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Everything posted by deviansyh

  1. place dep for fridge tv n washing machine with MDS.. now looking at TV upgrade first.. :sport-smiley-004:
  2. HN sale at expo this week.. going there to c wat deals can get.. :sport-smiley-004:
  3. i noe of a case where the guy inherited a private property where the distribution is 50% each.. n he's juz days away from key collection.. coz of tis inheritance.. he lost his HDB flat le.. appeal n complain to MP also in vain..
  4. slowly la.. dun ask too much at 1 go.. later all rejected..
  5. read kim76 blog.. he also got such prob b4.. but i forgot how he solve it..
  6. 1 step at a time bro.. :dancingqueen:
  7. getting keys in Q2.. i hope can convince her by then... :sport-smiley-004:
  8. dragonnite.. need ur advice.. this 1 can buy ??? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.120.aAf2ox&id=20896904782 like the storage n sofa bed idea..
  9. yup..more ticks doesnt mean good.. take down the models u interested in.. then go to nea website.. there's a energy cost chart that will tell u on your yearly electrical bills for that model.. n use tat to compare ur savings.. https://app.mels.nea.gov.sg/Pages/Search/PublicSearchProduct.aspx?param=goods&type=p
  10. ong.. changing is easy.. juz top up ca$h.. but the difficult part is convincing.. :bangwall: :bangwall:
  11. hi xyz123, i believe we are in the same project.. ur floor plan is the same as mine.. except mine is 4 rm.. n the bomb shelter is at the end.. ur dining area can b besides the bomb shelter.. as for ur shoe cabinet.. u can do a partition out to treat it as an ent to ur living..
  12. only down for 1 Toshiba 46".. can still change when the delivery date is near.. so still got time to convince n confuse..hee
  13. okok.. i wan a 55" then.. hee.. too bad missed ur gathering.. if not will be even easier to convince her.. hee..
  14. Seriously Ong, 65" TV can fit in meh ??? dun need to move ur head from side to side ah when watching show??? my missus only allow a max of 47" lei.. sighz..
  15. autovacstore - operated by my friend's frenz.. asking my frenz to help me enquire about the price le.. anybody wanna tag along ??? ;)
  16. is there a window alr in ur service balcony? Once u hack the wall, you will need to install windows.. extra costs...
  17. I also looking at irobot... But price too high waitin for it to drop lei
  18. hdmi cables lor.. wat else.. NAS i alr have le.. so immune to that.. hee
  19. poisonous.. i alr asking when his next trip n shipment back le.. haha..
  20. yup.. we also look for ID ard 1yr b4 completion.. now everything settle.. but still waiting for key collection.. hopefully Q2 2013...