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Everything posted by alvin11

  1. i think i'll probably have to shift the stove back into the kitchen actually the current owner does their cooking in the service balcony area...just that they cannot run gas pipes there! I planned to construct shelves in the serviced balcony area to take advantage of the double height as storage. But since im using the stairs area for maids room i guess i won't have to knock it off! the toilet's entrance will be relocated to the service balcony in between 2 sets of large pipes. Thanks alot for your insights adidaem!
  2. Yup its at bukit batok yeah thats the biggest problem with this place, the space is not easily compartmentalized and there are beams all over. Maids room at the staircase area is quite good! i'll try to play around with the floorplanner and see what comes up. btw awesome renovation with your place!
  3. thanks! the unit is a 15 year old flat in bukit batok and i think there are just 50 such units in the estate....which the seller promptly used to make me pay an above average COV :@
  4. thanks!! i thought of a glass door for the study room
  5. ahhh...thanks for pointing out! i have not gone through the regulations and none of the IDs pointed that out too
  6. i was thinking of air vents along the side near the ceiling to the kitchen area. Actually for weekdays its fine because she can just leave the door open and close the study room door because nobody uses that area
  7. haha yeah i think i'll need sound proofing for her! the room is for my folks since they play mahjong all the time during weekends. They do it in the living room now which is already driving the family nuts!
  8. Renovation is such a headache! met up with 3 ID firms from IMM and non of their quotes were below $80k. The quotes were for 1) Hack off 2 walls, flooring for the entire house, 3 toilets, store, kitchen (quotes ranged from 6-8K for hacking alone) 2) Replace the flooring for the entire house (Parquet for 2nd level, homogenous tiles for 1st level) 3) Sand blasted glass for the staircase hand rail area (1 quote me $2.5k and another quoted $14k for the same thing) 4) Carpentary work for kitchen and wardrobe for 3 bedrooms 5) Parquet for stairs 6) False ceiling/cove lights for rooms and living room the quotes were excluding electrical works, aircon and fittings. Looking at the way different ID firms quote for the same item i guess i will be going directly to the main contractor instead!
  9. Shot at 2012-03-03 Double ceiling balcony! i was told by HDB that the space in void area here does not technically belong to me hence i cannot seal up with windows all the way up. Shot at 2012-03-03 Shot at 2012-03-03 Stairs area and second level Shot at 2012-03-03 The void area within the house which makes air conditioning impossible! but also the part that is so special about this place 5) Design Ideas I would love to have a kitchen/island like that, gotta be much smaller though since the kitchen is split into 2 sections.
  10. 4) Some photographs taken during the viewing Shot at 2012-03-03 Double height service balcony which i will install windows all the way up Shot at 2012-03-03 Area below the staircase, would it be weird to put the TV here? the store will be hacked off (hopefully it can be done) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Shot at 2012-03-03 Current kitchen entrance, walls will all be removed for an open dry kitchen
  11. Hi everyone! i have recently signed an option to purchased an EM and have been reading through Renotalk ever since. I would say that without all the information that is on this forum i would have no clue at all on how to renovate my place, so thank you all for your contributions!!!!! So lets start with my floor plan shall we! 1) Default Floor Plan The place is rather big at 165 sqm but rather oddly shaped, can't really feel the extra 200 SF. 2) Proposed Lower Level Floor Plan I intend to have an open dry so i will be taking down the walls around the kitchen and study room. Contemplating with the idea of moving the wet kitchen to the service balcony but i understand that HDB doesn't allow it? The upper level is pretty much fixed in terms of layout. 3) Proposed Lower Level Layout Played around with floorplanner abit to come up with this floor plan, everything is scaled to my current furniture (But i can't get it to show the measurements on the page itself). What do you guys think of it? The maids room entrance will be from the study/games room, gotta think of ways to create ventilation for that. The study room's size will be reduced so as to create more space for the kitchen
  12. Hello Kobelala, you have a really nice house! i recently got a EM and i'm looking for contractors, can i please get your contractor's contact