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Ks Toh

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Ks Toh last won the day on June 23 2021

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About Ks Toh

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  1. Mosquitoes and Other Flying Insects My family complained that there are lots of mosquitoes flying into the home. I realised that they were mainly coming in from the toilet windows. So I did something. You can buy the net from FairPrice and mounting tape from anywhere (I bought online). After I did the above, my wife complained that the screen was non-removeable. So, I had to redo. I bought the frames online from ezbuy. DIY Magnetic Screen - https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_ADeCfz DIY Velco Screen - https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9IuTCb
  2. Hi, exactly what snooze explained. WiFi is really for casual internet access. Even then, when you round a corner, the signal can drop. If you can, you should network cable to every room or location. I am on StarHub cable TV. For about a year now, StarHub has offered to switch me to fibre TV at higher speed but lower cost.. But I refused to take up the offer. Problem is that StarHub TV requires a dedicated network access from the TV box to the VeONT (fibre modem) i.e. cannot route through switch. This means if I use the hall network point for StarHub TV, I cannot use it for anything else! Currently, I am using this point for many purposes which I cannot do without: WiFi Access point, Smart TV, SoundBar, Apple TV, Network drive and IP Camera. The only solution is to lay another network cable from my VeONT to my hall. This is a NO NO to my wife as it means unsightly cabling all the way from utility room > kitchen > bomb shelter > cabinets > dining > pond > hall. I understand that if you subscribe to SingTel TV, you will not have this problem. Apparently, SIngTel uses VLAN tagging or some technology which allows both fibre TV and internet to be carried via the same network cable. The above is my simple explanation based on what I understand. I am not that technically knowledgeable. I read on HWZ there may be a solution but I do not understand it. Maybe someone who understands better can explain.
  3. I used to pay a gardener to come once every week, then every 2 weeks, then every month, then every few months. Now, my wife and I maintain ourselves. Maintenance means trimming away overgrown plants, replanting those that died and spraying pesticide. I use organic pesticide due to the fishes below my vertical garden.
  4. I use to wonder how to deal with the daily fur shedding but not anymore. I don't even notice it anymore. Not sure why but could be any of the following reasons:- 1. Mr GR is now 1 1/2 years old. Maybe they shed less after 1 year? 2. I now comb him every day after his walk. I think they helps a lot. 3. I put my robot vacuum to work every day. It is very good at picking up fur. 4. Maybe I am just used to it now. Until you mentioned, I did not even notice the fur in the pond. There is only some fur on the pond surface but no, there is no problem at all. I don't even bother to remove them. They just disappear somewhere after a while.
  5. Thank you for mentioning my house. Indeed, I am very happy with my vertical garden. It is still doing well after almost 4 years. As long as you do it right and maintain it well, you will be very happy with it. Of course, the $64m question is whether we can get it right. Apart from the fact that the vertical garden may not be suitable for the growing of herbs, you want to keep the vertical garden bushy and not keep harvesting the plants there for cooking! I supposed you already done your aircon. I did some write-up on it on my blog but the info may be outdated. Mitsubishi HE is not a parallel import. It is by another company in the Mitsubishi group. Everything is made in China these days, so that is not really relevant. I find Toshiba systems nice to look at but poor in built quality and performance.
  6. Hi, I noticed what looks like a vertical garden on the wall. Assuming it is, I would like to share with you my opinion as i have a vertical garden in my house (ground floor to level 3). First, the vertical garden needs sufficient sunlight or the plants will die. Based on the design above, there is insufficient sunlight. So, you need to install artificial lighting for the plants. Second, you need to provide for water in and drainage out at the bottom.
  7. Yes, if you are fixing the TP at the TV console area, for data points for other rooms, your contractor should also pull the cables from all the rooms to this TP location. Yes, you can lay all the cables first. Modem / router installation is simply putting the device there and plugging the wires into the modem / router. Since there will be several devices and many wires, you may want to locate the TP point within the console (hidden but with some ventilation) rather than exposed. You also need several power points. For the Opennet link from outside to your TV console area, you can ask your contractor to lay a normal wire or string first. Then when the Opennet contractor comes, he will just use the wire (or string) to pull in the fibre link. Otherwise, if the Opennet contractor comes after your TV console is already done up, the installation may not be neat. For all the cables coming from the rooms to the TV console area, you can install a patch panel (neater) or just leave the wires dangling (which is what I did - but messy). I believe I wrote about all these in great detail on my blog HERE. There is Network Cabling parts 1 and 2. If you don't find the information there, feel free to ask again. For your information, Opennet is now called NetLinkTrust.
  8. Hi I just saw your private message to me. My alkaline water system is different. Mine is totally above the counter, so I would not have the issue that you have. Details of my machine: I agree with you totally. This is unacceptable to me. How does the water get a soapy smell? It must be because some stuff from the detergent gets into the water. And if this can happen, I am sure some stuff from your insecticide can also get into it. Just that you are not aware. Maybe the amount is negligible to be harmful, but still it is a problem. We install this kind of system to make the water cleaner, not worse. If I were you, I will definitely (a) try to get a refund for this system (but this is probably near impossible) or (b) take up their offer to shift the filters to another dry location where you do not put anything else. I doubt they will put up the documentation that you requested. After you solve your problem, you can put up reviews. Maybe you can get more information here:
  9. Hi I just saw your private message to me. My alkaline water system is different. Mine is totally above the counter, so I would not have the issue that you have. Details of my machine: I agree with you totally. This is unacceptable to me. How does the water get a soapy smell? It must be because some stuff from the detergent gets into the water. And if this can happen, I am sure some stuff from your insecticide can also get into it. Just that you are not aware. Maybe the amount is negligible to be harmful, but still it is a problem. We install this kind of system to make the water cleaner, not worse. If I were you, I will definitely (a) try to get a refund for this system (but this is probably near impossible) or (b) take up their offer to shift the filters to another dry location where you do not put anything else. I doubt they will put up the documentation that you requested. After you solve your problem, you can put up reviews.
  10. Oh, if you have plans for the vertical garden in the future, make sure there is provision for: a) water drainage - at the bottom, there should be a pond (in my case, a koi pond) or some drainage b) a tap or water outlet - mine is at the bottom but i feel that it would have been better if at the top. c) power points - for artificial lighting if there is insufficient sunlight
  11. I love your slide and fireman's pole. Wish I could have rebuilt my house. The outdoor jacuzzi on my roof terrace is a white elephant that simply consumes water and electricity. My wife wants to get rid of it to make way for more seating area, for bbqs.
  12. For your blog title, do you mean "Natural Colours"? For a moment, I thought it will be all red and white.
  13. This kind of things I think nobody can prove true or not. It's up to the individual. If you don't believe, don't bother about it. If you believe, you should follow. Or if you are like me, which is basically no idea whether to believe or not, just follow what my contractor tells me. As long as you start renovations before the month (for 2016, it should be 3 to 31 August 2016), it should be fine. So, before 3rd August 2016, just take a hammer and whack away a few tiles, and you are good to go anytime after that.
  14. Parrot Flew into my House Two weeks ago, there was another intruder in my house. A flying animal a little longer than 2 feet. First, she decided to take a sip from my koi pond. Then she decided to make my vertical garden her home.