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Everything posted by cootie

  1. Hi bigbull, can i know where u bought the digital lock and the prices pls. Tia!
  2. Hi retchlow, can i know where u bought this table and how much is it? Tia!
  3. Hi, can i know how much u bought the fan for? And which shop in jb? Looks great, how big is it? Tia!
  4. How come u install 2 electronic lock?
  5. Hi Mango, can i check where in malaysia u bought the fan? Tia!
  6. Hi, can quote me the following : 1) Rinnai RB3CG 2) fujioh fx900 3) panasonic fridge - NRBY602XSSG Thank u!
  7. Rainshower must instally storage heater then stronger pressure...
  8. Thanks fpr the contact. Have a safe trip!
  9. Hi frankman, can PM what is the freight forwarded details? TIA!
  10. i just got a repurchased flat from SOB too. If i am not wrong, they are suppose to change the item if it's faulty, though these flats we got are supposely 'heavily' subsidised, TC has to ensure that it is in live in condition. E.g there's a cracked tile on a tile, you can request them to change a new tile(same design of cos) or hack everything away. If the window is faulty, likewise they gotta change it! Please do not accept their crap excuses, be firm, speak to someone of higher authority whom can make decisions. Good luck!
  11. Hi, can i know where u get ur dining lights from? they look great!
  12. Oic. Ur flooring looks good, are they laminates?
  13. Hi, did u install other lightings for living room? It seems a bit dark...
  14. Hi wakzool, how many downlights u installed for the whole living room inclusive of dining area. Noticed ur dining area seems a bit cramp(near to room door), so far has it posted any inconvenience? Would it be possible for u to take pix of the downlights and kitchen? Thinking if we should do cabinets for both side.. thanks in advance
  15. I just bought a repurchase flat from SOB also.. is there any checklist that we can have to know what to look out for? Can we request them to hack the floor tiles for us?
  16. Hi Wakzool, i just bought a resale flat and had the same layout as yours! i had a had time looking for same layout for inspiration, glad i found yours! And i really love how you did up your home.. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and your family
  17. Hi, can i have your contractors contact please. Thank you!
  18. Hi XTR, can u send me your contractor's contact number please. Thank you!
  19. Hi May_dream, can i have the contractor's contact details too? Thank you!
  20. Hi Paloma, Can i have ur contractor's contact details, please. Thank you!