You are welcome! A lot depends on what you want, ie how big you want the water feature to be (depends on size of your roof terrace) and what you want to use it for (is it just for creating a waterfall or do you intend to rear goldfish, guppies, kois etc with water plants inside?) When you buy the bigger water feature from Fukai, and depending on which model, you will also be given a certain number of plants (I got 10 pots of plants), a certain number of granite cubes to line the water feature (I got 40), and a certain amount of pebbles (rustic type is best - I got 2 20-kg bags), a pump and a light. You can choose what plants you like. You can also change the light. They will give you a small spotlight type with which you can change the colour. I took a 3-foot flourescent tube instead to give more light at night. If you intend to keep fish inside the water feature, you may need 3 electrical sockets, for the pump, light, and filter. For filter, you can choose the normal mechanical type (cheap) or the biofilter (expensive, more than $1000). Best is to let Fukai pull wires and install the sockets for you (cost me $540 to do 3 points) as they have been doing outdoor landscaping and are good when it comes to waterproofing the wires - I think they would be better as far as safety is concerned. I tried getting an electrician myself - he quoted me at first $120 and then $300 on seeing my roof terrace. I decided against using him as he didn't come across as being knowledgeable nor capable. All in all, I spent more than $5K on my water feature. Go to the showroom of Fukai at Woodlands to looksee. They have more than a 100 different models displayed there. You should be able to choose one you like!