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Everything posted by yoongf

  1. A Tenancy Agreement is between landlord and tenant. An agent is not a party to the agreement. It will be interesting to see how an agent is going to persue a legal case against the landlord, without the friendly testimony of the tenant or the landlord.
  2. Is important to register your comments with the govt. Go to this site to give feedback. http://www.mnd.gov.sg/RealEstateReview/index.html
  3. U have absolutely nothing to worry about. If the agent harrass u further, u can make a police report against them for harrassment.
  4. It could also be a sign of a chokage going to occur soon. Sometimes.. the slime will slowly build up, and on a humid day, it overwhelm the pipe. If intermitent chokage, then try pouring some liquid drain cleaner into the pan. it will dissolve the slime.
  5. Usuallly is drain pipe choked. Can use Wet/Dry vacuum to suck out the choke. Put the vacuum hose where the drainpipe drips into the floortrap. The other less common reason is too humid air in the room. Sometimes, the humidty is so high.. it will literally cause the drain pan to overflow. Common when boiling soup while aircon is on in the living.
  6. Hotels do not allow guests to open windows for airconditioning, smoking, as well as suicide reasons.
  7. Living in an airconditioned hotel room.. ppl can't open windows and pop their head out to admire neighbours. But this is residential living in Sg. Privacy and density is no different from HDB living.
  8. Ask seller to confirm acceptance of sale??? OTP is issued by seller, u shd pass the OTP to a lawyer, and it's his/her job to "Exercise the OTP" according to the terms and conditions as stated in the OTP. During this period, everything is based on what is written in the OTP. Agent words no count, as all terms and conditions are on the OTP itself. Early completion is a double edge sword, and the cost of late completion can be costly. Both buyer and seller usually have loan issues to resolve during this 10 wk completion period.
  9. Exercise option does not mean the hse is yours. From now till completion date, if the previous owner decides to trash the hse.. also LL, cos as is where is AT THE POINT OF SALE COMPLETION.
  10. LED does not give the same color as CFL or halo. For commercial properties, not an issue, for home is quite ugly. Also.. the glow characteristics is not the same, due to point light souce. If the effect does not come out right, switching to conventional lighting is going to be very expensive.
  11. I have been using pebblewash for driveway for quite some time, and so far, no problems with pebbles dropping off. I wanted the natural beach sand coloured look. However, the problem is that pebblewash is prone to algae growth! Need to pressure jet every 3 months to remove the black colour algae. I can't use bleach to scrub the floor because I sloped the driveway to drain water into my carpet grass. Tried those cement sealers in a small section but there is a noticable darkening of the pebblewash colour. Initially, I had no problem with the algae thing, cos there was lot's of sun drying the driveway. But over time, when the bamboo trees started to provide more shading, the algae wun stay away. BTW, homogenous tiles are not porous. It's textured, The more textured it is, the more easily it will stain. Hup Kiong and Hafary got a wide selection of textured homogeneous tiles. Alternatively, can consider those 80mm X 80mm clinker tiles, which is normally used for heavy duty driveways, and very popular in Japan/Taiwan. Can be creative and do many patterns.
  12. Personally, I prefer the base. Suspended cabinet look nice if got light underneath and it always on. If not on, it is a dark area. For it to look nice, suspened cabinet need to be quite high, which means less storage space. If got gas tank even harder to fit. Dark area is hard to clean, and will attact insects /dust. Aiyah.. got base also less area to mop.
  13. Vendor agent owe no duty of care to the buyer. Agent has no obligations whatsoever. Do not expect anything from the agent. Real estate agency is not a regulated profession like lawyers or engineers.
  14. Offer 1% chq to entice owner give u OTP. Grab the OTP and run to bank, demand within 2 weeks give u LO. Then find lawyer to exercise OTP on your behalf. Whether want to wait for Bank LO before exercise OTP is up to u. Whether want to tell agent to immediately advertise to flip also up to u.
  15. Lee Mang Refrigeration & Electrical Services 1014 Geylang East Ave 3 #01-178 Singapore 389729 Contact : 67443908
  16. http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10201p.nsf/WP...rs?OpenDocument Correct. Usually will rent during the 30months time bar.
  17. This issue is a no brainer. Always go for undermount. When counter top got water, can just push into the sink. Top mount not possible to do that, and also sure got ugly silicon joints which is prone to leaks.
  18. 1:100 means.. 1mm on the plan is equavalent to 100mm on the floor. 100mm is 10cm. Then hor.. if u photocopy.. enlarge/rescale.. can be distorted.
  19. If ur plastic jug was bigger, then can pour the kettle water into the plastic jug before boiling new batch. Actually ah.. if kettle got remnant water.. can just top up and reboil mah. Dun need to always boil 100% new water.
  20. AC before toilet. AC got condensate water pipe to install. Embedding into the screed looks neater. AC got trunking that may need to be painted.
  21. Huh?? Most wireless routers have ethernet ports for wired connection. Simply connect a network cable from the wireless router to the PC network card? If u buy another modem, then have register the modem MAC address with MOL, which means another MOL subscription! U need that much bandwidth??
  22. Why need them to store for u? when yr place ready then go order. The logistics company also have to pay rent.
  23. There is a property listing website called www.propertyguru.com.sg . Got many pix of landed properties for sale. Usually I go there and get ideas. I think a combination of textured homo tiles + pebble wash borders is nice. Homo tiles that resemble natural stones is a very safe bet. Aviod granite for driveway becuase the any oil stains from the car will be a permanent stain. Granite for bordering is ok.
  24. Choo Chiang Marketing lor.. Weatherproof switched socket outlet.