mango13: i am in the same block as matrox matrox: thanks for tip off, will check out #04. I intend to hack off the kitchen entrance and the service yard one. shopping around for quotes now.
Centrino2, Can you PM me the online shops too? Could they be from TB?? I have been checking out overses online shops. Thought about buying from them to save cost but am unsure if the specs is suitable locally. Me newbie and first time renovating house and on a budget. So much to learn . Hope to hear from ye
Hello everyone!! This is my first post here. Have been surfing here latently picking up tips to reno my new flat. Hello matrox! We are going to be neighbours! Have been visiting showrooms in the block but all are 4 rooms so far. Have not collected my keys yet. If you are at your new place during the weekend, can I can over to take a look? Cos need to take measurement to buy furniture... Appreciate help all. Gam Xiah Gam Xiah!