Hi Can help to see if the following quote for a system 2 and system 3 inverter mitsubitshi aircon is reasonable: 1 "To supply & install MITSUBISHI system 2, 18kBtu , 12kBtu wall mounted type. To install piping for suction & discharge with Armaflex thick insulation, Control wire, drainage pipe, etc…. To do testing & commissioning system complete with vacuuming & fully charges gas." Model: MSY-GE18VA , MSY-GE13VA / MSY-3A28VA $3,250.00 2 "To supply & install MITSUBISHI system 3, 18kBtu , 09kBtu X 2 wall mounted type. To install piping for suction & discharge with Armaflex thick insulation , Control wire, drainage pipe, etc…. To do testing & commissioning system complete with vacuuming & fully charges gas." Model: MSY-GE18VA , MSY-GE10VA X 2 / MSY-4A28VA $3,980.00 3 To do supply & install stainless bracket for condensing unit @ out door each $150 N.A ( 2Nos) $300.00 Total $7,530.00 Anyone one can recommend a good and reliable one for my condo? can let me know? thanks.