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Everything posted by sumobear

  1. I think the kids nowadays are suffering alot because for their parent's Kiasu-ism. Learning is important but I think a child should learn through enjoyment and not by programmed. I have been thinking of the ways that I can use to bring up my kids in the future...arts and crafts. Probably I can have art and craft workshops with them on weekends...hehe I am dreaming and looking forward to it.
  2. Haha...have I just whipped up a trend of fabrics on frames in Renotalk? Have fun but be careful when handling the staple gun. I use industrial staple gun to tack my prints on to the frame, it is stronger.
  3. Thanks for the compliment... I think we are the same as you, spent most of our $$$ on renovation. We are just buying small items and doing DIYs to decorate our home for the time being. Like what you said, it is a constant process to build up...
  4. Well...I think it is good to DIY when you have the interest and time, and most importantly you can get something done that you may not find off the shelves. Hope to see your DIYs soon...
  5. You will need to go to the framing shops to do the framing if your require thick frames, or else you can try getting some nice frames from IKEA that are deep enough for you to place your bowl. Then you will need to get some strong adhesive to bond the bowl to the backing.
  6. Another canvas is up for our master bedroom...it is a picture of our intials formed by wooden blocks played by children. After putting up the print, our room feels like a playroom now...haha
  7. Hi, Your home colour scheme look similar as mine...I have the green and pink too.
  8. Does the film work in reducing the heat? My place is warm... Can I have the contact too?
  9. Try shouting at your tiles to check if there is any echo from the hollow ones...hehe (Ok, I am just trying to be corny on a friday afternoon) Floor tiles very easy to check....roll coins over the floor and listen to the sound(Not sure if marble can or not, probably your neighbour staying downstair will freak out!). This is a technique that I had learned from my father-in-law's friend. The sound of hollow tiles will be different. Walls have to be knocked one by one to check...
  10. Those are nice colours, very neutral BUT you must have the right colour combination for the carpentry to bring out the details and colours. Got those funny floral design on the tiles? HDB like those kind of tiles, yucks! R u having an ID to renovate your home? Challenge him with the colours that you have in your home to come out something nice for you. All designers should be trained to tackle colour combination.
  11. I think most tiles available in the market should be able to withstand shock...provided you go to those well-established tile company. Another thing that you may want to look into will be the country that produce the tiles...Made in China maybe questionable sometimes.
  12. I am only worried that she is paying more for their advertising and not product. Oonik girl, you better request your ID to spec as detail as possible for the quotation. That piece of black and white is what you can use to fight back when there is any problem (but TOUCH WOOD loh, hehe) Another common problem which many people will have is the number of lighting point and electrical point, sure not enough and you have to add in. So you better do some homework 1st. I plotted all my X,Y coordinate for my lightings and realised that my lighting is insufficient.
  13. Are you refering to Chew Interiors? I find Chew interior is very aggressive with their advertising but I am not so sure about their services and quality.
  14. VERY VERY IMPORTANT...be prepared to have some buffer for $$$! So plan your $$$ properly. We bought some fixtures that we never use or additional items that we need.
  15. Lifeshop have shifted to balestier, their HQ office.
  16. I do agree with Cantona7 that you can approach a contractor to do your home but MUST be a good one, do not be like mine! ID will markup alot eventhough they say that design is FOC. If you are going for contractors, do not go for the cheapest quote...every contractor can give you cheap quote and that means cheap materials and workers. On top of that, you have to be very sharp with the materials and workmanship. I learnt everything from my renovation.
  17. erm...probably you can work around your problems like removing some other items to allocate funding for your paint work? Thats what I did, set priorty to your things...things can always add on later.
  18. Good morning everyone... Speaking of artificial plants, may I know where can I get nice ones? Most of the artificial ones that I saw looked very plastic and fake. Robinsons and Lifeshops suppose to sell some good ones but now they are having sale, so only the lower range are displayed but they are still very expensive...
  19. Sigh...no white then I do not think I want already. I am very colour disciplined...haha...wrong colour will kill my house. My IKEA mat is almost transparent when I place in the sink...so quite happy with it but water is slightly harder to drain off.
  20. Yah...my friend who is in fashion line told me that bangkok is very IN with retro fabrics right now and if you are lucky, you can find those retro furnitures at a good price but not sure how many hands already lah. Actually Vietnam is a very good place to find retro stuffs, we went there 1yr+ ago but we do not know what to buy at that time yet and on top of that will be the language barrier. Went to Goodrich before but I do not like their services, the people there are so commercialised. I prefer things with more personal touch. I have a new DIY clock project in mind right now...going to buy my materials and get started soon, so keep a lookout. Can share some of your website bookmarks? You seem to surf as much as I do.
  21. Wow...lucky one! Do they have white colour? I will only use white...hehe Which Daiso did you went to? Erm actually I found something else to replace the mat but I think it is not as good as the one that you found. I used the drawer mat from IKEA coz can cut to the size of my sink.
  22. I will try to find out for you...
  23. Hi Mist My friend told me that Bangkok's market sell alot of retro fabrics, is it true? I do not really like Goodrich's stuff as I find them overpriced and too commercialised. As for the wrapping papers, you can try your luck at the shops that are formerly from Blanco court that have moved to Concourse Building. I saw some of the papers from Vietnam before but their paper quality is not very good and that includes the ones that my friend bought for me.
  24. Hi, Hehe thanks...we have been doing alot of research from books, magazines and website before deciding the colours. Most of my rooms will have primary, secondary, base and supporting colours...thats my version of "apartment therapy". Check out the homes featured in the house tour section of this website, www.apartmenttherapy.com
  25. Yah...nice things are hard to come by! Mist probably you can provide everyone with more information on fabrics since you are a more hardcore fabric addict than I am. I showed the framed wrapping paper to my friend and she said that the 10cent worth wrapping paper turned out to be so classy looking...hehe