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Everything posted by norawaggyman

  1. By d way, feel free to locate/add me at FB. Nora_Waggyman Or via nora_waggyman@yahoo.com
  2. Oooh i just saw it that community at fb. Its a closed community. Already written to the author of the page liao. Hope he/she will accept me.
  3. I suck-big-time manourvering in this t-blog. Hahah.. How do i find that Dew Spring Community?
  4. Wah piangz, figuring out how on earth am i going to upload pictures.. Sigh.
  5. Hi all. Thanks for the welcome. We are expecting or keys soon. Cant wait lah! Hahah... Current headache would be; 1) looking for IDs & Contractors & quotations to compare. 2) looking for furnitures 3) figuring what decor concept work best Can i just ask for advises, 1) is it ok to hack half of the kitchen wall to have an open concept ? Asked the CSO at HDB when we were last down to select and pay for the apartment, she said cannot. But have been seeing some awesome decor concepts with open concept or @ least half d kitchen wall down. 2) What is a PE? Other than physical exercises (PE, like in skools), u dunno what this PE related to hacking walls means. Hehehe 3) Can we build decor such as wall feature or simple shoe racking to COVER bomb shelter? This bomb shelter uh so ugly and annoying one. Taking up space only. Seriously if we kena bombed also, may not have the time to wake up frm bedroom to run into the shelter. Sigh.. Can share-share points please... Thank you. 😊
  6. Oooh hello again ffdog. Do u mind sharing with me your full quotation and ID's contact details please? Expecting to get my keys soon. So now looking for ID and your house decor concept is very similar to what i had in mind. Can ya share-share the quotation details. My email addy is nora_waggyman@yahoo.com . Thanks.. Nice lovely house there mate! 😊
  7. Hello there. I am Nora, a neighbour across your estate at Dew Spring. So so sad i was when i cannot get to buy an apartment at Jade Spring coz i love JS's windows... Dew Spring windows so kecik! But anyway, totally excited bout getting a new crib. I wanna ask, saw ur 3D image of decor for Bomb Shelter. Was thinking of doing that too coz Bomb Shelter macam sore eyes & ugly. So question is, we can do some decor to close totally the bomb shelter uh ??
  8. Hi there. I am Nora. a neighbour across to Jade Spring. One of the Dew Spring residents to be. yay! Can i ask, the design u presented for the Bomb Shelter, will it permanently close the shelter or not? And ooh we can do somethin to the outer walls of that shelter uh? Bomb shelters always are ugly man... Looking forward for ur advises.
  9. Hello there... I am Nora. And I just bought my new home at DEW SPRING yesterday. My crib will be at Blk 455. Is there a FB community for DEW SPRING??
  10. Hey all..... Hope all is doing well so far. 😊 Been submitting application for BTO for 6th times since 2003. Not once was accepted. So sad & devastating!😓 And like finally, we got successfully accepted and invited to purchase a unit after the 7th try. Yay!! So...yesterday, we did the official purchase. Blk 455 @ Dew Spring (Yishun) will be my future crib. Anyone here staying at Dew Spring estate??? Xoxo: Nora
  11. Hey all..... Hope all is doing well so far. ☺ Been submitting application for BTO for 6th times since 2003. Not once was accepted. So sad & devastating!😓 And like finally, we got successfully accepted and invited to purchase a unit after the 7th try. Yay!!!! So...yesterday, we did the official purchase. Blk 455 @ Dew Spring (Yishun) will be my future crib. Anyone here staying at Dew Spring estate??? Xoxo: Nora