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Everything posted by getzski

  1. can try the auntie/uncle tailors in HDB wet market. i bought my fabric from ikea.
  2. yup, i think you described it perfectly. no chance for me to do a taste test though, cos i retired my bialetti long time ago.
  3. coffee is good, good release of the flavors. indeed it is about expresso grade. beats the french press anytime. just checked on my vornado. i think it is shipped via sea from NJ. so i guess i wouldn't be seeing it soon.
  4. ya guilty as charged...now gotta kill those extra kilo yes the coffee maker uses grind coffee. it can take fine grind as well, as long you use the paper filter. there is also a stainless steel filter attachment, but you will have to use medium grind, i suspect like a 4 and up. i am giving up on my expressoo machine cos i'm lazy to clean it. going to make a cuppa now. will post review of taste results later. here's the link to the product. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0018RY8H0/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i06?ie=UTF8&psc=1 yup. all free shipping. ordered on 4th. shipped on the 6th, and received today.
  5. woohoo....my amazon purchase arrived 10 minutes ago. it came 3 days earlier than expected. DHL did the local leg delivery. sharing my loot.....
  6. bought already this morning.....lol. anyway, i checked the estimated delivery date. it is taking longer than my other order (ETA 20-25Jun). But then again, with cheap shipping, i am not complaining. ORDER PLACED June 3, 2013Order Details | InvoiceORDER #112-770600RECIPIENT TOTAL $164.89 Shipping NowTrack PackageRequest cancellationDELIVERY ESTIMATE: Monday July 1, 2013 by 8:00pmVornado 630B Whole Room Air CirculatorSold by: Amazon.com LLCVornado 530B Compact Whole Room Air CirculatorSold by: Amazon.com LL
  7. thanks kim76, i managed to get a 530B and 630B. paid USD56 for shipping.
  8. more stuff added. Old school TV. $100. 2 available.
  9. http://s.taobao.com/search?initiative_id=staobaoz_20130521&jc=1&q=%C7%E0%CD%AD%CB%AE%C1%FA%CD%B7
  10. i got this from TB. http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.5.0.42.XuYRsk&id=15203842247 it comes in chinese characters, but my gf also found one in english characters at double the price.
  11. More stuff. Center Speaker. Throw in a good quality thick speaker cable for free. $70. Carpet 235cm * 160cm. Used for 3 months. Almost new condition. $150.
  12. Moose Head. Wooden Hanging Piece. Brand New, but taken out of box and assembled. $120. Call 91866101 to enquire.
  13. Leave it as is......you can change the look once you get sick of it one day.
  14. Framed Replica. 2 pieces. 50cm * 60cm. $70 each. Armchair from Lorgan. $120 contact 91866101.
  15. Everything is less than 1/3 the price i paid for, or the cost of making it. All in very good condition, no tears no stains. Custom Made Cushion Cover. Every piece is unique. 50X50cm. $15 each. Qty = 2. (comes with cushion) 45X45cm. $5 each. Qty = 2 (cover only) Take ALL for $30 Genuine black leather cushion. 66X66cm. $15 each. Qty = 2 Custom Made lumbar cushion. With cushion. 65X30cm. $5 each. Qty=2
  16. this is what the sellers told me. click to buy first, but do not proceed to pay. you can talk to them about shipping arrnagements and cost, and even discounts. after that, seller will amend the bill, and you can then proceed to pay. $16 is via the postal route. he offered courier services at about $30, but i am ok with waiting an extra 3 weeks. not all sellers offer overseaa shipping. chances are higher if the goods are small parcel size, and the seller has direct access to courier services.
  17. just to share..... i managed to use alipay via my DBS CC to pay for the purchase. and even got the seller to do overseas shipping for me. i paid him $16 to ship 8 cushion covers.