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Everything posted by EoneKhaled

  1. To entrance of yr service yard, what door do you use?
  2. Nice reno, happy for you, can share yr quotation and from which Id?
  3. Nice, so can you post your Renovator Quote and from which ID? Thanks
  4. Try check at residential furniture shop around your house.
  5. Lets compair with my Electrical work; Light power point-$30 13A single power point-$48.00 13A single power point ( water proof )-$70 13A double power point-$60.00 Replacement of single to double power point-$50 SCV point-$90.00 15A air-con point-$95.00 Heater Point (15A)-$100 Telephone point-$45 Re-location of lighting point-$25.00 Re-location of switch point-$25.00 Re-location of power point-$25.00 Re-location of telephone point-$25.00 Re-location of SCV point-$50 Replacement of light switch (1 gang)-$16.00 Replacement of light switch (2 gang)-$20.00 Replacement of light switch (3 gang)-$24.00 Replacement of light switch (4 gang)-$28.00 Replacement of 13A single socket-$16.00 Replacement of 13A double socket-$20 Replacement of water heater switch-$30.00 Replacement of telephone point-$20.00 Replacement of SCV point-$20 Installation of downright, wall light, ceiling light-$10.00 Installation of hanging light-$40.00 Installation of ceiling fan-$45.00 Installation of ceiling fan with light-$60.00 Installation of wall fan-$30 MCB & copper bar for distribution box-40.00 New distribution box ( excluding main caber )$350.00 Change designer sockets for whole unit (Sockets inclusive)-$580. You compair ...
  6. Like your glass sliding door for your toilet, how much did you pay for it plus installation?
  7. Hi Chling, What is the pro & con of you useing black colour tiles for your toilet?
  8. Actually the one made in Thailand is also good. Only you need to handle the with care...
  9. Where do you find this contractor? Care to share...
  10. You can save cost in the installation of lighting where when you buy the lights for your house you can tell them to install for you instead of you paying $12 for each light.
  11. Can post the contractor contact? Thanks
  12. forward me the email too, at irwank81@yahoo.com.sg