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Everything posted by yoongf

  1. Your System 3 is already operating a 20K BTU compressor. Your configuration is the most energy efficient setup, where the bulk of the load is run off 1 compressor, instead of balancing off 2 compressors. It is very inefficient to operate 2 compressors nightly when 1 compressor can do the job.
  2. Consultation is over, but I am not asking ppl to give comments there. Take this opportunity to add fuel to the fire. There were a few instances when ppl brought up to the press regarding agency issues, the agencies apologised. I always thot this recontracting cluase was very distasteful.
  3. No such switching device. There are 3 connections involved. Hot pipe, cold pipe, and the control wire. I think your specs are incorrect. Impossible for Sys 3 to be a 9000 BTU compressor attached to 3 rooms. The 12000BTU is connected to a 24K outdoor unit??
  4. Who sent u the invoice? The agent or the agency? This issue is between landlord and the one who sent u the invoice, which I assume is the agency. Nothing to do with tenant. Alternatively, u can complain to IRAS, who licenses the agency. The govt is now doing public consultation regarding new real estate agency rules. This is not the best time for agencies to show their bad side. Take advantage of the current climate. http://www.mnd.gov.sg/newsroom/newsrelease...ews09102009.htm
  5. Gate at top of staircase. Remove thorny plants in garden. Outdoor area to be stepless so can cycle ard. Cater for lots of storage space for the kid outdoor toys like sand pit, bicycle, etc. Install flying fox / monkey bars/ swings.
  6. Hmm.. take the lawyer letter, and call up New Paper. If what u describe is true, this will really make the industry look bad. Ensure that the lawyer letter has the name of the agency involved.
  7. Lighting circuit accessories is usually rated at ard 5Amps (5A). Water heater is usually 3KW, or 13A. Water Heater switch is rated at 20A. If u use normal power point to operate water heater, can see signs of arcing (like lightning) when switch is activated when the water heater is running. This will substantially reduce the life cycle of the switch. Purpose built water heater switch no such issue. Put it this way.. cost is not much difference in absolute $ terms. Downtime of a water heater is quite disruptive to family life.
  8. The "n" cap is known as "flashing". Cheap version is painted galvanized sheet, and the good stuff will be colourbond aluminium stuff. However, flashing is normally used for party walls near the roof. Wall need to protrude so fire will not jump the boundary wall. For boundary walls, normally, waterproof the top side with cementitous waterproofing. http://www.quicseal.com/www%20-%20proposal...04%20250607.pdf Then use some horned finished 20mm thick granite slab that protrude 10mm on either side of the wall. Most important is to ensure that water does not flow down the wall, but drip off the slab edges. To really ensure no cracks, cast a concrete wall.
  9. See Page 33 on Efflorescence http://www.bca.gov.sg/Professionals/Iquas/...mmondefects.pdf Chalking is mostly a outdoor paint problem.
  10. Hmm.. if chq bounce.. and the OTP period is over, then seller has no obligation to sell, as considered buyer did not exercise. Like that.. can sue the buyer for the forfeited amount. Whether is worth it is another matter.
  11. When open freezer door, cold air will spill into the open. Bottom freezer is usually a drawer, so when open the cold air will still trap inside the drawer instead of spill out.
  12. If u are circulating the air with normal Sg outdoor air, the humidity is already high. If u are using aircon, then also depends on wad type of aircon u using. If u using normal resi aircon, then I suggest u up the temperature until just song song. But if u using commercial grade chiller type of central aircon that uses reheater type, then this one need to get engineer to retune. But u being a woman.. sometimes could be a woman thing. but for me.. sometimes I use Protex.. kena dry itchy feeling, so change to milder type, or use lotion. Some fabric sofa got add special stain resistent chemicals applied to the surface, maybe could be alegic to it.
  13. Try changing to soap with moisturiser or those very creamy kind. Really makes a diff. Your home got aircon on? If too dry, open window a bit does help.
  14. Withholding payment is inconsistent with the S&P agreement, and would be a breach of contract. Your advice is not what a lawyer would give. This is not the way to go about resolving issues. Keppel usually undertake huge projects. It could be a simple case of backlog of work to be rectified.
  15. http://www.asiaone.com/Business/My+Money/P...0305-52747.html Don't play this game if not familar.
  16. You need to check the BCA approved plans of the project, which can be obtained from the Managing Agent. Usually, such glass roof on balcony is not part of the approved plans, and is considered owner addition. Sometimes the approved plans show a trellis, but no glass, which means.. glass is done by owner. If glass is shown on approved plans, then is considered as MCST property.
  17. http://www.ura.gov.sg/circulars/text/dcdrhb_d0e62.htm The main difference between reconstruction and A&A is based on 50% of structure, 50% of external walls, etc. If the changes affect more than 50% of these items, then is classified as reconstruction. If neighbourhood was previously all single storey, and both side neighbours have rebuilt to higher, likely they have redone THEIR foundation. It is not allowed to bolt on to their structure and "borrow" their foundation.
  18. Single storey houses were built with no foundation work, and were probably built a long time ago, when strength was not a big requirement. Unlikely it will be able to take on additional load, like a CONCRETE FLOOR! The big difference between A&A and reconstruction is that reconstruction requires the HS. The cost saving for A&A is not much since almost everything will be redone. (save the foundation and some structures) Reconstruction requires the full set of authority approvals, and that will take a longer time to start work.
  19. Check tenancy agreement. There is no such thing as "industry practice" as claimed by many agents. Tenancy Agreement strictly follows contract law. If not mentioned, there is no obligation. but there is goodwill to consider.
  20. Can drill up to 50mm deep. http://www.scdf.gov.sg/Building_Profession...d_works_hs.html
  21. Hood need power to run the fan and the light. Hob, depends on design. Electric Hob need power, and some gas hob use batt to power the self igniter, while some models use electricity to power the self igniter. Electrician MUST pull in wire before the kitchen cabinet is installed. Dun forget undercabinet lighting wire as well.
  22. It is just an ad. Nothing to get excited about. In fact, it's not that far fetched. If I buy at flat at valuation, say.. $590K.. and I spent $200K in renovation, such as cladding every inch with $20psf slab cut marble, and using $10K toilet bowls, with $1K taps/rainshower/mixers/bathtubs, my flat wld effectively be worth the $200K COV. A $200K reno is not unreasonable.
  23. "Proforma invoice" simply means "draft". Legally means nothing, and do not have to worry at all. If u really get a Writ of Summons, mai tu liao, u go get Senior Counsel represent u to claim trial. The industry asking to bring cases to High Court let the whole world see their activities. If other party back down, they pay your SC fees. Nice hor.
  24. Quote is to change the DB box only. Rewiring seperate.