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Everything posted by wng

  1. Hee Hee! That's a good one! But if they really want to steal they will use a trolley.
  2. Hi, is it possible for you to PM me the address of the shop in upper thomson. Thanks!
  3. wng

    Hong Kong

    Any suggest on good tourist attraction...die die must go places in Hong Kong
  4. my understanding is that hard panel are of a better quality and reduce reflection. how to differ between hard and soft panel> drag your finger softly across the screen/panel if no finger print it's hard panel. try it out yourself.
  5. there's soft panel and hard panel for LCD. hard panel are better and more expensive. that why you see some LCD are selling cheaper than another with similar function.
  6. yap! point to take note. if recommend friends into the company(eg, don't perform) it will spoilt reputation you have build.
  7. Same here! look at picture dun need money lah!
  8. so have to check on the fine printing when you sign on the dotted line.
  9. Try to save cost lah! Just bought new flat cost a bomb on reno and misc...
  10. Yap! but not in a hurry to change
  11. I do not favor mitsubishi vs daikin. A few friends of mine using Mitsubishi Starmex and recommend to me. that the reason why i bought starmex. i have been using for more than a month, so far so good.
  12. just looking around and doing my calculation if worth to change new car!
  13. maybe you should make a trip to new zealand
  14. why get into refinance and pay upfront interest rate all over again. as when you pay yr installment during the first few days you are actually paying more interest than the principle amount based on the rule 78 calculation. the longer loan duration the more interest you pay. check with the financing institute on the effective interest rate before refinancing your car loan as calcuation of interest differ with housing loan.
  15. Yap! That's what i do when i was told to pay additional for usage of credit card instead of cash.
  16. any idea what's the 'body' value for a jap made corolla?
  17. what is the benefits for getting water filter system?
  18. Just buy what is required.
  19. Beware the water bed will leak due to wear and tear!