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How Much Cov Have You Paid?
Lauer replied to spikedoll's topic in HDB New/Resale Flats, Executive Condominiums
Enjoy! -
Since you have already bought it, don't think too much 吧. Enjoy!
Yes. Enjoy!
Is this for a newly built apartment? Cheers!
Is Peter aka Jimmy Yap Siew Wu? Goggle "Jimmy Yap S W" and it gave numerous blog sites containing identical postings of someone(s) experience with www.skillon.com? Of course it is all business. Cheers!
Something Wrong With My Ceiling?
Lauer replied to shibumi's topic in Ceiling, Walls and Flooring Works
Please refer to HDB information provided. http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10324p.nsf/w/HomeMaintSpallingConcrete?OpenDocument Cheers! -
Normally, you wouldn't read a book when you have no idea what the author is trying to say after browsing through the first pages. Fortunately, there is music. Enjoy!
I have seen and heard enough of similar stories in the industry. I wrote here about an incident where I told off my regular ID who was doing an A&A project for another client, telling him "Listen, just stick to your area of competency would you?". And he wasn't even cheating in this case.I wouldn't stop at publishing the details in a forum; not all the people in Singapore people actually read renotalk? Make a police report, and send the report to CAD and ICA (so that the dossier contains the police report when the PR is up for renewal). Cheers Up!
Yes, and here is him talking about his life story. Enjoy!
Exactly. Enjoy!
So, is there destiny or fate in a person life? Cheers!
Bbc Grand Designs : Selected
Lauer replied to Lauer's topic in Landed & Condo Private Properties Renovation Discussion
Falmouth. (A house built by an interior designer. Lovely girl, isn't she?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrAUXpap0i8&feature=youtube_gdata_player You could see Kathryn's work at: http://www.linea-studio.co.uk/ Enjoy! -
My limited perspective gained exploring the history of China. In short: - In the beginning we have 易, which was and still is about nature. - And then we have 儒家 and 道家, who both embraced 易. And so from 儒家 we have 十翼, from 道家 太极. - And 儒家 won the acceptance of Imperial Court at the reign of 汉武 and dominated the scholastic system over the next thousand of years. - From 道家, 道教 was evolved. - Some researchers, and some FSMs traced the evolution of modern 风水 to 道教. Ancient 风水 only covered burial ground, not house for the living. - 道教 as you know, talks about immortality 长生不死 therefore it 不信天命. So it is not a coincident that FSMs talk about 风水阵法, 破解 basically overcoming something that is supposedly fixed. (I am not saying that all FSMs are practicing 道教) Regardless, everyone is free to pursue his or her belief. Cheers!
知到底有何用? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLbaRoh9wR8&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy!
And a song as you ponder the question 我是谁? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWStRiZ-OCM&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy!
In my layman view, it is really strange how most people approach FS (In the context of people who wrote about their experiences with FS in this forum). My knowledge of Bazi and FS is very limited. I like studying the history of China, and in the process of exploring the Chinese culture the subjects of Bazi and FS are encountered. Basically, in Bazi there is the belief that a person's destiny is imprinted at his or her birth due to the star constellation or alignment at that precise moment. This is his or her 命. A destiny (as in destination) is a journey, and so in his or her life journey there would be the ups and downs. And this is his or her 运. Both 命 and 运 are derived from the Bazi calculation based on the person's his or her birth year, month, day and time. A destiny, as its name implies, is fixed and unchangable. FS is supposed to be the 3rd element that when applied, could help to enhance or mitigate what the person is encountering in the life journey. And therefore we have 一命二运三风水. And so, if you subscribe to the principles or theories of Bazi, you would believe that there is such thing called destiny when you are borned. And when you do believe, then consult the FSM before (yes, before and not after) getting married, choosing or changing a career, buying a house etc. For example in buying a house, I think that the external land conformation of where the house sits has far more significance in term of FS than its interior. It is strange to consult a FSM only before renovating a house, having bought it. Just my 2-cents thought. Cheers!
Got le...I am genuinely curious to know if Secretariat's bazi showed its greatness. TIA! http://yishao.zhang.blog.163.com/blog/static/13878081320102983925285/ 【原创】人类和动物八字的区别 2010-03-09 20:39:25| 分类 八字新理论 | 标签八字 风水 周易 命理 智慧 |举报|字号 订阅 第二节 动物八字与人类八字的区别选自《揭开秘中密》 说起动物八字与人的八字区别这事说起来话就长了。这是一个朋友的恶作剧引起了我对研究这件事的兴趣。 那是在99年秋天的一个晚上我村一易友找我为他查一个八字我问是否他的亲戚的八字他说不是。他不肯透露半点真情他提出了年月日时他说是坤造8月23上午10-12点。 食 杀 月 动 已 癸 丁 丙 卯 酉 亥 午 大运 2 12 22 32 42 52 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 巳 戍 亥 子 丑 寅 卯 胎元甲子命宫丙寅胎元月干进位地支进三位即是 命主丁火日元生于八月杀星呈旺胎元旱刑午酉亥若占三字易自刑日坐空亡酉亥隔角已丙丁又为平头煞杀临月令相生午火之根被亥水克制实在不是好八字月宫犯冲又隔角我断其姐妹2人姊妹3人必先亡或入赘给别人一个并且命数很短二年后必有重灾。我问他断的对否他笑而不答我忽然想到这是不是一个畜生的八字命局与三命通会的论点相合我经过一再三番问他才说是一只羊的八字当时我一听很气恼。后来我想我也可以作为一个研究与人的八字区别的实例吧在以前都未涉及到这些内容也可以从中作试验性的规律总结。 在古籍中对这种理论论述的很少唯有三命通会在论神煞章中写道四柱刑胎父必伤当于母腹便身亡戊辰隔角平头煞指背溅天寿不长。凡刑胎早克父母隔角平头三刑空亡日主无气者多是畜性。 人的八字虽也有早刑父母之事也有夭折早亡的也有兄弟宫带刑冲克害的也有食伤被制聋哑发音不全的也有平头隔角过房的但总的来说都不会占得很全如果几项都占全就会受尽非人之苦无论六亲与食物都很难完美。是否食草动物看是否以木为喜用食肉动物以杀伤为喜用神这里我还不具备这种八字希望有识之士不妨作一试习。 现在都市和乡村都喜欢养一些宠物如猫、狗、鸟、家禽等等。我们要具有一定的选择才可以养使动物的五行与人的五行相合成喜用神或者动物的五行克人命局五行的忌神或与主人的八字互补这样一来养动物就能增加主人的运气这种动物就会成为主人的喜神不但可以给主人带来意外的财官运还可以作为化解消灾的一种方式否则如果主人养殖动物不加选择动物与主人的五行用神相冲克主人不但受不到益处相反主人因养殖此动物后财运或官运衰落甚至走向绝望在主人八字很兴旺的时候往往这些动物受克制难养受到很多患外的伤害一旦为忌神的动物身体状况很好时主人的运气则一落千丈苦不堪言甚至更惨。 在六爻八卦的预测中动物家禽属子孙爻在四柱预测中动物或属于自己的管理范围内的下属奴仆等可看作食伤或财星。在八卦预测中如果子孙爻是生合世爻的那么这个动物对主人有利它可以给主人带来好的运气如果与世爻刑冲破害起坏作用则不利于对此动物的养殖。 在八了预测中如果此动物的属性如猫类虎相戍为狗鱼类辰龙相与命主的喜用神五行相符合食伤在命局中为喜用则此类动物的养殖能起到一定的好作用否则就会起到坏的作用影响主人的运气。虽然动物的寿命是短暂的但他一旦被主人拥有就要起到一定的作用它闯入了你八字财星食伤的范围圈所以它要发挥财或食伤的作用。 如果我们能对动物进行有意识地选择它也可以成为我们改变命运的一个组成部分对我们的命局也会起到一定的作用。这也是我们研究动物八字的意义所在研究它并非为了好奇研究动物的五行规律可以为我们研究五行作一个模拟指导也为我们怎样趋吉避凶提供一些理论依据。 读者朋友你能一眼看出这个八字的六尊师状态吗癸亥、已未、庚申、庚辰大胆些不要怕错。 咨询热线18631932292
With California Chrome's failure in its bid to win the Triple Crown in 36 years, maybe let's look at how Secretariat did it in 1973. By the way, anyone is able to look at its Bazi and see if Secretariat's greatness was destined? Its birthday was March 30, 1970 at 12:10 am in Kentucky, US. TIA!
Li kong "you'll never walk alone"? Oops!
Sueing Condo Developer For Defects
Lauer replied to dhchye's topic in Landed & Condo Private Properties Renovation Discussion
Right. So let say you took delivery of a new car and it turned out to be defective. Totally unsafe to be driven. Now, normally the car dealer would provide a replacement car while the defects are being fixed. The replacement car is the remedy; you could ask for more than an equivalent car, additional compensations etc but this is the negotiation. There is no way LTA would reimburse to you the apportioned road tax paid, or the insurer a part of the premium paid, while the car is off the road. You would have to seek remedy of these from the car dealer. The MCST, via a managing agent it has appointed, is tasked to collect the fees from all sub proprietors for the maintenance of the common property. The MCST is not a party in the dispute related to the unit's defects. But you felt short-changed, and rightfully so since you are unable to enjoy the condo unit purchased. The approach is to claim the maintenance fees paid from the developer as long as the condo unit is under repair. You would have to put this (and other compensations such as rental of an apartment since you couldn't move in etc) in writing to the developer that you intend to claim the fees. There are 3 parties involved in the situation; you the owner, the developer, and the building contractor. My suggestion is to work to get the developer on your side. The developer is also protected from defect liability, it would cost the developer zero to get the defects fixed by the contractor. Having said so, I have met project managers (of developers) who know nothing much of their jobs, who basically take 'instruction' from the contractor. Hopefully the project manager in your case is knowledgeable and responsible. Cheers! (And a video for the day, a detour from music.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIWJEYB88XU&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy! -
No FS got music. Enjoy!
Sueing Condo Developer For Defects
Lauer replied to dhchye's topic in Landed & Condo Private Properties Renovation Discussion
I don't know if the handling of defects liability is the same for public condo, as for private condo? But the advice from URA is:http://www.ura.gov.sg/lad/HBG/movingIn.htm What is not too clear is (1) if you choose to engage your own renovation contractor to rectify the problem(s), does this act waive the developer's liability (2) what is the remedy to you if the rectification (by any one) is taking longer than what is deemed reasonable? Consult your lawyer for the answers. In my 2-cents view, there is no point being confrontational under the circumstance. Especially to the worker(s) tasked to remedy the defects. It is just the luck of the draw; it is frustrating to get a defective unit but get it over and fixed. The maintenance you are paying contributed to the cost of maintaining the common property with a percentage goes to the building sinking fund. Not towards your unit. Good luck! -
Bbc Grand Designs : Selected
Lauer replied to Lauer's topic in Landed & Condo Private Properties Renovation Discussion
Cumbria. (It is strange to build and bury a house. Of all things they experience living inside it, I am curious of how the house smell like inside.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTGnnQWNekA&feature=youtube_gdata_player Cheers! -
It is not common to see skirting for tiling done outdoor.I would recommend skirting done; I always did. It costs a bit more to do it (material, workmanship) but the tiled area would look far nicer and cleaner. (Just like one would look nicer wearing a collared t-shirt than a non-collared.) Also, because of the ground moisture the edge tends to 'decay' faster than the body of the wall. Having a skirting would eliminate this issue. Just my 2-cents thought. Cheers!