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About ilovebuilding

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  1. http://www.mas.gov.sg/News-and-Publications/Media-Releases/2017/Joint-Press-Release-on-Measures-Relating-to-Residential-Property.aspx Can anyone explain item #6? I ask a few banks. Seem like they still take TDSR into consideration. Which means this "cooling measure" isnt supported by the local banks.
  2. try GEOSPECS PTE LTD Tel: 67446626 / 67428488 i am a builder have been using them.
  3. Are you thinking of importing? how much qty are u getting? I do travel to china to look for stuff every now and then.
  4. hi, you looking for D&B builders?

    1. ilovebuilding


      tried to send you message but failed. maybe your inbox full.

  5. i think he is advertising or something... he post something similar in 3 different topic
  6. Hi Yoongf. I think the site coverage is 40%. . if GCB is 35%... and 45% only in 2-storey mixed landed and semi-detached housing areas.. unless there is a change of rules. Dont think there is Development charge,
  7. for an A&A works usually bomb shelter is not required. Recon work you might be to apply for wavier. Architect/QP/PE who are experience enough should be able to tell you that. Rebuilt work... i havent come across a project which manage to get a wavier. soil test depends on BCA but Some PEs will be able to ask wavier with justification or they have contacts who have a soil test report done in the vicinity. FSB? hum.. 4 levels usually requires FSB inspection. But if you are doing 2.5 u usually does not need FSB inspection. do you have a basement? 3.5 will be consider as 4 levels to FSB. Hopes the above clear some doubts.
  8. Are u using the same tiles for ur bedroom? depending on what need to be done, then we look into what come in first.
