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About shmj

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  1. Hi! Would you recommend the builder you used? And archi? Thinking of adding an extra floor too, and looking for recommendations. Could you share your contact? My hp is 94235480. Hope you can help me out as I'm really lost where to start. Thanks. 

  2. Hi, Can share with me your contractor? and if you don't mind, what's was the cost for your reno?

  3. Ya, I also hope that the rest of the works can be completed smoothly as well. Contractor is trying to finished all the works that required approval ASAP so that we can move in once TOP is obtained. As of today, it seemed to be possible albeit abit tight. We also told the new owner of our place that we might delay in moving out just in case if the TOP approval comes in abit late. They are okay as long as we continue to pay rental and move out by end Nov. So now, I can only pray HARD HARD!
  4. Last week was a hectic weekend. Sat, we went to the house to check the progress. Then met up with the carpenter to select our laminates and to go thru' all the last minute changes. After that, went & select our tiles and also went and select the color code for our sofa 'cos the guy forgot to put down the color code when we placed our order. Then, we went and purchased 1 more heater 'cos plumber said the rooms are too far apart & its best to have 1 heater per toilet. Come late evening, ah lao said he wanna go get a new mobile 'cos his went kaput on Friday... unfortunately, the one that he wanted was all sold out. Anyways, here's some photos to share on our progress. Cement done on 2nd floor See that hole there? Will be knocking down the wall so that we can access our balcony. Windows will be gone & we'll be installing folding doors 3rd flr extension cement also done Framework for 4th flr staircase done Someone complained that the contractors make too much noise on Saturday... so next time, I think Saturdays can't work liao unless no noise kinda jobs.
  5. oh dear! really serious problem! Hope it gets rectified soon.
  6. Contractor update said that they will start doing the support beams for 4th floor today. They have already called our electrician/ plumber to standby to go in early next week to start the wiring, etc. AC guy would be gg in next week as well...
  7. Hi, Please PM me the price too. Thanks!
  8. Ya, considered quite fast as at any given time, they have at least 4-5 person working at our place. I guessed it is 'cos the time frame that we gave is really very very short. Just glad that the works are in good progress.
  9. oh dear! Did any of your new stuff got stolen? We had wanted to leave our rainshower & sink with our plumber on site today. He also told us he doesn't want to take the risk. Rather that we bring the items only when he is ready to install as there are alot of 'insider' jobs...
  10. My poor neighbour's front door all kenna blocked... hope they dun get too While the works were ongoing outdoors, we went inside to see how much has been done. 2nd floor extension, the structure beams are in placed. 3rd floor extension, the structure beams are in placed too. We saw that they have already drawn the markings for the additional staircase to the 4th floor. I guess if all goes well, by end of next week, the works for the 4th floor should be almost done. Contractor said if all goes well, within 2-3weeks, the wet works should be more or less done & BCA shd be doing their rounds. Now, we all pray hard hard that everything goes smoothly.
  11. We've come to the end of Week 2 of our reno... Glad to see that the concrete works are in order. End of Week 2: 2nd floor balcony & Car porch cover Pouring the cement
  12. Lift maintenance is not cheap, also it will eat into the floor area of every floor in your house. your bedroom is on the 3rd floor? Take it as daily exercise? Our master bedroom was originally on the 3rd floor, I gave it up for my girls and will be using the room (2 single room combined to one) on the 2nd floor as the new master room instead. Figured the young ones will need something to spend their energies while old folks like me can't climb too high.