnut colored cabinets. i see that ikea has a marble print one as well but when i see the word particle board i was abit sian tbh. and the other tops like quartz & granite so ex its totally outta my budget. so most likely i will be going for a butcher block or marble print laminate. need to visit ikea asap! i think butcher block color will deepen regardless of whether u seal it or not. i hope you do another review of it in a couple of years lol
  11. ha ok i see now, thanks! i only saw the other side of your kitchen with kompacplus. and surprisingly i think they look pretty compatible. i've always had qualms about using different materials for each side, but yours look very harmonious. your contractor not able to provide you with the top that you had to buy from IKEA or he was so against you just didn't want to argue so you went sourcing it on your own? lol. honestly i even wanted to have it on the sink side but i think its not recommended? also, do you seal it?
  12. ohhh really?? i'll take a look thanks! edit : wait, i think she did kompacplus. @kingandbin is your kitchen top kompacplus?
  13. anyone has experience with butcher block countertops? is it suitable for sg's climate? thinking of installing it coz i really like the raw natural look and also coz its cheap. i mean i do hope its cheap but i suppose anything that comes to sg can be inflated. i know ikea has it so it must be quite popular? i also like that the edges can be squarish. if i were to go for square laminate then the edges will show and its quite unsightly.
  14. yes here you go! 【北欧不锈钢角几现代简约沙发边几客厅花架茶几托盘电话几定制家具】http://c.b1wt.com/h.3N1s7z?cv=6AkrmcHTAm&sm=2f2f48 【我剁手都要买的宝贝(北欧抽象黑白装饰画创意组合画卧室墙画现代简约客厅挂画餐厅壁画),快来和我一起瓜分红包】http://c.b1wt.com/h.3N2eLj?cv=RvAmmcD5du&sm=9f6ede
  15. thank you dear! i hope the real thing will be as nice lol not under prime, my friend has very bad experience using ezbuy to ship big stuff so i think im just going to either use peeka or oops.sg. plus i hear prime only has limited choices? anyway here you go : 【欧式简易梳妆台卧室现代简约铁艺北欧化妆桌金属书桌美式黑色长桌】http://c.b1wt.com/h.3lOtgl?cv=yuL3OAYYpL&sm6ed713
  16. it gives you a rough price guide for some of the common reno works. if you're getting confused with all the quotes it might be because you did not convey your requirements clearly across every firm. you may have told ID A this and ID B that so its hard to compare. you need to tell all of them the same thing so you can do the comparison. some also do not listen well and will end up quoting you a different material or give you things you did not ask for. some will also not quote you for things you asked for so as to appear cheaper. if anything you're not clear about, you need to ask them. shoot them plenty questions, afterall you're the one parting with your hard earned money. i normally ask for quotes with options of different materials eg. quartz/granite/marble/solid surface, or normal glass/tempered/laminated. i ask them to put in all the prices so it will help me make the decision of which one to go for. if need be, visit as many firms as possible. i will do that (in searching for a contractor) because along the way i become more experienced, and i also learn tons of things from speaking to them. sometimes i may have my own ideas but if 9/10 contractors/ID say its not doable or not practical then at least it will make me rethink my decision.
  17. omg sink looks good! so sleek. i've also faved one on taobao not sure whether to buy or not. please feedback on the subsequent quality and usage lol
  18. taobao purchases are more or less confirmed! i wont be able to finalize on the bigger ones like sideboard, sofa & tiles until i see the actual unit so these are just gonna be furnishings & sanitaryware for now. or if i can buy reasonably priced (read : cheap) sofa or sideboard from fortytwo or castlery then i will just buy there instead. dressing table set, brass coffee table, cushion covers, hexagonal display shelves, planter rack and le sac en papier kraft bag! gonna use it as a waste paper basket, they also have other prints which are very pretty as well. i always liken them to dog food bag lol marble clock, herringbone rug, grey dining chairs, another dressing table set. no im not buying 2. thing is i cant decide between white/gold and grey/gold so we'll see. also playtype g poster & probably other posters as well. i wonder if theres any particular reason they seem to group the g poster & scarlett johansson in tux one together. decide to just buy a book/display shelf instead of doing a cut throat custom made one. also buying towels, eames house bird, fornasetti cushion, flos gun bedside lamp & difusser fragrance since i cannot afford jo malone & diptyque i've also decided on black sanitaryware & accessories like mixer taps, rainshower, stone kitchen sink etc. hubby approves! the only white ones will be the toilet bowl and bathroom sink. hoping that they'll look good together. fingers crossed.
  19. hi! thanks for dropping by. your home is so beautiful! i need to go find the time to read all 24 pages lol. i would love an open closet like yours too but not sure whether it will be difficult to maintain since im a very messy person haha i knoww, contractors i spoke to werent very keen on me getting tiles from taobao. not sure if it was because they want to earn more profit or what but i think tiles are mostly from china anyway and they have such nice ones. as long as the quality seems ok i have no prob with buying more. i will have to find a seller with many user review photos so i can have a feel of what the real thing is like. ah yes grouts! thanks for the heads up. im thinking of black grout, any idea if the color will fade or something? im torn between normal subway, small rect or small square lol, i really like the look of small squares too actually : ugh so many choices but black grouts are a must. i think im very fickle minded actually, initially i wanted a dark grey/black mid century danish look but im kinda deviating towards nordic raw now. wish i could have everything.
  20. thanks for sharing your experience! just wanna double check that jalan berseh is jalan besar? and its not the one at balestier right? i guess i will have to go take a look and judge for myself!
  21. i see, so your contractor went with you to hoe kee? its nice you have a "backing" so these people dont anyhow. whats the reason for not recommending sinks from taobao? do they break or something? now im worried coz i saw one stainless steel one i really liked 1128 for the 3 items are really reasonable! most ovens are already $700 onwards.
  22. nice! thought you'd buy sanitaryware from taobao as well, cuz basically thats what i intend to do lol. heard v bad reviews about hoe kee leh, like if you go to their fb page its mostly 1 star review about all sorts of things, from rude sales people to missed spare parts for items and missed delivery dates etc. u didnt encounter anything like that? have qualms about shopping there. im thinking of a bundle promo too for oven + hob or whatever. yours was hob hood & oven? how much did you pay?
  23. hello fellow skyliner! no wonder i found your overlay photos so familiar coz you posted on our fb group as well lol. how do you find the workmanship of ur capentry? could you pm me the contacts of yr contractor please? thanks!
  24. you have good taste and your hubs need to learn to trust you lol is your house even close to peranakan? i cant really visualize what bohemian would be like but i've seen those colorful peranakan tinted glass windows, red tinkat or intricate floor tiles, is it something like that? but the blue laminate is errrr, kinda reminds me of my sec school days pinafore. workers and contractors all smoke, esp they like to smoke while working! :-/
  25. true! i think must be diligent in cleaning but since you dont cook much u can afford to do it! plus its still better than tiny tiny mosaic that many people do for backsplash. or can do black or dark grouting also, less maintenance. any idea if it will be ok to buy tiles from taobao? really tempted coz they have so many nice & cheap ones!