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Everything posted by beluga

  1. Looks pretty decent pricing to me....
  2. Kitchen tiling in progress:
  3. Toilet tiling in progress:
  4. Hong tar guys came to relocated the pipings this morning at 9:30 am. Before relocation: Rejoining the pipings. They use hot blower to melt the copper strip to mend the pipes. Looks assuring to see the it's quite well done. After relocation: As we left at 12 pm, they were still working but almost done... Will post a pix of the side of the wall where is has been removed. As you can see, after relocation, the trunking is gone and now in my parent's room, which will be covered by build-in wardrobe
  5. Hi fellow comrade! When I see "Whampoa", I half expected to be you.... Your living room design also nice work.....
  6. Managed to arrange with Catherine to rectify the problem which they will do it tomorrow morning. 3 hours job. 1 half hour to drill another hole and the will relocate the vertical trunking to my parent's room. Sounds good? Thing is, NEED TO PAY! 300 bucks! Bo pian, must spend such money or else everyday see that trunking sianz.... Imagine if I don't rectify, it will look like below. With rectification, the vertical piping will be gone. Only the bottom trunking will be visible. Come to think of it, I'm tempted to tell them to even lay bottom trunking on the other side which I think should be doable too....
  7. Don't scare me leh.... I hoot 4 units of Panasonic fan wor..... As I know, KDK and Panasonic uses the same motor...
  8. Not really ID's fault I think though he could have caught this issue. He improved on one of the aircon point though but he missed out this. Trunking behind the cabinet has risk too which the hong tar guy warned me early-early but I still prefer to hide it as I think the risk is small.
  9. Hong tar did the aircon trunking yesterday and did it wrongly!!!! It was not their fault as I wasn't there to tell them in detail how the trunking should be. The compressor is just outside our MBR window. The trunking is trunked out from the bottom of our proposed L-shaped table in the MBR. From the bottom, when trunked up, it should first go through to my parent's room then only trunk up. What they did instead was trunk up on the MBR side of the wall then only go through to my parent's room. This means the L-shape table corner and the shelf will have visible trunking..... Calling Catherine to see what she can do to rectify it....
  10. correction.... only if its a young and pwetty lady.... hehe...
  11. Good laa.... changing clothes no need to pull the curtain...
  12. I was lucky that our buyer let us stay for over 2 months without rental whatsoever....
  13. Wah, that means if you spit, can reach the pond also hor..... COV must be kau kau also.... Not less than 70K I suppose?
  14. Just took a peek at Pasir Ris pricing.... COV is still ridiculously high.... siao!
  15. I really like those units near the white sand plaza.... Near to the fishing pond as well.... so relaxing....
  16. When you type your posting, there is a row of buttons which the fifth button from the right (Insert Image) is the button to click. Add your URL there and voila! Alternatively, you can just add your image link between "[ i m g ]" and "[/ i m g ]" tags Note: no spacing for the img tags. I had to add spacing or otherwise it will not show up in the posting...
  17. Anyway, to TS, are you selling any existing unit as well or are you just buying? If you are just buying then May's suggestion will work. Otherwise, if you are selling as well then it will complicate the whole matter. For my case, my buyer is first time buyer, so they are not in a hurry....
  18. May's suggestion sounds good.... However, I wonder in the case if seller backout between OTP and 1st appt, what will happen? To what extend is the legal binding?
  19. Maybe to HDB they don't care.... However, seller can legally seek compensation from buyer if it goes beyond 8 weeks. Since both party are willing, maybe this is OK. This part got to clarify with HDB officer.
  20. No way to enforce it as HDB does not recognize extension of stay after transaction is complete. So it's strictly gentlemen agreement basis.... Like my case, the 2nd appointment was completed in early January but our buyer was kind enough to let us stay until mid of April without any penalty.... No signing whatsover. At the time of 2nd appointment, officer asked us to relinquish key to them but their representative lawyer just said, "private arrangement". 2nd appt cannot be extend more than 8 weeks after 1st appt as what I understand.
  21. Notice all your reno item sipeh tok kong.... Blum liao liao, top range water filter.... Must be a 6-figure reno.... hehehe....
  22. Yea coz its quite near my current place.... Also want to make sure the drink supply is enough for the guys...
  23. Dropped by today at 9pm. Saw them carting tiles and stack them on the living room...
  24. It's common to decide in one to two views.... I sold my place to a couple whom I didn't even notice them. I had an open house and a couple of viewers came at the same time. One couple came and see, asked my agent a few questions and left. Minutes later they called to offer. As for the place that I bought, it wasn't love at first sight. First meet left no good impression as the place is very original state. It was the very first unit we went to see. After that we went to see over 15 houses in the span of 2 weeks. Those we liked didn't bite our offer and some have suspected ah long case. Finally went back to the first unit we saw and started toying with the idea of buy cheap but renovate it well to compensate. Though it was 5th floor, we find that unit plenty of common space with good sunlight for our laundry which is important to us as we have lots of laundry. Privacy is also good though it's quite a distance from the lift. Surrounding is also quiet though it's near to MRT station.