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Everything posted by PuffDog

  1. Halo doctor, simi 'plethora'? alamak here is reno forum not phd anglish forum, I have to check dictionary to read your post, how to sarpork you! Next time just say excessive or overabundance la, you are really sui generis now you go and check dictionary.
  2. Came across this product before, it's not waterproof at all. There have so many conditions on the care and usage that negate the warranty for water damages, which will not permit any possible claim against them.
  3. Wah like dat one ah! So all name Ah Soon die lah. Must go get deed poll from lawyer to change my name from Ah Soon to Huat Ah.
  4. I think your ID talk cxck, hdb ceiling is 8.5ft so everyone must pay xtra?
  5. What looks like vinyl flooring in hospitals are not vinyl, but another type of resilient flooring call linoleum which are known to be safe unlike vinyl which is shrouded in health controversies. Some shopping malls are using vinyl flooring, and I think the rationale here is that with a mass of heathy people partaking the gaseous emissions, the possible harm is mitigated by the shared dosage
  6. 350k?? That's a hack lot of monies for renovating an apartment if I am your renovator, I would have made good all the defects.
  7. I hope this resilient flooring you mentioned is not vinyl, otherwise it is not a laughing matter to risk the health or lives of your children on such a controversial product! And before you comes out sprouting rubbish like a number of vinyl flooring salespeople here, first name me a vinyl flooring manufacturer who has stated clearly on their website that their product WILL NOT caused any health risk. And also tell me why the vinyl flooring sales companies here hide their vinyl products under label such as resilient flooring instead of being outright, or calling it "waterproof laminate flooring" when No PART of their product is laminated? Why all these deceptions? Is it wise to deal with people who are deceptive?
  8. Yes, use tiles for your flooring. Nowadays laminate flooring so common as they are the obvious choice
  9. You will not know for sure until you try it. Go ahead, and then share your adventures with the forum
  10. The screws should have bigger threads to cut and grip onto the cabinet panel, not longer. It should be easy for your contractor to rectify unless the drilled holes are really oversize, such that the thickest screw that can be fitted through the recess of the hinge mounting plate or cup is still too small for the drilled holes.
  11. You will not have any creaking, but squishing sound when water gets in You will realize that it is not so cheap when the family health bills starts building up from inhaling the poisons day in day out from this dirty material.
  12. Why are the tiles laid out when the sub-floor is not leveled yet?
  13. made in China? With groove is nicer though, as they gave it the authentic wood plank look otherwise it looks like those cheap vinyl floors.
  14. That's not a report, but another piece of corrupted whitewash. The acronym you people put up is apt though, as I read it as "high environmental risk flooring".
  15. That's cool! Thanks for the video kklim.
  16. The resilient flooring tag as I mentioned in another thread, is a marketing trick to fool consumers by sellers of vinyl floors; a product associated with health and life risks. By calling it resilient flooring, their intention is to gain respectability by associating it with safe product such as linoleum, which is also a type of resilient flooring. It does settles that one worry on water, but it presents a lot more worries on the health impact upon the lives of people in constant contact with it. A very clear fact is this, you will not see claims on the websites of well-known vinyl "resilient flooring" manufacturers that the product poses no health risk, unlike those of linoleum or laminate flooring manufacturers who dare to do so. You should have a lot to worry about, when you decided to expose everyone in your home to such product imo.
  17. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Laminate is paper and melamine resin, which poses no health hazard at all and that's a fact. It doesn't off-gass at all. Just as the tobacco lobby used to said (before they lost the fight), the pvc/vinyl lobby is saying the same thing, that they are not the only contaminant in the environment, and as such cannot be blame for all ills.
  18. Congrats astralprue, everything so smooth and got huat even before moving in!
  19. Ashanti, a 20% down-payment is required after successful selection of flat, and that can be from your cpf or cash. Otherwise, if your current flat has no more outstanding mortgage then the 20% down will not be required. If you realized at this stage that you are unable to proceed with the selection, the penalty is only a one year ban from making new application.
  20. Laminate is paper and melamine resin, which poses no health hazard at all and that's a fact. It doesn't off-gass at all. Just as the tobacco lobby used to said (before they lost the fight), the pvc/vinyl lobby is saying the same thing, that they are not the only contaminant in the environment, and as such cannot be blame for all ills.
  21. Cheaper? Not, if you consider the health & life cost as vinyl off-gassing is associated with birth defects, autism, respiratory problems, cancer, and more. Since smoking are banned in confined area, they should really consider banning vinyl too. People who use such products are stupid, because they are in denial on the health risks. Companies that sell such products are irresponsible in their pursuit of profit, and many hide the facts, even to the extend of misleading consumers by calling their products as "water-proof laminate floors or resilient floors", as vinyl is a cheap and dirty name.
  22. Is he the short guy with colored hair and wears the Quick-step cyclist top during exhibition?
  23. I'm not a marble expert, but I believes perlatino is a common beige color marble, and prima=prime, classico=classic.