Hi there, Saw your t-blog and was wondering if you would be so kind as to pm me your contractor's contact info as well as quotation (incl electrical). Just bought a resale flat and am hoping to overhaul it with a European/contemporary theme (very close to Scandi). How do you find the workmanship of K so far in terms of tiling and carpentry? Cheers
Nice place you've got there and central location too. I'll probably not be the last one to ask you but do you mind pm-ing me your ID and quotation please? Also, how do you find the workmanship of the tiling and carpentry? Thanks.
Very nice and chic. I'll probably not be the last but if you don't mind, could you also pm me the id name and quote as well? Also, what do you think of the quality and workmanship? Was it up to your standards? Thanks!