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Everything posted by bellyheng

  1. Actually, alot of shop are willing to keep the purchases in their warehouse for up to 6mth FOC. But the issue is like what Desmond had said when the new model come out and you look at the ol'tech stuff... Hehee, joking lah. I personally wont want to buy new model cos of the premium price And they get out dated pretty fast. Most impt is value for money. !! For me when my reno is almost done, I'll go hunt for 2nd best model available
  2. Hi peers, wanna ask about the quality of the carpentry done by EI. How is it? Any complaint?
  3. Yup, that time i paid for mine the officer also said 3mths starting from the official date of July 31 2008. And yes, they actually allow farther deferment if you have a "valid" reason I'm looking at the 08Aug 2008 or 20Aug 2008, but both falls in the lunar 7th mth But will really focus on this after the reno is done loh Haiz, still cant go to the blk to look see...
  4. Oredi got ppl moved in? Thats another thing to think about.... Do you want to move in fast fast and endure all the noise pollution of other's reno? I heard during this period, reno timing is extended later than normal. Normally, reno cant proceed on holiday and wkn or have to stop before 9 rite? Oh is it? When I drive pass the AYE I always see got lights on our blk leh... maybe just the stairs
  5. Cool, your ID so proactive~ Well, I'm still hunting for mine... Do you guys know when our key will be ready? May? Hope not too late and kana 7th mth...
  6. Can pm me which is the thomson one? Currently I have only been to 3 Ids. And only shortlisted one of them.
  7. hehee, yup. but I have only look at a handfull. really tiring....
  8. haha, yup. Regarding the 4x6m room.... kinda tough in our cases right? Even the MBR is at most 4x3m .... I m designing the WIW myself and the most I can squeeze in a 2x2m WIW... small lah but I m thinking it'll be enough for storage of everyday clothes loh. Those seldom wear clothes can always put in the spare rm.
  9. I'm thinking abt the same thing oso Its my gf's dream to have a WIW which is next to the toilet. Hacking the wall will be solve the issue but like what des said it will add on the cost both removing and re-building it on the future buyer's request. so I'm really waiting for a bright idea from the IDs.
  10. Wah, just came back from vacation and I missed all the fun here... Please include me in the next meetup If there is a bus interchange, our house's value will sure shoot up zirhk: nice pic and vid
  11. I think they might be doing some touch up for those unit. I'm guessing they might have an internal audit team thats doing some quality check
  12. Haha, nice idea Can check out the food there 1st. Zirhk: tot u getting key today? TYM:scary view from the top? I ask my gf to look at it when she visit the blk the 1st time.... kana pinched by her....
  13. I only got to see 2 unit from the corridoor becos the door wasnt lock... Those "old gentleman" contractors downstair will bring you to these units. Went to see the unit twice le. They are still building the cover walk way... Apparently, ppl from blk 89 got key le and started "offerings". And I notice there are some pot hole maybe cos of construction. So pls be careful when you guys move ard. Dun step on them ya
  14. Went down to take a look ytd. Met a old contractor. He knows knows which unit is not locked and give us a "tour". Seeing the unit in real life is so much different from the floorplan or the 3D pic. so much smaller.... Guess really need to find a good ID that can design for maximum space utilisation btw, the view on upper floors is really impressive. Can see all the way to orchard~
  15. Maybe its a child safe feature... Ya, houses are getting smaller... prices are getting higher
  16. opss, think i din see carefully. Wow, so your is bigger. Mine's 3 by 2 window only...
  17. eh, from your floor plan.... seems like its gonna be the same size... Just look at the number of window panels.... sad leh.... i rather they dun make the window bay... just let the wall under it vertical.
  18. Wow~! Thks for the pic. Well taken Cant wait to get my keys now Other than the NTUC, surprise to see got fast food joint somemore The long corridor is really good for having a mini garden for my gf tulips but why does the bay window has a slope???!?!?!?
  19. Cool . I tot need to start fire using the spark gun thingy everytime. haha
  20. Cool, more kakis le btw, I went down to look at the flats.... only blk 91 and the carpark is open.... From the main road, I can see that they are still constructing the covered walkway. Guess they will release the key in patches then
  21. The fences are removed oredi? Wow, tot its gonna be ard june to july.... so fast ah... Ya, the reno bills.... I hvnt decide on yht ID yet tho
  22. since we are in the topic of heater. I heard that you need to lit the fire inside the gas heater sometime. Is it true?