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Everything posted by sumobear

  1. Erm...the price that I am getting should be consider as a special price because it will be printed by my company's supplier. Not sure what is the standard price outside, probably you can check out the price at bras basah complex.
  2. Erm...I do not really trust an ID because only a small number of IDs in Singapore are good. Those self-claimed IDs are out to ripped people off. Thats why I go to a contractor but then my contractor is not a very good one as he is kind of "uncle" so have to educate him things about design. On top of that I wanna cut the extra cost for an ID. May I know how much you spent for your renovation? Excluding the fixtures and furnishings.
  3. No lah...100+ for slightly above 1m x 1m. If can be as big as the wall for tha kind of price, I will quit by job and do mural for people already...haha
  4. Hi... Very nice home you have...I love your kitchen alot, very stylish! You got an ID for your renovation?
  5. Yeah...took them during school days when I have the time to spare after class. Haha...that is a funny pic becozs Mrs Sumobear was with me when I took the photos and she questioned me why I shoot pipes. I find the pic quite "Manhattan" or industry looking... Erm...I went to check out the printing, it will cost me about 100+ per print. Unless I am going for those standard size printing like A3, A2 and so on....but I have to spend so much time digging all my negatives and prints to scan.
  6. Since I have both the nice walls and gallery lightings, what missing will be some nice prints. Probably some of the shots that I have taken will do the trick. I am thinking the black and whites will create a more dramatic effect...it look kind of high fashion.
  7. Mrs Sumobear had ordered the washing machine long time ago and I have informed my contractor the exact specification of the washing machine before he construct the cabinet but in the end he came out with some special effect, wrong size! Ask him to rectify but he keep pushing me aside and ask me to bring in the washing machine 1st so he can measure accurately. I do not understand his theory and why can't he work things out based on my specification.
  8. Erm...no such clause. You renovation company did provide you with this benefit? Or it is a standard for all renovation?
  9. Well...sad to say that we are the unfortunately experienced ones.
  10. Hi to all, Thanks for all the words of encouragement. I just have to pick up the bits and pieces myself and take a step at a time right now. Just got an update from my contractor that he is targetting to hand over to me on next tuesday and I hope it is really a handover, 3rd attempt. That is the day that people will come and link up the gas piping and also my delivery from IKEA. Most importantly it is Ms Sumobear's birthday. Hope that it is a good day. Lifestyle - I do not wish to divert my delivery as I had ordered quite a lot of stuffs and do not want to incurr extra cost on delivery.
  11. How I wish that I can have 1 completed room, every room has things to rectify. Most of my furnitures are from IKEA so they have a grace period of 2 weeks of storage from the day of order and the time is almost up, after that the penalty will be by daily charges which I think is not cheap. Now we just have to pay $10 for a change of delivery date to next tuesday and hopefully the flat will be completed by. My contractor is not picking up my call and never call back also. sigh....at work but no mood to work.
  12. There was a news on TV last weekend talking about renovation matters in Singapore, a couple had engaged a renovation company with the some "Service Trust" trademark to renovate their home but the renovation just cannot complete after 1 year because of alot of problems. I think the couples went to RADAC and CASE to report but the time just keep on snowballing. The female owner claimed that she cannot function properly in her normal day life because of the stress and worries from the renovation. Managing contractor is not easy, it is really a great pain. So far I am the one being both the nice and bad guy and I find the stress is tremendously high as I need to work extra hard to check on the renovation, do more research on material used, think of how to counter his mind game. I think nobody will really understand the feelings that I have until he or she experienced it. This week supposed to be a smooth sailing week to the hand over but it is all because of a delivery error, everything got jammed up and went into a chaotic state again. Sigh...I thought my worries will be over but now I have to sort out the delivery problems to avoid too much of $$$ damage and the next headache matter will be the human factor, contractor and workers are very unhappy and had quarrelled because they cannot complete the job as planned and have to keep on coming back to rectify. The issue is who to blame? It is themselves who caused all the initial problems and lead to more problems. Is it my fault for making a delivery error or them who caused the problem indirectly? It's a blame game right now...
  13. I am not sure about the charges but it is better to pay then to divert the delivery as I do not know how to send so much things up to my place where it is not a lift landing level. Well...everyone has been telling me the theory of self-determination but what I am feeling right now is that I have undergo a very long and tiring journey of renovation. I have enough of it already. Everyday seem to be a struggle to move on as I am hoping that time will pass faster so I can have my new home. There are so many disappointments, one after another. Starting with the fake paint, cracking and popping cement floor, wrong size cabinet, wall cracking....everything seem to be major. Even after renovation, I also do not know if I feel good staying in a home with compromised renovation.
  14. I have to pay for holding my delivery because of using their storage space and my contractor advised me not to accept the furnitures 1st as everyone involved doing up my home are in an unfriendly term, everyone is holding back each another. They may sabotage the furnitures if they are nasty. What have I done to deserve all this? I pay out every cent for the things I want and I never even ask them to give me any freebies.
  15. I am a Raging Bear now....
  16. I am going berserk already...fully loaded with gun powder. This week is supposed to be the 2nd attempt for the contractor to hand over the flat to me but we have another roadblock ahead of us. Supposed to have our washing machine delivered to our place yesterday and get our contractor to rectify our washing machine space because of a wrongly contstructed cabinet next to it, the electrical shop told us that they have forgotten to arrange for the delivery yesterday and will deliver it to us today but today the delivery guy called to inform that he is unable to send it today again. The delivery has missed 2 days and that means my contractor has to wait. Why my renovation is continuing counting.....it has been 2 months, thats 60 days and still ++++++++++......GOSH!!! Please put this to an end, I can't take it! Then my furnitures are coming in this saturday to an incompleted unit. Hope the delivery can be postponed.
  17. I getting very paranoid and sick of renovation...my renovation has been on-going for 2 mths plus and still have not finished, so many things to rectify. Gosh...I need a break and have a chillout session. Supposed to do the handover last week but in the end I had bombed my contractor with a list of things-to-rectify and the handover date has to postpone to this coming friday. I am praying hard that I can get the flat ready by this friday because my furniture delivery is on the following day, saturday. I have to rush the cleaning before the things come in. I am sick right now...probably due to lack of sleep and stress from my worries of the renovation.
  18. Hi guys... The whole place is looking good in the dark, cannot find mistake. When the light is on, we can spot so many things here and there. We even use torch light like a scavenger hunter to hunt for errors.
  19. Since tomorrow is the handover day, we went to do a last minute inspection on the flat and realised alot of things still not rectify so I think tomorrow is not an auspicious day to take over. Apart from mistake hunting, we went there to play with the lighting. Now my wall colours are all correct ICI Dulux 3 in 1: Living Room - Banyan Tree Study Room - Timothy Hay Master Bedroom - Doll House Supporting Colour - White
  20. Hi Ben, Ohh yes I am definately going to hold some of the payment because I just came back from the site and spotted alot of errors. Blasted my contractor with a list of things to rectify and his voice is shivering when he answer me. His panic button is pushed. I feel so wicked...hehe Tomorrow is another round, do not know who will stay alive...either him or me. So please tune in to the next episode of Love Odyssey...thats all folks!
  21. Yah I paid a visit...heard alot of complains but I am not sure if all the damages are relevant because the flat is 1st owner and is in a very bad state. They claimed that ceiling is leaking, pipe area leaking and a broken glass window. Their window is the 1st generation of HDB's, those that can be used as Mediacorp's Growing Up backdrop. Questioned my contractor on what he wants to do about it and he claimed that he will get people to come back to paint after 1 month because he wants to monitor the water leakage and make sure everything is dried up before touching up. Very questionable and fishy...
  22. Last payment is due tomorrow...I am thinking whether to deduct some out. He kept bugging me to take over the flat so that his boss will allow him to move on to the next company next monday. Future client list meaning introducing more people to engage his service. On top of that, he seems quite happy with the overall color scheme and lighting arrangement that I have come out with. Rather unconventional compare to other homes that he had done before, so I think he can use my home as a portfolio piece to create a contrast from his previous works.
  23. Tomorrow will be the hand-over day but I am kind of worried taking over because there are still some minor things not rectify. Then my contractor is leaving his currently company after tomorrow and he claimed that he will follow up with things when he is at the new company. A lot of assurance has given to me but I can only trust him 50/50 after so many hiccups. I think I am taking it as a gamble right now. I did warned him that if he wants continued business from my thread, he better complete all my things properly before I release the future customer list to him. Keeping my fingers crossed.... Among all the incomplete tasks, the most critical will be the washing maching slot which his worker has mis-calculated and made the compartment smaller which I do not think my washing machine is able to go in.
  24. Hi mist, ok thanks for the info.... Don't think I have the budget to get a sewing machine right now...my $$$ is negative value now :S
  25. erm...so far it is just a verbal statement, no black & white proof. If you think that the extra room is not necessary then go ahead to hack because you are definately going to stay there for quite a while. A wall can always be rebuilt. Even if it will affect the selling price, i think it will only be a few Ks and what is that few Ks divided by the time that you have stayed in that flat. Dun think so far ahead, do whatever you feel like doing now.