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Everything posted by NeoBY

  1. luckily i got good neighbour who said renovation is like that one. but i got 1 problem kid who likes to come to my front door to mimic my dog barking. that set off the barking.
  2. sale sale.... http://www.comfortfurniture.com.sg/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sale-List-Starbuy-11-SALE-UPDATED-LIST.pdf
  3. And ensure you have exact amount. I didnt have so it became tips for them.
  4. no prob. renovating also bothers the mind.
  5. I also had some issues with him. But I give and take lor.
  6. They had good reviews. I am not sure if it's the ID or the firm.
  7. He told me he's not so I take with pinch of salt. I think I still got his number somewhere. Anyway it should be posted somewhere in this forum. Just tell him what you want. Better to have at least weekly meet. I think sms and email very difficult.
  8. i chose a couple of paint from nippon. i forgot the type...i think got medifresh or something...and then some odourless stuff. all supposed to be the better grades.
  9. i asked contractor. then he said he can give me a can. he also gave me the code. now still waiting for the can.
  10. yah, i asked the painter to throw away but i forgot to take note of the colour code.
  11. forgetful i think. kenneth is not boss, he claims. he said he is senior with some authority.
  12. hhmm...or u wanna call HDB to check? then no need guess here guess there.
  13. sorry, not mouldy. it's smelly. i am refering to the remaining paint left in the can.
  14. hahaha.....i think the workers are "eating" him. I also paid so the plumber can help me fixed mirrors, blinds in the rooms as well as the ikea mirror in bathroom. I still got a nail sticking out on top of my main door not removed despite numerous reminders.
  15. got. but the paint (the one used for most part of the walls) were mouldy liao, when the painter came to rectify other painting work. I asked why so fast mouldy he said dont know.
  16. I only see this. maybe you do a search http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10297p.nsf/ImageView/RENO_GUIDEBOOK/$file/RenoGuide.pdf 13 Clothes Drying Hanger No permit required Installation of clothes drying hanger on ceiling in kitchen/service yard Power-driven nails of 6 mm diameter and not exceeding 40mm in penetration depth are to be used. [Note: Installation/replacement at air-conditioner ledge is not allowed] pay then can be done. lol
  17. nehz...we have even plastered the wall and painted it ourselves cos we put ikea mirrors on the wall (using double sided) and then decided to remove it. so the touch up we can do it WHEN we get the paint he promised. His painter does those spot touch up. very lousy lah.
  18. yah lah. owners have to help him check for defects
  19. still must compensate for lost of use
  20. can come do for me too? i also got some stains on the wall
  21. You've got to push him to meet. set a date every week. do you check the progress yourself every few days?
  22. hheee..will probably get but not for the dryer cos i hardly use it. only used once without success