Congrats on your good timing. Actually, yours is considered 3-1/2 room. Yep, afternoon west sun can be unbearable. I once lived in one with the family room and MBR directly exposed to it. After a hard day's work, I returned to a hot oven. My miserable few years there. I love top floor. No ugly sewage pipes and knowing the time your upstair neighbour flushes their toilet esp when you happen to also sit on your throne. I hate the imagination of someone peeing or pooing on your head Spalling ceiling is common but not a major problem. Town council will fix for sure and for free. If yours is an upgraded block, there's no issue as they will re-waterproof and erect another buffer layer which make water seepage and radiation heat (if any) non-existent. And the ceiling is usually slightly higher. Your MBR's toilet is indeed small. But you do have a good sized kitchen.