Hello to all - noob here, looking forwarding to stepping up into a really nice 1-bedroom condo that I couldn't pass up thanks to the rental price. Unfortunately the sacrifice is I've lost my computer area - a space that, being a computer geek, I've had pretty much my whole life. The computer can not go in the bedroom because its fairly common for me to be up late working while my girlfriend sleeps. Here are some pictures of the living/dining/kitchen from when we did the walkthrough. This is how the current tenants have it setup. Picture of the Floorplan: Here is the view of Kitchen/Dining room: To the right of this is the Living room: Looking at the view of the Kitchen/Dining room above, notice where they have the tiny table with leafs on the left and directly in front? That's a 12-foot wall. I would like to have a dining table there, but dual purpose the space with my computer workarea. This is not a big area and we like the openness of it. I feel that having both a computer desk and a dining table is simply not possible. The challenge here is that my work area must have two 24" monitors. I'm a coder/photographer, I telecommute, and also freelance, so the dual monitors is a priority until I run out of options. I am otherwise completely minimizing my computer setup. I'm buying a much smaller mini-itx system and the keyboard and mouse are wireless. No speakers needed. So my first thought is to find something like this - look at the "additional views": http://www.dwr.com/product/lance-console-extension-table.do?sortby=priceAscend This dining table folds in half via a hinge and sliding mechanism in the middle of the table, length wise, rather than having leafs. That makes it go down to only 18" in depth when folded. My thought is to use this as a console table/keyboard/mouse desk, up against the wall when I want to work (most of the time), and then wall-mount my two 24" computer monitors above it. To the right or left of the table will be a nice bookshelf unit with small doors to store the computer and cables all hidden and tucked away (I have some Ikea Expidit units, which have door inserts). When we want to have guests, all I will need to do is remove the keyboard and mouse, pull the table out from the wall, unfold and add chairs. But I suppose that the problem is there will still be two 24" monitors lingering on the wall, which I'm starting to think just won't bode well when dining. I feel that the only other usable space is where the current tenants have their work area now. Look at the kitchen/dining room picture again, far right side, and you can see a hutch between the balcony entrance and the TV. The problem is I can't really fit two 24" monitors side-by-side there, but I could stack them vertically with something like this, or just wall mounted. Would really appreciate any ideas or thoughts on any of this. Thanks!