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About princessandhergeek

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  1. hmmm in the end after the consultation at BLUM, we didn't go ahead cox the total quote added another 4k and we din have the budget for that after the quartz.. for BLUM, they will ask u to go to their recommended carpenters to do the fittings (which makes sense cox only a BLUM certified carpenter can install it properly).. so i think going through contractor to purchase is fine (or u can buy and ask ur contractor to fix?) but need to enzure that your contractor is BLUM certified!! =D
  2. hi rain! pm'ed u Roy's contact =) happy renoing! hi edd! Pm'ed u =) happy renoing!! (anyway Roy's webby is not up yet haha I think the one u r seeing is a super outdated one) hi acer! pm'ed u! happy renoing!
  3. ya.. no news at all regarding the warranty from the agent so it's depressing.. and the quartz that we have right now looks so dirty i do not know how to start cleaning it =( errr actually u can go direct for both caesar n silestone.. caesarstone (they say to go to BLUM to see their quartz material on countertops) has two official distributors (one garnet home one i'm not sure what the name is) and silestone has a BIG showroom in changi area =) and the prices quoted there tend to lower than that quoted by contractors/ ID. Example: 20mm caesarstone generally costs 16xpfr (they say it's 160, but when the invoice came, they charged at 165 pfr, and they gave some 'unbreakdownable' quote for the island counter as we incorporated glass onto the counter top..). 40mm caesarstone is around 180 pfr.. at least these are the numbers that garnet home has about 6 months ago.. the garnet home lady kept reassuring that there is no difference, in fact it's better to go to them directly instead of through the contractor/id.. so we decided to do it that way.. and Roy was the one helping to talk to her and make sure she knows what is needed.. we suspected that it could be the case.. maybe end users do not push the saleperson as much as the contractor/id would, hence the salesperson take it for granted? =( anyway, u just need to email blum with ur floorplan requesting for a proposal, or email them with a floorplan that u have in mind, and ask them to fit in the drawers for u.. for a more customised experience, call BLUM and make an appointment to go down and go over ur floorplan and what u wan for ur kitchen with the staff there - they will actually follow up with a detailed plan of what u have discussed so far.. good service at BLUM.. they r at ubi btw!
  4. ooo ya hommage is quite good - the boss n boss lady n staff r nice people! they actually came down to our place to buff up the stainless steel leg of the table that we bought so we were very impressed >.< and the boss was very willing to share his success story to people who r interested - it's always nice to hear of how someone comes to be a business owner >.< pictures coming soon!! (but 2 chairs missing cox got defects haha)
  5. =) hi blue! thanks for reading our T-blog! actually, we don't really know what the style we have here is called.. but we just dubbed it modern contemporary (warm) lol.. cox people always say that modern contemporary is all black and white.. but we prefer more neutral colours.. >.< as for style, thanks for the compliment! we did get a lot of help by reading other's blogs and thinking of things that we like/ dont like, so that might help for you as well! the internet surfing helped us a lot (we actually have a inspiration folder in our hard disk for all the pictures and designs that we like lol).. congrats on ur flat! i still remember the elation we felt when we got this flat and how excited we were to start the reno - i suppose it's the same case for u! congrats~ blum with full drawers is my dream!!! but, no budget lol.. i actually went to blum for a quote, and they actually quoted me 3-4k to do everything up.. which was y we gave up on the idea =( i cant remember how much the kitchen costs.. but i know Roy was saying that it could easily be 180pfr (m i making sense? might have remembered the wrong numbers - dun flame me!) cox of the way we wanted the drawers to be designed (we have everything in drawers (but not all blum runners though, only some drawers =() and the method of opening it without hurting urself (copied off weiken show lol - see!! watching shows help!! hahaha) iQuartz should be good too, i'm actually quite disappointed with Caesarstone, not because of the material, but because i felt that their service is not very good.. for Caesarstone, Roy told us to go direct as the price that they quoted was something that Roy was unable to quote for us.. the lady who sold us the Caesarstone was very friendly..until we realised that the Caesarstone was very dirty.. they don't provide cleaning services for the quartz after installation, so now it looks so dirty and looks like it has a lot of stains that i don't noe what to do with it..... and after the full payment is done and we asked for the warranty, she was very hesitant to settle it for us and MIA since then...till now we havent gotten the warranty card (even though it's been 2 months since the install) so we are quite disappointed =.= n WHAT??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? the artemis fan is so ex?????????????????????? when i read ur post, i misread it as the sycamore fan costing 13xx which i wasn't surprised about as that was the price.. but the artemis??????????? oh my god that's nuts. the webstie was selling it at like what - 500AUD? 13xx -_- was it the taxes that bumped up the price by so much?? disappointing!! i was thinking of getting it for the next house (yeah haven't stay in this house, and i'm already thinking about the next) cox the haiku is too expensive.. what's with the fans in singapore?? someone should start a fan company and research on modern fans - sure make $$ tml will go take more pictures =) more things are up so can see more effect le hahahahaha ><
  6. ooo! congrats on moving in!! hmmm dun b lazy~~~ sand it down!! we painted our HHS door too (as in Roy got his painters to do it) the first time we saw it, our jaw drop cox it looks seriously 'bitsy' but Roy got his guy to sand down the whole thing and it looks WAY better now.. i suspect that's what he got his painter to do for our main door too.. otherwise how could he have transformed a wooden door to an acrylic lookalike door? >.< chicken cutlet is good? hmm will try it next time!! i still havent moved in =( everytime i go over i feel so envious of the ppl already living in damai.. wanna move in too!!!!! and as for curtains, my mum told us to go with MGL >.< went to check out the prices today - 13xx for the house.. but the materials that we like will make the quote go higher.. so a bit headache on that.. r ur blinds blackout materials? how's the quality? contact please~~~~~ hehehehehe...
  7. hi kenjo! dropping in to say hi haha.. anyway, what material is ur rack? it looks really good~ =)
  8. hi neighbor!! did u just get ur keys? we have friends there too! initially wanted to stay in breeze as well but my dear geek prefers damai grove =X anyway, Roy's contact sent! =) happy renoing!!
  9. hi chezph! well.. when we bought it, joseph told us that we bought the second last pc hahaha.. how come got 30% discount??? if it's the same shop, then its a steal! i think we bought it at 480? or was it 450? no idea... we put up the dining light already =) looks wonderful! the size is just right =) (bear in mind that we are using a 480mm round hanging light above a 1500mm rectangular dining table.. =D =D have u gotten urs yet?
  10. hmmm actually, it was one of the first few things we requested for - to have a 3D design.. but after confirming with Roy, and things moved on (e.g. select tiles and so on), the 3D design didn't come until about 1 month into the project.. and the 3D didn't look like what we have agreed on either (e.g. we wanted settee but the drawing showed table o.o) and the colours that was proposed wasn't what we liked as well.. we understood that Roy subbed out the job to someone else so he doesn't have control of what is drawn.. but this drawing took so long until we decided not to even do any adjustments to the 3D and just do and select based on our own imagination (imagine the fear we had) - which was also the reason y we ended up being fickle minded about the laminates haha (changed it once)... no 3D can't visualise well ma.. so took a long time to select the laminates for both living room and kitchen.. in the end after settling the living room and kitchen laminates, we took back Roy's catalogs and cut it out to compare and select our MBR laminates lol.. pictures are coming soon!! most things are settled le.. just the touch ups and trouble shooting now =) tml will go over to the house and snap photos hahaha.. (keep forgetting to snap)
  11. hi carlos! thanks! good to noe that our t-blog has been of help =) (it's the paying-it-forward thing, we've received so much help here that it's nice to noe that we can pay it forward by helping others =) =) ) so sorry for the late reply, have u started ur reno? have sent u the email =) happy renoing!!!!
  12. =( dun give up hope! hopefully everything will clear up soon - leaks are always not good to deal with.. i understand how it can spoil ur day - my mum's place also had leakage in my wardrobe - clothes got wet =( got to really figure out whats going on n get ur guy to fix it before u move in!
  13. hi chezph! by balestier do u mean u saw it at light + form? hmm.. two places are offering the artichoke (imitate) one at balestier (light + form) and one at jalan besar (design light) (these two so far have the nicest imitates - other shops dont do the imitation for the regular artichoke as well........ but between light + form and design light, i would say that light + form is better for 3 reasons: 1)they r upfront and will advise that all metal (including aluminium) will look like there's tarnishing (we were worried about rust cox we're staying in punggol) but this tarnishing does not necessarily mean rust, we just need to polish with autosol or i think inox cleaner might do it too.. anyway, design light will insist that theirs will not rust cox the material is aluminium (but doesn't warn us that tarnishing can still occur).. 2) we bought t5 from design light - they promised to deliver both batches in the same colour, but failed to do so, and has done it to us a few times, each time promising a uniform colour and each tim failing to do so.. design light is giving us SO much trouble ...... (i don't understand what's with us and lights - previously megaman lights (5w ones) were doing the disco dance for us (the 8w ones were fine) and then there's chan huat and their totally rude attitude) 3) the artichoke imitate at the light + form along balestier is closer to the original than the one in design light (design light's imtitate has a longer stem which sticks out and its light bulb will stick out if u bought the smaller one (300 or 400mm) whereas light + form's imitate has a shorter stem (nicer) and it houses the light bulb at the correct position (in the middle) which allows the light to disperse nicely along the panes of the artichoke light the smallest one at balestier is 480mm though (we were served by joseph - nice guy!) and the next one is at 600mm... whereas design light offers a 300-400 (not sure how big but definitely a notch smaller than the 480mm one)mm and a 480mm one.. price wise, design light is about $100 cheaper than its equivalent at light + form, but u need to live with the bulb hanging out of the light - remember - the light will be positioned in such a way where u can see it from below, and the first thing u see is the bulb - weird..... in the end we bought the baby choke from light + form for around 450? i think... silver matt is really gorgeous right?? we got a white marble with matt steel base to match the light too >.< haha anyway, where did u see urs? i don't recall seeing a black or white one! could u be refering to the discoco light? those have white n black versions =D n i think there are other black n white ones, but the design is a bit different from the regular artichoke? hehehe.. i wan see pics if u have~~ excited =P
  14. hi suyun! wanted to pm u but ur pm inbox is full.. wanted to ask both u n ehspro the joe's shop location and where did u buy the claytan toilet bowl from? thanks and God bless! sarah