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Everything posted by herbalteh

  1. I spoken to my ID and also discussed on this. IF you ever notice, HDEEBEE got put a plastic cover smacked right on the wall (thats where out masterbR is, just beside the toilet door)... my pov, dont follow that unless u wants the carpentry to cover the ac piping...might eat into ur storage space and maintenance is a big headache if piping leakage IF u dont intend to follow that way, u protude out from MBR toilet window, thru the tiles, all the way to your main toilet until u reach the point where your storage heater is, then u detour towards the corridor to the lst bed room, then make some turns (depends where you want your blower unit to be), then protude towards the 2nd room. This is the most ideal case, for me as my 1st and 2nd room DO NOT intend to do carpentry and also I dont want carpentry to hide the piping. I prefer to buy cupboards off the shelf to save cost. Too much carpentry will exceed my budget... I saw in some units with some pics, that they follow through the plastic cover given by HDB, protude out along the wall of the MBR, then underneath the beam to the lst room, then from the side wall, towards 2nd room . If using this method, then cannnot buy those cupboards off the shelf due to the air con piping.. u may refer to facebook, under sunshine court, some one is doing this method.... Sorry, may be confusing here but I hope u understand what i mean.
  2. Above the toilet bowl beside the beam
  3. Hi.. I also need a quotation for air con system for 1 MBR + 2 rooms... Sorry, what would you recommend? Many thanks....
  4. how about grilles to the air con ledge?
  5. partitions i believe, he / she is referring to the one that separates ur foyer from living room cos some units, when u open door, u basically can see the whole living room
  6. fix middle portions would be good enough
  7. The auntie and the old uncle from tls got renovate 13th and 14th floor. They are ok lah but consider carefully Don't feel pressurized under any condition to sign Must see carefully 14th floor do up almost everything except floor U can have a look at their workmanship Price wise I am not too sure as I never engage them before 13th floor is do everything Just don't kena push by any contractors One of my short listed id became too pushy at the 3rd meet up tat we dropped them off the list It's never cheap for Reno Sometimes if contractor quoted too cheap U also worry
  8. The auntie and the old uncle from tls got renovate 13th and 14th floor. They are ok lah but consider carefully Don't feel pressurized under any condition to sign Must see carefully 14th floor do up almost everything except floor U can have a look at their workmanship Price wise I am not too sure as I never engage them before 13th floor is do everything Just don't kena push by any contractors One of my short listed id became too pushy at the 3rd meet up tat we dropped them off the list It's never cheap for Reno Sometimes if contractor quoted too cheap U also worry
  9. i bought mine from chartis, 300++++ for 5 years (4 + 1 year free) sstill okie...the coverage amount, i cannot remember...
  10. woah...dont think its possible to do big big vanity table like those in hotel rooms... the wall tiles have to be overlayed or remove or change to darker colour in order to have those hotel feeling... haha..
  11. Hi sunnydale, Can u pm me ur contractor or Id firm details? May I know what have u done? Care to pm me more details? Thks
  12. any one in unit 37 / 35, have planned for a L shaped cabinet and have decided to go ahead with it? my ID told me its a no no..... Care to share what have you planned to put in the two odd shaped slots just between the kitchen and the main door???
  13. yes understand your point. In the quotation, they did put soft closing and even demo what is soft closing. i been to ikea just now and also saw some cupboards having soft closing / blum system. I tested it out and find that the blum system in that ikea cupboard is even better than the one at my ID's client place... ahaha
  14. Have you found / decided on your contractor / ID? anyone intends to pool together to source for ID? I have two IDs in mind, now thinking of which one...will also keep a lookout for more options...
  15. Thanks... Still not yet decided on which company to go for... big headache...
  16. if got option, park at sunshine place...should there be really no space. The carparks lots are abit little, i guess. I never like the design of our entrance and exit into our blocks. You see, its a dead end. IF a school is build besides our area, that whole area sure jammed up one. I can see from my service yard, HDB is currenly leveling the old keat hong camp and also Armour camp. I believe this is done so to make way for future housing and the clearing will only be completed around march 2012. Such a big piece of land to be cleared. I just hope the area in front of the MSCP is a garden theme or recreational area and not some high rise flats....
  17. if you wanna have a look how is the layout like... some Unit 33 at blk 476C (i not convenient to say which floors but you can discover it yourself easily) are currently doing renovation. You can approach the contractor and drop by to have a look....if you are free...
  18. wat you see here in my pictures are all from HDB. YES, they will give you shower sets for both bath rooms. Check your letter box, they also got pass you some cables (for TV) and some tap adaptors (for you to on your main switch) outside your main door.
  19. Kitchen Service Yard Main Toilet
  20. Master BR (part 2) Bedroom 1 (next to MBR) Bedroom 2 (furthest away from MBR)
  21. Ok ... Here are the pics Living room
  22. Got my keys today... went into the flat...have a look around... Here are just some of the points... Master room VERY SMALL... The long corridor ate into the master room area, looks more to a L shaped room with that wasted corridor. The light switch is located just outside the toilet entrance (it really create a problem as this is where we plan to make a build in cupboard). The switches would be hidden in the cupboard, yes you will not believe it but it is done this way. The MBR toilet space is quite huge but due to the odd layout / position of the WC and also the wash basin, it have made building of a vanity table quite tiny in size, we cannot plan for a bigger vanity table. Its lucky that we dont indent for doors to the toilet as swing doors would have taken up too much space. There is a tiny window that leads to the air con ledge. IF open this window, other pple can peek into your MBR toilet... If not using the toilet, can consider to leave this window open as it really let wind in... The 3 room flat besides our block, one portion is able to see at least half of my MBR and maybe 1/4 of the room besides my other BR (positional sense due to space constraint, nothing much I can do about it except to install curtains / blinds to block out the view. Due to this positioning, the MBR seldom get wind blowing...as it really block out the wind direction. Room beside MBR as mentioned earlier, the 3 room flat besides can view 1/4 of this room. Ventilation wise, this room is unblock, if windows fully open, can really feel the wind.. Room that is beides the living room, furthest away from MBR. This room is the best. Allow the most wind in and is really unblock. But room is really tiny in space. One cupboard, one bed...thats it. Living room. The wiring connection, to tv is not what we expected it to be in terms of position. It is in line with the door, same pane level, in terms of position. But well, to spend extra money rewiring, makes no sense to rewire. The windows, when fully open, is full of wind!! very cooling. Kitchen Forget about space...its really narrow and the door opening is located at the centre, making it hard to install sliding doors or two panel doors. The waste rectangle corner besides this door, is a totally out and waste of corner. Too small to put refridgerator...can consider to put shoe rack though. the door and window leading to the service yard, we are planning to remove it totally to allow more wind and more light and to create some space. As for the service yard, only can do sliding windows, casement windows are out as the hanging poles outside your service yard block the opening path of casement window. Can consider to do grill though let me see if i can post some pictures later.
  23. If you want purely RO water, you may like to consider ELKEN. I currently have one unit at home which can disperse luke warm water and hot boiling water. Cost approx. 1.5k for the whole unit (i purchased this last year)... Maintenance wise, Pre filter cost approx 15$ (this is the filter that filter out the dirt before water goes into your water dispenser). Inside the system, got another 3 sets of filters or 4 set. Total cost to replace all 4 sets should be around 300 plus, if i rem correctly.... you can search for ''elken RO water'' on youtube to know more... Sorry, I am not selling these RO or pushing this...just find this a convenient way to get clean RO water.... let me know if you need more details... i got fren who sell...hahaa and just to clarify, i dont earn from this. Just sharing what i am using... Mods, sorry, if this is deemed as advertising, you can remove my post. many thanks.
  24. still selecting lah been to 3 firms... kicked one firm out now considering 2 firms but hor, still looking for more optioms